Dangerous Dolls - Alternative View

Dangerous Dolls - Alternative View
Dangerous Dolls - Alternative View

Video: Dangerous Dolls - Alternative View

Video: Dangerous Dolls - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 TERRIFYING But REAL Haunted Dolls 2024, September

In the west of the Russian Federation, at the border, drug couriers were recently detained. During the inventory of their luggage, they noticed an original doll - clearly old, and not even this century, pretty shabby, smelling very strange.

The experts decided that containers with drugs were also hidden in it. But the "autopsy" showed that inside the toy - a certain mass, consisting of hair and dirty, smelly rags.

The specialist who opened the doll was badly injured. A bustle began around him, and in this bustle the toy simply disappeared. About a month later, she appeared in Moscow. The doll was seen by several people: two in an antique store, the rest - at different people and under different circumstances.

“She was lying in front of me, wrapped in a snow-white embroidered burial towel,” says Victoria A., who swears that she saw the doll with her own eyes. - The package smelled like a cloying mixture of naphthalene, old musty perfume, pepper and something else, this smell still hovers in my room. Two tiny feet in frayed silk shoes peeped out from under the towel. When she was unfurled, she glared at me with narrowed eyes and did not look away for a minute …

This was really scary. I asked the collector, whom I was visiting, to move on to the next exhibit. But the doll's gaze followed me relentlessly. I felt it even when I came home. Came with me and the smell of this strange doll. To get rid of the glamor, I began to pray."

In the legends that the inhabitants of different countries tell each other, such dolls are called cursed. Their hair, as a rule, is very similar to human hair, among which there are gray ones, as well as faces like those of suddenly aged babies and something is necessarily made of wax. The doll that appeared in Moscow is just that.

Whether she is cursed is anyone's guess. So far, nothing catastrophic has happened to those who touched the strange toy, but no one knows what will happen next. After all, the life of a doll is usually longer than the life of its owner.

Svetlana M. having worked as a puppeteer for five years at the Kemerovo Regional Puppet Theater, she suddenly decided to change her profession overnight. Her colleagues were quite surprised by Svetlana's decision, because she was considered one of the leading actresses. However, the girl did not dare to reveal to her comrades the reason for leaving.

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It all started with the fact that about a year before leaving the Theater of Light, she decided to make with her own hands an unusual doll Death, which was necessary for one performance. Her grandmother, in the past also a puppeteer, who gave her beloved business for more than a dozen years, tried to dissuade the girl. However, the granddaughter was so carried away by her plan that she did not listen to wise advice and enthusiastically set to work. The material for creating the doll for the craftswoman was an ordinary wire and a piece of white cloth. She made a simple mask for the face, and put a braid made of papier-mâché into Death's hand.

When Svetlana brought her simple creation to the theater, her colleagues were delighted. Nobody expected that such an expressive character could be created with such simple means. A few days later, the premiere of the play took place, during which the Death doll made a great impression on the audience - not only children, but also adults. The invariable success was repeated from performance to performance, and Sveta fell in love with her creation so much that she began to take it home from the theater. Soon, inexplicable and frightening things began to happen in the actress's home.

So, one day her pet cat Muska died, which for no reason at all jumped out of the window of an apartment located on the ninth floor. On the same evening, when Svetlana was taking a shower, the mirror in the bathroom cracked. In the following days, all the flowers in the apartment withered. And soon the girl began to feel severe fatigue, which, like a dense web, entangled her body more and more tightly. Gradually, life began to seem empty and meaningless to the Light, even working in the theater ceased to bring her pleasure. And then the day came when she first had the idea of suicide.

Once her grandmother came to visit Svetlana. Seeing the state of her beloved granddaughter, she slowly took the doll and burned it on the same day …

Later Svetlana recalled that on the night after her Death disappeared, she could not find a place for herself. The girl's body seemed to be breaking apart. However, the next day, for the first time in weeks, she began to feel like she was coming back to life. From that time, coming to the theater. Sveta, to her surprise, began to feel that she was dealing not with puppets that amused the audience, but with some mysterious and incomprehensible creatures. Moreover, many of them posed a clear threat. Soon, unable to cope with the glamor, she submitted a letter of resignation from the theater.

Indeed, most of the puppeteers and doll collectors are sure that these creatures live their own secret and far from safe life for humans.

Oksana Ustimenko