Donald Trump Found Out Something About The "flying Saucer" That Crashed In The USA In 1947 - Alternative View

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Donald Trump Found Out Something About The "flying Saucer" That Crashed In The USA In 1947 - Alternative View
Donald Trump Found Out Something About The "flying Saucer" That Crashed In The USA In 1947 - Alternative View

Video: Donald Trump Found Out Something About The "flying Saucer" That Crashed In The USA In 1947 - Alternative View

Video: Donald Trump Found Out Something About The
Video: 70 Years After Famed Crash at Roswell, the Truth Is Still Out There 2024, July

The American president spoke out about the so-called Roswell incident.

Little son came to his father and asked the little one

US President Donald Trump spoke publicly with his son, Donald Trump Jr. Gave him an interview ahead of Father's Day, which Americans celebrate on the third Sunday in June. This year is June 21st.

When the "junior" asked if the White House intends to tell someday about what really happened in Roswell, the "senior" replied that he would definitely think about it. And he did not rule out that the details will be declassified.

“I don’t want to discuss with you all that I know about this, but it’s very interesting,” the American president added. By doing so, he hinted that he knew something that went beyond traditional ideas about the catastrophe in Roswell - the most mysterious of all that ever happened.

Is lying about Roswell good? Or is it bad?

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Why are distant events so interesting? Let me remind the uninitiated. In 1947, a flying saucer crashed in the United States. At least it was announced in the newspapers. And then it was refuted.

This immediately gave rise to suspicions, which only intensified over 73 years. People believe that the truth is being hidden from them. And the truth is that the "flying saucer" actually crashed. Yes, not by itself, but with aliens.

The catastrophe happened on July 2. Now this day is considered a holiday, at least for ufologists, who celebrate the World Day of the ufologist.

By now, only one thing can be considered indisputable: on July 2, 1947, something that extremely interested the American military fell on the ranch of a local farmer, Mac Breisel, located near the American town of Roswell (New Mexico). They cordoned off the area, collected some debris and took them to the local airbase.

Further, Lieutenant Walter Hout, who was responsible for public relations at the airbase, "distinguished himself". He prepared and circulated a press statement, which was published on 8 July in the local newspaper Roswell Daily Record. Appeared on the front page with a catchy headline: Air Force Captured Flying Saucer at Roswell Ranch.

Sensational information was picked up by other publications and radio. Soon, the same Walter Hout, on the orders of his superior, Colonel William Blanchard, prepared and circulated a rebuttal, in which the commander of the Eighth Air Force Army, General Roger Ramay, assured that there was no "flying saucer", and a meteorological balloon fell on the ranch.

Newspaper reporting the crash of * a flying saucer * in Roswell
Newspaper reporting the crash of * a flying saucer * in Roswell

Newspaper reporting the crash of * a flying saucer * in Roswell.

Many years later, experts came to the conclusion that there was most likely no weather balloon. On the ranch could fall, a secret apparatus developed in the framework of the American project "Mogul". It was a vertical bundle of balloons that carried a platform with equipment. The equipment was intended to determine the sites of nuclear tests, and in the future it could be used to detect the launches of ballistic missiles.

The US military is still pushing for a weather balloon. And this makes ufologists laugh. It gives both them and the people the right to believe that a "plate" with aliens fell on the ranch. Which is quite possible. After all, from time to time there are testimonies of eyewitnesses who saw the wreckage of the "plate" and the bodies of its crew members.


I have no secrets. Listen kids

Donald Trump joined the election campaign. And it seems that he thought that it would not be superfluous to attract lovers of aliens to his side. Indeed, according to polls, almost 55 percent of Americans believe in UFOs, and 15 percent have seen them personally. This is a serious electoral reserve.

It is not a fact, however, that the aliens will help the current owner of the White House to be elected for a second term. Hillary Clinton - Trump's rival in the previous election - did not benefit from promises, as president, to release classified information about UFOs.

Many US presidential candidates have promised to tell the truth about UFOs. But she still does not exist
Many US presidential candidates have promised to tell the truth about UFOs. But she still does not exist

Many US presidential candidates have promised to tell the truth about UFOs. But she still does not exist.

“I’m going to figure this out completely,” said the former US Secretary of State in an interview with Daymond Steer, a reporter for The Conway Daily Sun, who asked about her attitude towards aliens. And she emphasized:

- I think they are already visiting us. Although I have no firm confidence.

Madame Clinton also promised to clarify the situation with the so-called Area 51 (Area 51) - the most secret American military base, where, according to rumors, the Pentagon and NASA are hiding "flying saucers" of aliens and their corpses. Or, possibly, living aliens collaborating with the US government.
