Shamanic Prophecies Of The XXI Century - Alternative View

Shamanic Prophecies Of The XXI Century - Alternative View
Shamanic Prophecies Of The XXI Century - Alternative View

Video: Shamanic Prophecies Of The XXI Century - Alternative View

Video: Shamanic Prophecies Of The XXI Century - Alternative View
Video: Edgar Cayce's Amazing Interpretation of The Book Of Revelation 2024, September

Foretellers and prophets have lived on Earth at all times. For some, their divinations were a reason for deep thought about life, for others they were just an opportunity to satisfy their curiosity, but others did not want to hear anything at all or were too skeptical. But no matter what criticism the prophecies undergo, the fact remains - many of them have already been reflected in reality and, judging by the changes taking place in the world, even more of them are destined to come true in the near future …

There are a number of global predictions that indicate the coming catastrophic changes. The well-known Michel Nostradamus in his "Centuries" predicted the uncertainty of the historical process of development since 2001, and Jose Arguelles, a researcher of civilizations of pre-Columbian America, calculated on the basis of the ancient Indian calendar the coming of the end of the galactic wave in 2011, which is a life-giving, spiritual substance that comes to Earth from space. Although it is possible to counterbalance this horror with the harmony and love of the coming era of Aquarius, which began according to classical Western astrology in 2002, but something is not yet very noticeable of this mutual understanding and peace between people.

At the moment, many seers are known, but I want to hear the voice of other prophets, little known, but who are worthy of great trust. This special category is made up of shamanic soothsayers (a shaman is a person engaged in spiritual practices and who is an intermediary between the world of spirits and the world of people). What exactly they portend, we will find out further, but for now we will dilute the heated atmosphere with a small story about a rather amusing messianic teaching that spread in the early 40s of the XX century.

In the history of mankind, there have always been enough charlatans and amateurs in any field of activity. And mentoring on the path to the divine is no exception. The original messiah John Fram, a preacher of new life on the Isle of Tana, predicted a cataclysm would come if the white people did not leave the original Aboriginal lands. In order to achieve the departure of foreigners, he called for getting rid of money, and when the last whites go home, since no one will buy anything from them, then ancient customs will be restored again, and people will acquire all conceivable and inconceivable benefits inherent, oddly enough, of the European civilization. And, probably, in order to certainly cause fun in a civilized person, the prophecy says that these benefits will be delivered by plane from America. By the way,it was the waiting for the plane that gave this movement the name "Cargo Cult".

Well, on the one hand, it's really funny, but on the other, it's sad. In the hope of a brighter future, people easily succumbed to the temptation of the simplicity of achieving it. Material values became paramount for them, and culture, traditions and understanding receded into the background, giving way to an absurd belief in a divine plane.

Many centuries ago, an event very similar to what happened happened to most of humanity. People, longing for the wealth of this world and the kingdom over it, forgot about nature, choosing the technological path of development. Extensive knowledge of the subtle planes of being required constant contact with the spirit (to maintain and expand the creative capabilities of a person), but this did not give quick fruits and results. Gradually, knowledge about the true nature of things began to be lost, and then completely forgotten.

This situation persists even now - human needs are growing every day, therefore, it is necessary to be more and more perverted, inventing a "better life" and exhausting the forces of Mother Earth. But how can you take her life and flourish on your own? Of course not. We are inextricably linked with it and mutually influence each other. It is not known what will become of humanity if it does not change its attitude to Nature.

Although why is it not known? For example, the shaman Cree Agnes Swift Elk in her address to people says: “What does the great Mother Earth dream about when she slowly turns in her sleep? There seems to be no end or end to this dark night. But one morning she will wake up, straighten her shoulders, be surprised and angry, because the bones of her body have been pulled apart cell by cell. The dark night inside each of us, the night that we cannot know, will be broken like an arrow if we do not awaken with it. What will her great earthly body want from us? When she bleeds to cleanse herself, will she remember who we are?"

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Goosebumps run on my skin and my hair stands on end from this. But isn't this already happening now? Doesn't the media report floods, volcanic awakenings, droughts and other natural disasters? By the way, a very interesting prophecy about this was made by the shaman Elvil, the author of nine books about shamanism and spiritual understanding of the world around him, publishing his works under the pseudonym Olard Dixon. This shaman, plus everything, is the leader of the Raven clan movement, whose teachings are spread from Chukotka to the Kola Peninsula and whose adherents number about a thousand people.

On July 7, 2002, Elvil had a vision: “I saw a giant looking to the North. One leg was in Europe, and the other in Asia. And I realized that I am this giant. The sky parted, and hands held out to me a wooden bowl, filled to the brim with water. I accepted the cup, and water flowed out of it in two streams. One stream merged with the rivers of Europe, and the other with the rivers of Asia. There was more and more water in the rivers. Here the rivers overflowed their banks, and the flood began. People fled in panic from the advancing water, but many of them drowned. Then a voice came from heaven: "The warning has come true!" But people were so busy saving their property that no one heard these words."

Then you can quickly look through the chronicle of the events noted in the media and took place in the second half of 2002: July 7 - flood from the flooding of rivers in the Kuban; July 8 - tsunami in Japan; August 7 - tornadoes, torrential rains and floods in the North Caucasus (Krasnodar Territory); August 12 - Heavy showers, hail, snow and global floods in the UK, Austria, Germany and other European countries. The list goes on, but is it worth it?

Let's take a quick look at the forecast of events for the 21st century, recorded by the shaman Elvil, however, without exact dating when this will happen. The prophecies begin with the line: "Creation of the Union of Slavic States and its disintegration." Then follow: the collapse of Russia with the formation of many independent states in the Far East and Siberia; the collapse of the Russian economy and the economic rise of the breakaway states; wars between breakaway states, etc.

Olard Elville Dixon talks about the imminent adoption of the law on voluntary departure from life. By the way, among the northern peoples this was practiced until recently, and according to some information, it is still the case. The old people, feeling the approaching weakness, asked their loved ones to strangle them with a lasso, so that the soul would have the strength to successfully overcome obstacles on the way to the afterlife.

Shaman writes about the emergence of new, resistant to the effects of viruses (as a result of mutations already known) and about revolutionary discoveries in medicine and physics; and the creation of an artificial man; and the discovery of the presence of other forms of life on Earth; and the collapse of modern theories of human origins; and about an increase in life expectancy with a simultaneous decrease in the birth rate … The correctness of the last point is confirmed by the words of another shaman - Koryak Kochap Tykentekiev, who said that the strength of a people lies not in its large numbers, but in the health of each of its members.

The prophet and clairvoyant of the Mountain Brotherhood Indian Robert the Wolf Ghost writes about how Nature will answer for man's disrespect for the world around him: “At the beginning of the 21st century, catastrophic changes await the world. Dozens of volcanoes will simultaneously wake up due to the displacement of the Earth's magnetic poles. Their ashes will cover the Sun for several months, and the polar winter will begin. The eruption of volcanoes in the Pacific Ocean will cause the water to rise up to a hundred meters. The earth will plunge into chaos, and it will happen very soon.

There will be three warnings in the beginning. If humanity does not change its mind and does not learn to live and think in harmony with nature, then most of it will perish either in fire or in water. " And the Koryak shaman Kochap Tykentekyev says in a mischievous way in confirmation of his words: "… Only those who can start all over again, who have the right to live and continue their kind, will remain. Let's hope that they will not repeat mistakes and will honor the laws of the Spirit, because that they are given to all for the good."

Similar information about the displacement of the Earth's magnetic poles is found in the prophecies of Olard Elvil Dixon, and in the so-called "Appeal of the International Brotherhood of Shamanic Clans to the inhabitants of the Earth." In general, the pole shift as a fact has a scientific basis and is confirmed by many scientists around the world. Some of them completely share the opinion of the shamans-prophets and, based on their predictions, give their own explanation of the reasons for the impending danger.

For example, the Russian scientist A. N. Dmitriev, who deals with issues of global ecology, believes that the tragedy will be provoked by the industrial power of the United States, which have completely forgotten about spirituality and thereby pushed away cosmic energy (that very galactic wave of Jose Arguelles. To the States, rather of all, and the first, and therefore, the most powerful blow of the natural disaster will collapse. Things will be different in Siberia and the Far East. This region absorbs the energy of the Cosmos and therefore is a favorable place for all forms of life. this is connected with the future prosperity of Asia as a center of culture, on which many prophets insist, and not only shamans.

Many are afraid of shamans and do not trust them. This is because most do not know that the philosophy of these mystics is an effective teaching about the forces of Nature, based on the knowledge of its deepest aspects. “Judge by your actions and language,” the wise say. Is it possible for a person with "devilish faith", as some believe, to absorb the grief of another and "burn" it in his heart, relieving the suffering of the offended, without expecting anything in return. This is the essence of the whole trend of shamanism.

The power of shamans has always been reflected in incredible stories. They say that for a very long time they could even fly through the air. The shamans themselves report that this is not an idle invention - just before people lived with the Spirit, and not with machines. Archaeological excavations and anthropological studies have shown that the ancients, not knowing the wheel and iron, nevertheless carried out the most complex operations on the brain and possessed knowledge not available to modern scientists. With each new century, this knowledge is all removed and removed from descendants.

Today the shamanic world is waiting for the second return to Earth of the First Heavenly Shaman. According to the son of a German shaman Vasily Baatagay: “We are expecting a small child with a white eye. Somewhere he must be born soon. " It turns out that higher powers give people the opportunity to correct themselves, since they send a new enlightener of humanity and, as Elvil specifies, he must come from Russia. The same prophecy speaks of his martyrdom. A similar divination comes from the Apache shaman John Running, only it appears in an even darker light: “Before the end of the world there will be a powerful earthquake, as a result of which hundreds of thousands of people will die. Then the war will begin, and the moon will turn red and disappear from the firmament. A prophet will come and preach a new teaching. For some he will become the messiah, while others will call him the Antichrist. " Well,this has already happened more than once. A striking example of this is Jesus, crucified with the sign "King of the Jews" under the screams and blasphemy of the crowd.

Here it is appropriate to turn again to the prophecies of Elville, who predicts a shift in emphasis towards Asia, a global decrease in the role of the Orthodox Church, its transformation and internal split.

So, following shamanic revelations, we came to the very edge of the abyss, from the blackness of which our actions and thoughts look at us through the eyes of predators. They inevitably creep up to us to appear in all their awesome grandeur. What is capable of withstanding these monsters, if not the fire of Heaven and the water of the Earth, ready to incinerate and dissolve our deeds in themselves?

Here is what the clairvoyant shamans prophesy to us: “A comet will fall to the ground in the North Atlantic,” says John Running. Unprecedented hurricanes will begin, and giant waves will hit all coastal areas, leading to the death of 2.3 million people. The planet will leave its orbit, I will plunge into the ice. All living things will perish."

The famous writer Vladimir Khristoforov, who is the last guardian of ice sarcophagi - tombs of shamans on the Chukotka Peninsula, also points to the possibility of a space invasion: "On February 1, 2019, an asteroid will approach the Earth, which can cause a shift of the magnetic poles and a flood, even if it passes by." Humanity, according to shamans, needs a shake-up for the world to be renewed.

The Tuvan shaman from the Tos Dzer society "(" Nine Heavens ") Albina Tava-Sambu says:" The main vice of people is the lack of awareness of their actions. They need to stop at least for a moment and think about what they are doing, remember their roots and nature ".

Maybe it is still worth listening to what the Cosmos whispers to us through the lips of these seers and, joining forces, try to ward off the danger hanging over the planet, which gave us shelter in this great endless ocean called the Universe?

S. Spirin