Cattle Mutilation: Satanic Rites Or Alien Experiments? - Alternative View

Cattle Mutilation: Satanic Rites Or Alien Experiments? - Alternative View
Cattle Mutilation: Satanic Rites Or Alien Experiments? - Alternative View

Video: Cattle Mutilation: Satanic Rites Or Alien Experiments? - Alternative View

Video: Cattle Mutilation: Satanic Rites Or Alien Experiments? - Alternative View
Video: Mystery surrounding a macabre series of horse mutilations in France | AFP 2024, September

Keith Metzger is a farmer from Arizona, where the unexplained things have been happening on his ranch for more than 45 years: someone or something damages cattle. Many animals were found disfigured beyond recognition - without skin and with missing body parts. The killers did not take the mutilated carcasses with them, leaving them to rot on the ground. The local inspector convinced Mrs. Metzger that this was the work of Satanists, who regularly perform sacrifice rituals.

Keith conducted her own investigation on the Internet, finding out that many farmers (in particular, from the states of Colorado and Missouri) faced a similar problem, but things are still there - no one has yet been able to solve it. Various theories have been put forward - from religious to extraterrestrial, but none of them has been proven.


The photographs that Mrs. Metzger provided to the online publication Arizona Daily Sun show the mutilated corpses of cows: no eyeballs, with ears and lips cut off, skin strips cut off, no internal organs. Remarkably, all incisions were made with surgical precision, as if using a scalpel.

Keith came to the conclusion that the killers first injected the cows with an anesthetic or sedative that completely relaxes the muscles, causing the animals to lie still. Then a tube was inserted into the artery through which all the blood was pumped out. At the same time, the land around the animal's carcass almost always remained clean - which means that the rippers took the blood with them. The exact same technique was used in the states of New Mexico and Colorado. “This is very strange,” says the farmer.


The first killing of cows began on the farm in the early seventies. Metzger has tried all sorts of methods to catch people (for some reason, she does not doubt that these are people), but she still has not been able to get on the trail of criminals. The farmer hopes that by publicizing these cases, she will finally be able to stop the killers and they will leave her ranch alone.

Metzger argues that cattle mutilation always occurs at a specific time - mid-July, October and Easter. As the general manager of his Flying M farm, Keith is committed to keeping the animals safe during this time frame. She sends ranch workers to look after the cows around the clock, installs video cameras at watering places and pasture entrances. But the only images we managed to get are something that looks like headlights. No footprints on the ground, not a single clue.

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The farmer contacted all local government officials asking for help, but they were also powerless.

In addition to these frightening deaths, Mrs. Metzger faced another unpleasant factor - the financial side of the issue. She calculated that four or five cows killed on the ranch in such a horrible way are worth $ 16,000 annually. And if these cows are also pregnant, then the amount of the loss increases by several thousand. In addition, developmental problems were observed in calves without mothers in the first year of their life. And one more trend: almost all dead animals were the best in the herd.

Oddly enough, the death of animals occurs only on this ranch. None of the neighboring farms were damaged. The neighbors explain this by the fact that their ranch, unlike the "Flying M", is more difficult to get to.


Recently, moose have begun to die from such injuries. Three such incidents were officially recorded last August, all of which occurred in the vicinity of Flying M. The animals' mouths and genitals were removed. Again, not a drop of blood. According to Inspector Larry Phoenix, it looks like the moose were killed elsewhere and brought here to dump the corpses. “Unfortunately, there is no guess as to who killed the animals,” he says. According to the official version, this is the work of the Satanist community, but there is no evidence.

The case is still under investigation. Certainly not the first time. Kenneth Rommel, who began official investigations into strange incidents with federal agency support in 1980, wrote the report, Operation Cattle Dismemberment. Trying to calm anxious people (when the number of animal casualties was in the thousands, desperate farmers opened fire on any vehicle they thought suspicious), he attributed this to an attack by predators.

In 1984, the book Silent Witnesses by Daniel Kagan and Ian Summers was published, which dealt with small predators and village gossip that made an elephant out of a fly. But predators do not carry scalpels with them and do not drink blood to the last drop. In addition, some cuts were made with tools heated to 400 degrees Celsius. And what about carcasses found in tree branches and on power lines? And with the corpses of cows, turned inside out?.. Needless to say that all other "rational" versions (stealing meat, secret experiments of the military, etc.) are just as groundless and unproven? Probably not.


The unofficial version, which the authorities are afraid to talk about, is the connection between the killings and the UFO phenomenon. This happens almost all over the world. Russia, USA, Canada, Sweden, Great Britain, Spain, Puerto Rico, Brazil - this is not a complete list of countries. In addition to injured cows and horses, the bodies of sheep, birds, seals and even people are often found. Damage is similar in all cases. Very often in places where mutilated corpses were found, mysterious lights or unidentified flying vehicles were observed. There were even eyewitnesses telling about aliens who mutilated animals.

It would seem that many years have passed since the beginning of the seventies - enough to carry out all the necessary experiments and stop tormenting the unfortunate animals. But unknown killers pursue their goals - perhaps incomprehensible to human logic. And so the killings continue regularly to this day.

Not so long ago (last December), two mutilated cows were found in Colorado, and one of the animals was still alive! The corpse had no blood, no left eye, ear, tongue, and the ribs were neatly separated from the spine. The live cow had to be shot due to numerous internal injuries. On January 3, 2016, in the state of Kansas, in one of the farms, a corpse of a bull was found with numerous mutilations and without genitals. The list is endless.

By the way, contrary to the established opinion that the phenomenon is not more than 50 years old, there is much older evidence. For example, in 1897, Alexander Hamilton from Kansas, awakened by the noise from the barnyard, jumped out into the street and saw a cigar-shaped object about 100 meters long, which was lifting one of his cows on a strong red cable. The animal's carcass was subsequently found in the field.

Of course, this topic is very serious and requires more careful study. Research on it has been going on for a long time. In particular, the book by Charles Fort "Volcanoes of Heaven" (original title - "Lo!"), Written in 1931, is devoted to the phenomenon. The hypotheses proposed by the American journalist-ufologist Linda Moulton Howe in a number of films and books (for example, the film "Strange Harvest" (1980)) are very famous and popular.

In 1997, the article "Dead cows I've known" by researcher Charles T. Oliphant was published, explaining mutilation by secret experiments to study the possibility of transmission of animal diseases to humans. In 2007, director Sue Leroy produced Best Evidence: Cattle Mutilation, where the different versions were brought together. Despite the abundance of hypotheses, none of them can be considered the only correct one and it is not known whether it will ever be possible to do this.

Elena Muravyova