Are Aliens Killing Thousands Of Livestock To Create Human Hybrids? - Alternative View

Are Aliens Killing Thousands Of Livestock To Create Human Hybrids? - Alternative View
Are Aliens Killing Thousands Of Livestock To Create Human Hybrids? - Alternative View

Video: Are Aliens Killing Thousands Of Livestock To Create Human Hybrids? - Alternative View

Video: Are Aliens Killing Thousands Of Livestock To Create Human Hybrids? - Alternative View
Video: Gravitas: Scientists inject human cells into Monkey's embryo 2024, September

The long history of cattle mutilation continues today. However, not a single person or predatory animal that caused injuries has yet been caught.

Animal mutilation has never stopped, it is only reported less in the news, so it seems to us that there are fewer of them. And the epidemic of injuries is still happening all over the world, and no explanation has been found for this. UFOs have always been spotted in these areas, some of which even fired lasers at animals (as farmers will attest).

Perhaps they are studying how environmental pollution (water, air, food) affects the biology of living things, but I do not think there is a connection with the creation of alien human hybrids. Aliens are experimenting directly on humans, but they are doing something with cattle when they are doing their experiments to integrate other alien races into the human population in order to adapt to Earth's environment when threatened.

By Scott S. Waring

The material says the following.

Why are thousands of cows found with surgically precise incisions only in certain locations? The vital organs of cattle are not only removed, but the bodies are also drained of blood. After the carcass is removed from the farms, the cattle seem to be returned and thrown to the left side.

Chuck Zhukovski, 58, UFO hunter, has been searching for 30 years. He says this is probably the work of aliens.

Previously, he was a microchip engineer, but took up research into paranormal incidents. He has over 1000 cases in his collection. He explains: “Since 1967, there have been over 10,000 cases reported in the United States. But in none of them has a single person ever been caught or sent to prison. There are no footprints around the animals and they appear to have been dropped from great heights. There is no evidence of a predator or human attack. The likelihood that this is an alien case is increasing. And this is not old news, this is what is happening right now."

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But the first known case happened two centuries ago, on April 21, 1897. Alexander Hamilton, a well-known statesman, said that he was awakened at night by "loud chanting sounds" that came from his barnyard. He went outside with two men and watched the "airship" in the yard of his house.

He denies that humans can do this because most of the people on the farms where the animals were found were very puzzled. Zhukovsky's research is explored in a new book, The 37th Parallel, which came out last week.

Zhukowski says: “Every animal is taken from location A, brought to location B and returned back to location A. Colorado law allows herders to shoot people who steal livestock on their land. So stealing cows in the first place is a bold act, but how to explain the return of carcasses back? You just wouldn't do it."

It should also be noted that a number of UFO sightings and cattle mutilations in the United States occur along the "highway" that aliens use - this is the 37th latitude or parallel, and always close to water. Zhukovski explains: “I think there is some pattern of action, because many injuries occur in or near latitude 37 and also near water. This is something like a "highway" that aliens use, moving from east to west. For some reason, aliens need water. I think it might be because of the hydrogen."

This has not only been observed in recent years, Zhukovsky added. Even native Indians are turning to "star travelers". Places of power such as Chaco Canyon and Cahokia have also been found on the same latitude line.

However, skeptics have some explanations as well. Chris O'Brien, a cattle mutilation researcher for two decades, disagrees with Zhukovsky.

"Why would the representatives of extraterrestrial intelligence need to fly several light years to end up in the pastures of our planet, where they collect ingredients for stew from lips and testes?" he asks. "It just doesn't make sense."

He believes that the murders are committed by some agency to prevent spongiform encephalopathy, or mad cow disease. Another Colorado veterinarian, Truman Smith, is convinced that this is the work of predatory animals.

Nonetheless, UFO advocates make their case: "The predators don't drink 11 pounds of blood and leave the bodies intact."