The Immortal Alchemist Jean-Julien Fulcanelli - Alternative View

The Immortal Alchemist Jean-Julien Fulcanelli - Alternative View
The Immortal Alchemist Jean-Julien Fulcanelli - Alternative View

Video: The Immortal Alchemist Jean-Julien Fulcanelli - Alternative View

Video: The Immortal Alchemist Jean-Julien Fulcanelli - Alternative View
Video: Fulcanelli et le mystère des cathédrales | O.M.T. 2024, October

In the first half of the twentieth century, a man appeared in Europe who called himself Jean Julien Fulcanelli. This would not be anything special, but the fact is that by that time the real Fulcanelli, according to official information, had already died! Although there are those who doubt it … One way or another, Fulcanelli's personality remains a mystery to this day.

Official sources indicate that Jean Julien Fulcanelli (Julien Champagne) was born on January 23, 1877 in Paris, died on August 26, 1932, and was buried in the Arnome le Gonesse cemetery. His books "Philosophical Dwelling", "The Rise of Magic", "The Mystery of the Cathedral" contained many alchemical recipes.

Fulcanelli's students were the French esotericists Jules Boche and Eugene Canzalier. They claimed that their mentor knew the secret of physical reincarnation, which makes a person immortal. According to Canzaglier, Fulcanelli in 1922 gave him some powders with which this reincarnation was carried out. Canzalier himself did not dare to use miraculous means, and Fulcanelli disappeared in 1926 …

Meanwhile, a man named Fulcanelli has been met in various cities in Europe for many years after the official death of Champagne. Father Albert Spragius, who was familiar with him, from Salt Lake City, dedicated his book The Alchemist of the Rocky Mountains to Fulcanelli. In it, Spragius wrote that in 1937 the great alchemist turned 2 kilograms of lead into gold and 100 grams of silver into uranium, using an "unknown substance" for this, which, according to Fulcanelli, was a derivative of pyrite.

In June 1937, a young French chemist Jean Berger worked as an assistant to the famous professor of physics and chemistry André Helbronner in Frankfurt. Once a man with a respectable appearance came to him and asked to convey a message to Helbronner. He said that it is necessary to warn the world against the use of atomic energy. Although only a narrow circle of people knew that Helbronner was dealing with this problem, the stranger turned out to be very well aware of the scientist's experiments and wrote to him: “A few grams of metal can be used to build a bomb that in a few seconds will blow entire cities to smithereens. The alchemists have known this for a long time."

The letter also mentioned the element plutonium, discovered only in 1941 by the physicist Glen Seaborg from California (initially they wanted to call it "plutium"). According to Berger, the mysterious visitor was Fulcanelli.


In a conversation, he told the young scientist that alchemy provides for the possibility of creating a force field based on the combination of matter and energy. A person who managed to create such a field sees the world not from a limited point of view, like most people, but as it really is. In alchemy, such a state is called "Great Creation", in it space, time, matter and energy are fused together. This leads to a holistic perception of reality.

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Of course, Berger passed the letter and the information given to him to Helbronner. But this could not stop the development of practical research in the field of nuclear physics, and in 1945, 8 years after the landmark meeting, the Americans conducted the first atomic bomb test in New Mexico. And then the tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki followed …

There is evidence that Fulcanelli survived the Second World War. Then his trace is lost …

Eugène Canzalier said that when he was an assistant to Fulcanelli, he was already 80 years old, but he clearly did not look his age. After 30 years, the former student again met with his mentor, and he looked like he was 50 years old, like Cançalier himself. By the way, the latter has his own version of the dates of Fulcanelli's life: 1839 - about 1953. At the same time, Kansalye admits that the exact date of the death of the mentor is still unknown to him.

It is impossible not to notice that Fulcanelli's personality has a lot in common with another famous European esotericist - Comte de Saint-Germain. Like Fulcanelli, no one knows Saint-Germain's real name. Both - Saint Germain and Fulcanelli - were fond of the secret sciences, and especially alchemy. Both assured that they had the elixir of eternal youth. According to official figures, the count was born in 1710 and died in 1784. But he was also met later, in different places and under different names. He was last seen not so long ago. Like Fulcanelli, his appearance did not change over the years, thanks to which he was recognizable after many years. Sometimes he disappeared for a long time, then reappeared. Could these two people be the same person? In any case, this is possible, because Saint-Germain often changed his name …

However, according to one of the versions, Julien Champagne was just one of Fulcanelli's students and after the death of the teacher he took his name … And Genevieve Dubois in the book "Fulcanelli Unveiled" comes to the conclusion that under the pseudonym Fulcanelli three alchemists were hiding at once - Champagne, Pierre Dujol and Rene Schwalle de Lubitz. It is possible that more versions will appear in the future …