Miracle In The Temple Of Sredneuralsk - Alternative View

Miracle In The Temple Of Sredneuralsk - Alternative View
Miracle In The Temple Of Sredneuralsk - Alternative View

So recently, they noticed that liquid seemingly oozes in a small stream on the canvas. Have a closer look. Indeed, small drops appeared on the icon.

- I immediately shared what happened with our Vladyka Vikentiy, - says Father Vyacheslav (Ivanov). - But he did not begin to make official statements, so I also decided not to dwell on the miraculous sign yet …

Iconostasis in memory of his son

Father shows us his modest wooden church on the outskirts of Sredneuralsk. The small temple, which was rebuilt several years ago, was given the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Until recently, it was completely empty, but the parishioners began to bring icons from home. On Orthodox holidays, there was nowhere for an apple to fall - the people fell in love with the church.

- Once a couple came to me - a husband and wife. They told what a disaster happened in their family, - says father Vyacheslav. - In early September 2006, their son Vasily left for a session in London. It was there that the tragedy happened. He, a young guy, had a heart failure, he died of a stroke. It was a severe blow for the parents … After the funeral months passed, they decided to go to church. They told me that they wanted to erect an iconostasis here in memory of their deceased son.

The father did not expect such an offer, he agreed without further ado

- And they also asked to install an icon of the righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye here.

It was she who soon became peaceful …

Promotional video:

Sign from above

- This icon, here is myrrh … - to make the miracle better visible, the priest turns on the light, then carefully brushes it off the image of the drop.

- Why did the boy's parents decide to present this particular icon to the temple? - we ask the abbot.

- The fact is that the deceased Vasily always carried with him a tiny icon of Simeon Verkhotursky, they gave it to him for his birthday. Therefore, the parents ordered the artist to paint exactly the same icon, only magnified tenfold.

Since the iconostasis was installed in the church and the icon was hung, this couple began to come here regularly. A man and a woman could silently stand for hours at the icon of Simeon of Verkhotursky with burning candles in their hands and pray for their son.

So recently, they noticed that liquid seemingly oozes in a small stream on the canvas. Have a closer look. Indeed, small drops appeared on the icon.

“This is a sign from above,” they turned to the abbot. - After all, the icon cried on the day of the death of our son …

The crisis has reached the church

A year ago, when the couple presented the church with the iconostasis and this icon, they asked the abbot to keep their names secret.

“They are just very modest people who have suffered great pain,” says Father Vyacheslav.

- They say that when the icons cry, it is a bad sign. Maybe this is due to the latest tragic events - the war in Ossetia, the plane crash in Perm?

“I don’t think so. In general, I think that this is not a bad omen, but a kind and wonderful sign. Perhaps the construction of a large temple for the residents of Sredneuralsk will soon get off the ground. Due to the crisis, we cannot even pay the workers' wages. And this is 50 thousand rubles …

Dear Readers!

If you can help Father Vyacheslav, please contact the temple at the address: Sredneuralsk, st. Kalinin, 16.


Where do we still have icons streaming myrrh

Three years ago in Yekaterinburg, on the eve of the feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, an icon of the Holy Royal Passion-Bearers was pacified in the Church of the Nativity of Christ. This happened after the festive liturgy, at the moment when the parish rector was releasing birds - waxwings and goldfinches.

The icon of St. Seraphim of Sarov was pacified in the Church on the Blood in 2003, and on the eve of that in the Yekaterinburg diocese the icon "Satisfy my sorrows" was crying in St. John the Baptist Cathedral of the Ural capital.

In the Holy Trinity Church of Alapaevsk, an icon of the Martyr Nun Varvara is streaming myrrh, and in the village of Pokrovsky - a shrine with the image of Alexander Nevsky. And this is not a complete list of miracles …


"Crying" because of the humidity in the room"

- Many scientists understood the phenomenon of “crying” icons. In the USA, for example, the observations of one physicist led to an unexpected decision: he wanted to open a factory for the production of "crying" icons! The man claimed that he would soon patent a new toy. The whole secret lies in transparent salt crystals, which first absorb moisture from the air, and then release it in the form of drops, - Ural physicist Rodion BRESHT told KP

- Sometimes icons are given away as “crying” its simple fogging up - when many believers gather in a cold church, drops of water appear on the surface of the image from their breath. As for the case in Sredneuralsk, here everything is also extremely simple. The temple is wooden, at the beginning of autumn it rained, it was damp. Humidity immediately appeared in the church, and then in the form of drops on the icon. Now, as I understand it, only dry stains remain from the "miracle".