Is It Possible To Learn Slavic Magic, Conspiracies And Rituals? - Alternative View

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Is It Possible To Learn Slavic Magic, Conspiracies And Rituals? - Alternative View
Is It Possible To Learn Slavic Magic, Conspiracies And Rituals? - Alternative View

Video: Is It Possible To Learn Slavic Magic, Conspiracies And Rituals? - Alternative View

Video: Is It Possible To Learn Slavic Magic, Conspiracies And Rituals? - Alternative View
Video: 9 Riddles Only People with High IQ Can Solve 2024, September

There are many rumors about those people who can create Slavic magic, knows conspiracies and helps people. The Knowers themselves have always lived in solitude, from which people do not know much about them. Stories about their magical power are passed from mouth to mouth and overgrown with riddles. Is it true that only a hereditary sorcerer can engage in magic, or is this craft available to everyone?

This question is asked by many who want to learn northern magic. Let's talk about how our grandfathers and grandmothers learned Slavic magic, conspiracies, and how you can now learn this craft.

What do the north say about how to learn magic?

In the old days, each village had its own Knower, or a witch doctor, or a witch doctor. Apparently, therefore, people used to know about who was open to Slavic magic, conspiracies and rituals. There were many stories that this gift is passed on at birth. That's right, but they only talked about sorcerers and witches. They said differently about good healers and knowledgeable people.

Altar for Slavic magic, conspiracies according to the northern tradition
Altar for Slavic magic, conspiracies according to the northern tradition

Altar for Slavic magic, conspiracies according to the northern tradition

Listen to what the people said about the healer, what words they called his work. This man "gets along", "rules", "whispers to the water", if he possesses the ability to tie a magic knot, they said "nauzit". Slavic magic, old conspiracies and helping people were work for the Knower, the same as, say, for the current doctor. Do you need to have talent for that? Well, if you have one. However, you can learn a lot with your diligence and work.

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Where did the stories of the Clans of the Northern Knowers come from?

Maybe an inquisitive person has another question: where did the stories about the birth of strong healers come from, who do good fortune-telling? Slavic magic, conspiracies were previously treated as a craft, albeit different from the skill of a carpenter or spinner. Every craft was previously passed on from father to son, from mother to daughter. The student looked at the work of a healer or a witch doctor, he himself tried something, adopted simple techniques. We studied so slowly, for many years.

Traditions of Slavic magic, conspiracies are still alive in the North
Traditions of Slavic magic, conspiracies are still alive in the North

Traditions of Slavic magic, conspiracies are still alive in the North

It also happened that the Knower conveyed the secrets of Slavic magic, conspiracies to a person not from his own Family. Especially if the woman does not have daughters or if they left for a new family and chose a different path for themselves or if the man does not have a son, that he is ready to take over the craft. The knowledge of the Known in the north was especially appreciated, it is not a matter, if they disappear, they will not pass to another person. Then the Knower took the student into the house, ready to learn his craft.

How to learn Slavic magic, conspiracies and rituals to learn now?

So is it possible to learn northern divination? If you have carefully read the story about our traditions, it is true that you can already answer your question. Slavic magic, conspiracies, every person can learn, if he has such a desire, patience and diligence, but there is a Knowing that he will transfer his knowledge.

Not every person can go to reserved places, to remote villages, where the Knowers still live, and learn their skills for many years. Therefore, the "Northern Tale" opens the ancient secrets in its books, so that Slavic magic, conspiracies, become available to people.


Some of you will say that you cannot learn everything in a book, you knew how to read and write in the north and in past centuries, but knowledge was passed on from mouth to mouth, looking into the eyes of the students. It is true, there are such techniques in divination that cannot be described in the book. For example, how to convey on paper how the Leader's voice should sound while reading conspiratorial words? However, now they help us in that and webinars, thanks to which Slavic magic, conspiracies, people in all corners of our land learn.

Is this way of transmitting ancient knowledge permissible? Decide for yourself, we told that we ourselves know about it.
