Inappropriate Artifacts And Facts: Why Do Scientists Turn A Blind Eye To The Inexplicable? - Alternative View

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Inappropriate Artifacts And Facts: Why Do Scientists Turn A Blind Eye To The Inexplicable? - Alternative View
Inappropriate Artifacts And Facts: Why Do Scientists Turn A Blind Eye To The Inexplicable? - Alternative View

Video: Inappropriate Artifacts And Facts: Why Do Scientists Turn A Blind Eye To The Inexplicable? - Alternative View

Video: Inappropriate Artifacts And Facts: Why Do Scientists Turn A Blind Eye To The Inexplicable? - Alternative View
Video: Baffling Ancient Artefacts Found In Coal...Incredible, They Are Far Older Than We Thought 2024, September

He who has eyes will not see

Naturalist Ivan Sanderson became famous in the last century for his outstanding books and publications in the press about his travels. He also attracted the public's attention with interesting performances on television and radio, talking about unsolved secrets and unusual phenomena. At the same time, the writer introduced the term, invented by him: "inappropriate artifact". This concept is still widely used today. It is intended to denote a certain object, paleontological or archaeological, the existence of which, from the point of view of official science, is simply impossible.

Such material entities, as it were, are, but they prefer to ignore them, keeping silent from comments. And the lack of conclusions on some facts is far from always beneficial. Gaps in knowledge do not provide an opportunity to develop certain areas of knowledge, since too serious scientists, at their own discretion, separate the possible from the unacceptable.

Sanderson himself at one time amassed a huge collection of such artifacts. One of them was an ancient Indian coin decoration. This story happened during the excavation of ancient burials in 1965. The mentioned value was taken from the ground, where it was believed to have lain for about four centuries. Such finds are not uncommon for medieval tombs. However, the curiosity is that the coins, on closer inspection, turned out to be US currencies of the same year of issue.

How could such an object be in the past? And even on a subject that died centuries ago! The newspapers explained this by the cheerful disposition of the students who took part in this archaeological event. They were simply accused of a bad joke. However, a certain Mr. Zibra did not accept this state of affairs. He seriously considered the ridiculous situation to be the intrigues of aliens, which he officially stated in his publication.

The skeptics' reaction to the above story is easy to predict. Naturally, without any hesitation, any sane person will consider Zibra's hypothesis absurd, and suggest that its author turn to a psychiatrist. Isn't all this really reasonable?

But it was easy for the inhabitants of the last century to reason in this way. And the difficulty is that by the 21st century, too many such obscenely irrelevant facts had accumulated. Moreover, with the development of technical capabilities, humanity has a chance to look a little further than its own nose. And skeptics find it increasingly difficult to provide sound explanations for such absurdities.

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Inherited in history

Homo sapiens spread widely throughout the world, according to official scientific data, only forty thousand years ago. But, in that case, how to explain the local attraction of one of the villages of Tanzania? This trail is made of clay, which, according to scientists, was petrified four million years before the appearance of ancient people. In it, clearly visible, traces of two pairs of human legs were frozen. They are of the most common form, and could have belonged to any of our contemporaries, if not for their statute of limitations. The usual, perhaps even similar to us, men and women left their "marks in history". And this happened in those days when, as every zealous schoolchild can attest, even Pithecanthropus did not walk around the world. Such a find was made by a paleontological expedition in 1977. But the interest of tourists in the inappropriate artifact still continues.

The CIA launches its claws into the past

During the Cold War, flying objects of obscure origin and strange glow in the Soviet Union were considered to be American spy satellites that invaded the country. And everyone who doubted this was called CIA agents. This is clear! Only it is not clear what the "enemies of the Soviet people" were doing in the Kirillo-Belozersky monastery in the 17th century? In August 1667, the inhabitants of this quiet haven witnessed a huge, brightly glowing, unidentified object located above the surface of the peaceful surrounding waters. The strange vision flickered and moved, changing direction and trajectory, as evidenced by the written testimony of the monks who decided to convey the story of the miraculous phenomenon to posterity.

"CIA agents", apparently, took root and operated at the beginning of our era in an Indian temple near the city of Bombay, the chronicles of which, passed down through the generations, brought to modern people information about a mysterious apparatus that absorbs solar energy and can fly. A clay tablet left by the abbot of the temple shows drawings of an airplane that was functioning more than a millennium ago.

It is more difficult to explain by espionage a fragment of an ancient helicopter recovered from the cultural layer of the beginning of the era. The find was discovered by archaeologists on the island of Crete in 1995.

The history of the village of Shuknavolok in Karelia is full of strange phenomena. The settlement is a kind of anomalous zone. Inexplications began to occur in these places from the very moment when, at the beginning of the last century, a ten-meter cylindrical object fell in the vicinity of the settlement, from the tail of which sparks fell and a flame was ignited.

From that day on, a "water" settled in the lake nearby: a small creature of one meter height with a large head, flimsy arms and legs. And, unexpectedly descending on the village, a dense black cloud embodied in a viscous substance. The substance turned out to be harmless, and even for a long time it was used by the villagers as a medicine. The old-timers gradually got used to the local oddities. True, they are saddened that it is still completely impossible to watch TV in this zone: there is noise all over the screen. Although in neighboring villages nothing of the kind is observed.

Experiment "Phoenix"

The adherents of official science consider the "irrelevance" of artifacts found in many places on planet Earth as a consequence of a deliberate hoax or the desire of the population to take the illusory for reality. For the previously mentioned incident from the Sanders collection with an ancient Indian decoration from modern coins, there are many explanations. Quite logical of them is the movement in time of the object itself, dug out of the graves, or perhaps the owner of banknotes, who somehow ended up in the 16th century.

The very possibility of transformation within the space-time continuum has confirmation from other sources. Someone Al Bilek, an engineer from America, told reporters in 1992 that he had become a participant in the Phoenix scientific experiment, as a result of which he was placed inside a magnetron and visited the past. He returned back to the present, as if nothing had happened, not discovering any changes in his physical and mental state. However, the "victim of science" claims that before the transformation began, his name was Edward Cameron. But the name was completely erased in the new-found reality. It is not mentioned in the documents or in any other sources. Where Al Bilek visited and whether the experiment codenamed "Phoenix" existed, it was not possible to find out. However, it is possible that all the events described above took place in a parallel universe.
