The Pentagon and renowned robotics firm Boston Dynamics are working on a military humanoid robot named PETMAN
According to experts, most of all, the army android will be similar to the famous T-800 from the epic "Terminator".
Outwardly, PETMAN (an abbreviation for Protection Ensemble Test Mannequin - "dummy for testing protective complexes") really resembles a mechanical person - only without a head. However, its absence does not at all prevent the robot from confidently squatting, doing push-ups and using the treadmill. In the video released by the manufacturer, it can be seen that the droid's movements are very similar to those of humans.
Just like a person, a cyborg waves his arms when walking, maintaining balance, and can even sweat if necessary, imitating human physiology.
According to the official version, the military android PETMAN is designed to test soldiers' chemical protection suits. The prototype of the robot was first revealed to the world at the end of October 2009.
And if two years ago PETMAN resembled an ICE walking on two legs, now it is a real anthropomorphic robot. “The audience gasped. This is awesome.”This is how IEEE Spectrum characterizes the first private screening of this video, which took place in September at the IROS 2011 conference in San Francisco.
According to the military, in 2012, the android will acquire the head and dimensions of a standard crash test dummy 1.75 meters tall and weighing 80 kilos.
Promotional video:
According to the director of Boston Dynamics, Mark Rybert, their new robot can be used not only as a mannequin for clothes. “There are tons of tasks that a PETMAN-type robot can be used for. He is ready to work in places intended or not intended for humans, he said. “For example, Fukushima reactors may be available for Petman-like robots (or AlphaDog). Fire extinguishing inside buildings or ships is also possible.
Konstantin Bolotov