Cattle Mutilation - Alternative View

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Cattle Mutilation - Alternative View
Cattle Mutilation - Alternative View

Video: Cattle Mutilation - Alternative View

Video: Cattle Mutilation - Alternative View
Video: More Sacramento animal mutilations discovered 2024, June

Cattle mutilation is the case of animals with injuries, wounds of unknown origin observed since the mid-1960s. Pets are often found exsanguinated, with organs removed with surgical precision. There are frequent cases of detection of cuts in animals in the genital area. Animal mutilation has been observed even where alarm systems were used to guard them. The first reports of this kind came from the north of the United States, but then cattle mutilation was recorded in Canada, Great Britain, Sweden, Spain and other European countries, from Brazil, Puerto Rico. Often horses and cows suffer, but there is evidence of mutilation of sheep, birds, seals. Corpses of people with similar injuries were even found.

The most famous cases

In 1897, newspapers reported that farmer Alexander Hamilton had seen an airship on April 21 in Kansas. At night, the farmer was awakened by the noise in the yard that emanated from him. It was a large, cigar-shaped object, equipped with a wheel and a searchlight below, with a cabin underneath made of transparent material through which he saw strange creatures. Noticing the people, the UFO hurried off with a buzzing sound along with the farmer's cow, tied to the object with a rope. The next day, far from Hamilton's farm, the head, legs and skin of a cow bearing the Alexander Hamilton brand were found.

In 1943, the story was reiterated in a Kansas newspaper, after which a letter from the editor of the Daily Herald came to its editorial office, in which he confessed that the story of the kidnapping of the cow was invented. An investigation in the 1970s confirmed that Hamilton's case was a hoax.

On the night of September 8, 1967, in the St. Louis Valley, Colorado, Mrs. Burle Lewis and her brother Ben King went in search of the missing horse named Lady. They found her dead, without skin on her neck or head, and there was no blood around her. A subsequent inspection of the scene showed that there was some kind of gummy substance near the horse carcass. No tracks were found near the horse, but tracks of three apparently running horses were found a hundred feet away, mysteriously breaking off. On September 16, the same Burl Lewis found a body part with horse hair and received a severe burn from a green viscous substance poured out of this part of the body. An autopsy of Lady's body revealed that some of her internal organs had been removed.

In 1985, 44 dead sheep were found with pierced necks in northern Ireland.

In 1993, a horse was discovered in Oxfordshire whose skin had been cut in squares.

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In 1995, in Israel, a farming couple found their sheep and chickens dead in the morning. There was not a drop of blood both inside and outside the sheep, and there were holes in the bones. The dog, which immediately died, had its eyes cut out. After lying for several months in a landfill, the corpses of animals were mummified.

Connection with the UFO phenomenon

Very often, unidentified flying objects were observed in places where disfigured animals were found. So, shortly before the death of Lady's horse in Colorado, mysterious lights were observed in that area. There were also eyewitnesses who told about creatures emerging from UFOs and crippling animals.

Possible explanations:

* Stealing meat. At first glance, this is a perfectly reasonable explanation. However, on the found animal corpses, the pieces containing the most valuable meat remained intact.

* Satanists. Due to the fact that the genitals were often removed from animals, a version was put forward even then that mutilations were committed by members of Satanist sects for holding black masses. But this version is untenable: the accuracy with which the organs were amputated was such that many surgeons, according to their confessions, could not repeat anything like this.

* Military. Often, unmarked helicopters were seen in places where dead animals were found. Many blamed the military complex for what was happening, conducting some kind of secret tests.

* Official version. Many government agencies involved in the study of this phenomenon have stated that these animals died a natural death, after which they were disfigured by predators.