The Mystery Of The Missing Brain Of The Assassinated US President John F. Kennedy - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Missing Brain Of The Assassinated US President John F. Kennedy - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Missing Brain Of The Assassinated US President John F. Kennedy - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Missing Brain Of The Assassinated US President John F. Kennedy - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Missing Brain Of The Assassinated US President John F. Kennedy - Alternative View
Video: Assassination of John F. Kennedy (1963) 2024, July

US President John F. Kennedy died on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas. He was shot in the head with a gun, and the gunman was a loner Lee Harvey Oswald. This is the official version (which, according to polls, 70% of Americans do not believe).

They shot at Kennedy twice, the first bullet hit in the back and exited through the neck, the second hit in the head and knocked out part of the brain into the car. It was the second wound that turned out to be fatal, and at that moment Kennedy's brain itself became the most important piece of evidence.

John F. Kennedy moments before the fatal shots
John F. Kennedy moments before the fatal shots

John F. Kennedy moments before the fatal shots.

The details of the president's autopsy are unknown to the general public, but his brain was removed for some purpose from the skull and, after Kennedy's body was buried, was stored in a separate steel box in the White House security office.

And in 1965, the brain was taken from there and moved to the National Archives, according to rumors, it was done by John F. Kennedy's brother, Robert. But a few months later, during a routine check of the archive, it was found out that the brain was gone from there too. Many archive workers were interviewed, but no one knew where the brain went.

Since then, the whereabouts of Kennedy's brain have remained unknown or classified, and no fewer theories have been created about his disappearance than about the Kennedy assassination itself.

Robert Kennedy was assassinated in 1968 and, according to documents later revealed, it was he who ordered the removal of the brain from the National Archives. But where he later moved it, it was not indicated. In the archive, the box with Kennedy's brain was kept in a special room, access to which was only available to John F. Kennedy's assistant Evelyn Lincoln, who during his lifetime was in charge of his things.


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In 1965, Robert Kennedy called Lincoln and said that he was sending his secretary, Angela Novello, to retrieve the brain container. Novello arrived at the premises with Herman Kahn, the archivist of the President's library, they took the brain box and no one else saw it.

According to one version, the brain was hidden to prevent "organ misuse," according to another, to prevent the exposure of certain things that no one should have learned.

What were these things? Someone suggests that narcotic substances could persist in the president's brain tissues, and with the current level of research, this would be revealed quickly and the whole world would know that the US president was taking drugs.

According to another version, the remnants of the brain could show that the official version with the lone Oswald was incorrect and the bullet hit the president's brain not from his rifle.

Another version suggests that John F. Kennedy had a dangerous illness and was secretly taking medications, traces of which could also be found when examining his brain.