UFO: Declassified By The Pentagon - Alternative View

UFO: Declassified By The Pentagon - Alternative View
UFO: Declassified By The Pentagon - Alternative View

Video: UFO: Declassified By The Pentagon - Alternative View

Video: UFO: Declassified By The Pentagon - Alternative View
Video: Declassified ‘UFO’ videos 2024, September

The legendary pilot, Air Force Lieutenant General Marina Popovich, gave her last interview to the REN TV channel. She admitted that in the USSR she was given a special task - to photograph an unidentified flying object. And all her life she had to keep silent about it.

Marina Lavrentievna Popovich was called "Madame Mig": she personally mastered 40 types of aircraft and helicopters, set 102 world records in the air and wrote a doctoral dissertation in aviation. The brave female pilot was given the most important tasks. For example, she was instructed to take a picture of an object, the existence of which was not accepted in the USSR.

“The task was to see and photograph UFOs,” the pilot explained.

Whole scientific institutes were involved in the UFO problem in the USSR. By the 70s, 2 directions of secret research were formed. The project of the Ministry of Defense "Setka-MO" studied the influence of anomalous phenomena on the work of equipment and personnel. The "Grid-AN" project at the USSR Academy of Sciences investigated the principles of the development of anomalous phenomena.

Marina Popovich managed to "spot" a UFO on Valdai. Experience helped to instantly distinguish unusual objects from all known types of technology. But this meeting almost cost the pilot her life:

“This is not an airplane, not a rocket, it just goes along the horizon. The rocket, if it goes, then up, then burns. And these were in the form of a plate. I saw them up close 2 times. I thought that they would blow my head off, one by one, she said.

How this and other meetings of combat pilots with UFOs ended will be shown by REN TV in the new documentary investigation "UFO: Declassified by the Pentagon." Viewers will find out what the military of the two superpowers - Russia and the United States - were silent about.

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See the new UFO Investigation: Declassified by the Pentagon.