Gravity Drive - True Or Fiction? - Alternative View

Gravity Drive - True Or Fiction? - Alternative View
Gravity Drive - True Or Fiction? - Alternative View

Video: Gravity Drive - True Or Fiction? - Alternative View

Video: Gravity Drive - True Or Fiction? - Alternative View
Video: Bob Lazar: Area 51, Element 115 Alien Gravity Propulsion - Could it work? Fluxliner 2024, September

In November 2013, several photos caught the attention of many netizens. The accompanying text told them about the Brazilian company from Porto Alegre, which announced the development of a revolutionary engine, unusual in that it will work only on the force of gravity and will be able to generate pure and endless energy.

Of all the characteristics of the device, it was indicated only that the engine could generate about 30 kW (or, as the texts said, would provide power to two houses) at no cost, since the device would only work with gravity. And on the forums on alternative energy, controversy flared up - does this device really exist?

Schematic representation of the operation of the gravitational engine.

Let's try to consider the available facts. RAR Energy Ltd. was incorporated in April 2007 and has an address in Porto Alegre. According to the company's website (not working at the moment, possibly moved to a different address), its goal is "research on the energy of gravity."


The photographs were genuine, which may indicate that there is something (rather large) in the company's hangar. Huge iron bars are lined up, and some of the photos show pulleys and gears. Impression - it looks like a huge engine is being built!


RAR Enenergia has an international patent application called "Mechanical propulsion system for power generation". But here's the strangeness - the company called the device "engine" only from May 2013. Prior to that, RAR Energia called the huge device under construction "generator". Such a change in the name may indicate that the device does not generate anything …

Promotional video:


Another oddity is that scientific publications have not published a single line about the invention of RAR Enenrgia. There is also no video with a working mechanism.

Schematic representation of the operation of the gravitational engine.

A device that works with gravity "in any state" will be a real revolution in physics, and it will open the door to the development of other inventions. But (as almost always with the inventors of "perpetual motion machines"), it seems that their inventions cannot be shown to mankind.