About Gravitational Engines - Alternative View

About Gravitational Engines - Alternative View
About Gravitational Engines - Alternative View

Video: About Gravitational Engines - Alternative View

Video: About Gravitational Engines - Alternative View
Video: A New View on Gravity and the Cosmos | Erik Verlinde 2024, July

Many deny the possibility of creating simple gravitational engines, or dream of such options that can be realized only in the distant future. Here, they say, gravitational engines are needed for interstellar flights, but on Earth they are impossible or useless, since there are more effective ways. Perhaps this is so, but after all, gravity is worthless, it is given to us by God and Nature, it does not need to be extracted from many kilometers depths, stored in barrels and transported through a pipeline for thousands of kilometers, especially on the surface of the Earth the force of gravity is maximum.

And it is on Earth that we live thanks to the force of gravity. Therefore, it is a sin not to use what is in abundance around us, under our noses. Points on the forehead are always lost, therefore people constantly forget about gravitation, preferring to look for thermonuclear where it is not. So let's use what we already have. Moreover, gravity was, is and will remain the main force on Earth for a long time. Here is one of the possible designs of a power amplifier, operating in perpetual motion machine mode (Fig. 1), by V. Sharov. Let's read the opinion of the author himself:

Fig. 1
Fig. 1

Fig. 1.

The design is quite functional, as it is a power amplifier with a well-oiled control system. And the energy costs for control in such an engine exist, but due to the well-designed system, they do not strike the eye.

First, the pneumatic center 9 moves along an internal trajectory, compared to that along which the bellows move. And this should cause the lag of the gas outlets of the pneumatic center from the bellows. And from cycle to cycle this lag will grow. Therefore, it is necessary to think over the mechanism of coordinated movement of the pneumatic center relative to the bellows on element 4. For those who do not believe, I advise you to go down on a long escalator, for example, in the subway. And you will make sure that your hand holding on to the rail will constantly run forward. So you have to constantly move it back yourself. The simplest solution is to mount the pneumatic center directly into (or onto) the endless element 4. Or make separate pulleys for it, the same size as pulleys 2 and 3. In addition, the pneumatic center must be sufficiently rigid,to resist water pressure at maximum depth and flexible enough not to interfere with the rotation of element 4 and bellows 7 with weights 5 and 6.

Secondly, the pumping of air from one bellows to another does not occur by itself, but from one bellows air is squeezed out, and sucked into the other when the load is lowered 6. And any relative movement of loads and air always requires energy costs, and the air is well compressed and just like that, it may not go into the bellows, even if it is squeezed out of the other without problems. But with the appropriate selection of the capacity of the bellows 7 and the study of its design, you can get a gain in energy consumption when the bellows makes a full revolution. In particular, one might think of using an incompressible liquid lighter than water instead of air.

But the most interesting version of this engine, when water and air are reversed. Then the whole structure can be made like a Ferris wheel, only instead of cradles for people, bellows will be installed in which water will be, instead of a pneumatic center, there will now be a hydraulic power plant or, more simply, hydraulics. Instead of two axes of rotation, there will be one. This means that there will be no problem of mismatched movement between the water bellows and the hydraulic power plant. The installation capacity will increase. The more bellows, the more powerful the installation. Instead of bellows, you can use an even number of cylinders with massive pistons. Figure 2 shows only part of this design so that you can understand how it works. When the cylinder goes down with the piston, the piston will go down under the action of gravity, sucking water (oil) into the piston. When the cylinder moves the piston up, the piston will squeeze water (oil) out of the cylinder. Since the opposite cylinders will work in antiphase, they will help each other. The wheel, however, if you adhere to Fig. 1, will rotate counterclockwise. But in Figure 2 the rotation will be clockwise. We put two electric generators on the axle at once and begin to generate electricity. It is only important to reduce friction as much as possible and select the size of the cylinders and the mass of the pistons. We put two electric generators on the axle at once and begin to generate electricity. It is only important to reduce friction as much as possible and select the size of the cylinders and the mass of the pistons. We put two electric generators on the axle at once and begin to generate electricity. It is only important to reduce friction as much as possible and select the size of the cylinders and the mass of the pistons.

Fig. 2
Fig. 2

Fig. 2.

Promotional video:

A wheel setup would look something like this (Figure 3). This is an example of a wheel with two basic blocks. Thor with water would play the role of a hydraulic power plant and at the same time be a flywheel.

Fig. 3
Fig. 3

Fig. 3.

This gravitational engine, spun up to a certain speed, will spin forever. The design can be "packaged" to reduce drag in a streamlined shape and the correct weight of the pistons. If the diameter of the wheel is less than 10 meters, and the liquid is water, then the sealing issues will be resolved by themselves if the pistons fit snugly enough to the cylinder walls, since the atmospheric pressure itself will help maintain the tightness of the structure.

The installation can be made open, like a Ferris wheel, it can be covered with a multi-storey building, or it can be placed underground, which will protect the installation from possible terrorist attacks. Almost every settlement can be provided with such installations, which will allow each community to have its own source of energy. Here is another gravitational engine (power generator) for you, which, thanks to a well-thought-out control system, will spin no worse than electric generators at hydroelectric power plants, only it will rotate not under the action of water flow, but under the action of the "flow" of gravity, which will act differently on the right and the left half of the wheel.

Since there will be two power generators, it is possible to adjust the power from zero to double the power of each generator. For example, energy is not needed. One generator operates as a power generator and the other as an engine. No power is supplied to the network. Since energy is free, there is no need to deal with energy recovery. But if a flywheel is placed on the axis of the installation, then the energy can be accumulated "just in case of fire." The hydraulic power plant itself can be used as a flywheel if it is placed in the form of a torus around the wheel circumference of this engine.

Is it possible to abandon the hydrocentral (pneumatic) in general. Let's mentally remove from Fig. 3. hydrocentral. Since water is a poorly compressible liquid, the system may not work on the ground with cylinders. But if, instead of water, we again use air, and the installation is again placed in water, then the chain of cylinders looking upward with pistons will compress the air in the cylinder, and those looking downward will "unclench". The force of gravitational attraction of the cylinders will not change, but the force of Archimedes will be different. Torque will appear and the float cylinder chain will spin. This is reflected in Figure 4.

Fig. 4
Fig. 4

Fig. 4.

Figure 4. you can see that on the right side (view A) the piston 7 will press on the air 6, and this pressure will be added to the pressure of the external environment. The air will decrease in volume, which will lead to a decrease in the strength of Archimedes. On the left side (view B), the piston 7 will press on the external environment, which will lead to a decrease in pressure on the air 6. The air space above the piston will increase in volume, which will lead to an increase in the Archimedes force. The multidirectional forces in relation to chain 4 will lead to clockwise rotation of the cylinder system (floats). Since the installation will be in water, it is possible to select the parameters of the working elements for optimal energy output. In fact, the working fluid will be air, and the larger its volume in the cylinder, the more powerful the installation will be. In addition, it will be necessary to ensure the tightness of the cylinders so that there is no air leak. This can be done by placing the air in a bellows, an airtight accordion, as in a barometer, or an ordinary sealed plastic or rubber bag. This scheme of a fairly simple gravitational float engine can be developed in terms of controlling the volume of air in the cylinder using modern advances in electronics, etc. But even in such a simple form, you can successfully receive energy using the forces donated by Nature and God - the force of gravity and the force of Archimedes without disturbing the ecological balance. This scheme of a fairly simple gravitational float engine can be developed in terms of controlling the volume of air in the cylinder using modern advances in electronics, etc. But even in such a simple form, you can successfully receive energy using the forces donated by Nature and God - the force of gravity and the force of Archimedes without disturbing the ecological balance. This scheme of a fairly simple gravitational float engine can be developed in terms of controlling the volume of air in the cylinder using modern advances in electronics, etc. But even in such a simple form, you can successfully receive energy using the forces donated by Nature and God - the force of gravity and the force of Archimedes without disturbing the ecological balance.

Let us now call for the help of a "Cartesian diver" or the effect of a fish bubble (Fig. 5). A cylinder with strong walls is already acting as an element, but one base is made in the form of a thin strong elastic membrane. For example, 50% of the volume of a cylinder is filled with air, the rest is filled with water. As a result, when the cylinder moves upwards with the membrane, the external environment presses on the membrane and, accordingly, the air. The air in the cylinder is compressed and its buoyancy is reduced. When the cylinder moves downward with the membrane, the pressure of the external environment on the membrane decreases by the pressure of water inside the cylinder, as a result, the air in the cylinder expands, and the Archimedes force increases. In this case, air can also be "placed" in a sealed container floating freely in the water, which will not prevent the water from moving freely in the cylinder when the direction of movement is changed. As a result, the chain of such elements, naturally paired, will rotate clockwise. The fish bubble effect is a scientifically proven fact. This means that our installation will be a "perpetual motion machine" based on the laws of Nature and God. And again, the installation is environmentally friendly.

Figure: five
Figure: five

Figure: five.

But you can refuse to use sealed massive cylinders, from heavy pistons, from water in them (Fig. 6). This will immediately lighten the construction, allow the use of strong and lightweight plastics instead of metal. Let's analyze the design in more detail. The float element consists of a leaky, robust protective cylinder, inside which there is a float with rigid and durable walls, the volume of which is constant. This float is connected to the bellows at one base. In turn, the bellows is firmly attached to the base of the protective cylinder by its other base. As a result, the float, floating up under the action of the force of Archimedes, will stretch or compress the bellows depending on the direction of movement.

Figure: 6
Figure: 6

Figure: 6.

The left of Figure 6 shows the view of the float element as it moves up. In this case, the float, floating up, will stretch the bellows. The total volume of air in the float and bellows will increase, which will lead to an increase in the Archimedes force for the entire float structure. On the right is the float structure as it moves down. In this case, the float, floating up, will compress the bellows. The total volume of air in the float and bellows will decrease, which will lead to a decrease in the Archimedes force. When using a pair of float structures in a float "wheel", it can be asserted in advance that the Archimedes force of all left floats will overpower the Archimedes force of all right floats. A wheel that has a moment of forces relative to the axis of rotation that is not equal to zero will certainly spin if it can overcome the frictional forces. It remains to provide this condition constructively, and you can get energy in unlimited quantities. The gravitational wind will blow for a long time.

In Fig. 6, it costs nothing to use a heavy weight instead of floats; in this case, the bellows will stretch when moving down and compress when moving down. The shape of the load to reduce friction between it and the walls of the cylinder can be selected in the form of a ball or a half-ball. But in this way, the principle of operation of the elements of V. Sharov's engine is practically repeated, although without a single pneumatic center. But it is easy to build it in, both for the case with weights and for the case with floats, as in Fig. 6. The most important thing in the design is in Fig. 6. - this is the ability to manufacture such blocks in bulk.

As for the theoretical possibility of operation of gravity-float engines, we can cite the article Melnitsa, the author of which carried out a fairly complete mathematical analysis of one of the possible designs, which is shown in Fig. 7. Those who wish will immediately find a lot in common with the options that I offer.

Fig. 7
Fig. 7

Fig. 7

The volume of the floats can be changed not only in a natural way using the force of Archimedes, but also forcibly using electromagnets. These are more complex designs, but they can be very effective. For example, a gravitational-float perpetual motion machine with magnetic latches (Fig. 8), information about which can be obtained from the addresses here in Russian, and in French here. And the model shown in Figure 8 works.

Fig. 8
Fig. 8

Fig. 8.

Here is a description of Chernogorov's gravity drive:

In the abstract of his invention, Chernogorov clearly defines the presence of two cylinders operating in antiphase. When one of the steam cylinders is at the bottom, gravity by means of water squeezes air out of it, and the latter flows into the upper cylinder, doing useful work along the way. Those. we have a kind of Stirling engine, where pistons drive air from chamber to chamber under the action of gravity, a liquid (water, oil, etc.) acts as a concrete carrier of this force.

Here is a more exotic engine, not quite a gravitational float, but it has something in common with the above (Fig. 9). This is Kulibina's watch, the fate of which is perfectly described in the article by V. Sharov. Such a device is also called a monotherm. An explanation of the operation of this device is also given there.

Figure: nine
Figure: nine

Figure: nine.

But if you look closely at this creation of the Russian genius, then the presence of two compartments with air and water brings this toy closer to float engines. Only in float engines does water move the floats, but here the "floats" force the water to make a circuit against gravity. True, external heat and the phase transition of water from a liquid to a gaseous state and vice versa play an important role here, but the ambient temperature only affects the speed of water movement through the tube, and the mechanism itself has a different nature. This structure turns an ordinary siphon into a perpetual motion machine, which is not able to drive water directly upward, but in the presence of two partitions - ceramic and gas, in hermetic conditions, it does it with great "pleasure". Does this resemble a Clem engine?

In each section, water exists in two phase states at once - liquid and gaseous. Under the pressure of air and steam in the lower section, the water is poured through a tube into the upper section. From there, through the ceramic baffle 2, the water returns to the lower section, where it mostly turns into steam, and the rest can flow down the walls. But, having entered the lower section in the form of vapor and liquid, the water eventually increases the pressure above the water in the lower section and again rushes against the force of gravity. So heating is not the main factor here. What is important is the phase transition of water when it seeps through the ceramic partition 2 and the possibility of water movement in the ceramic partition only downward under the action of gravity, the way up for steam is closed by a layer of water. During its cycle, water rotates in a toroidal vortex, rises upward in the form of water, and downward in the form of steam. And, as you know, work is done on the discontinuities of the potential field, which can be used for, for example, rotating a turbine. It is enough to make an enlarged copy of Kulibin's watch, and we will get another version of the gravitational (gravitational-osmotic) engine.

Fig. 10 shows the design of A. Shibanov's gravitational engine, consisting of two cylindrical tanks 1 and 2. The lower part of the tanks goes into cylinders 3 and 4 with pistons 5 and 6. Corrugated pipes 7 and 8 are built in the center of the pistons, the cavities of which are connected to cavities of cylinders 3 and 4, respectively, the corrugated pipes are closed from below. Corrugated pipes can be compressed (accordion) and unclenched, displacing or sucking in liquid. In the lower part of the cylinders there are springs 9 and 10. Between the cylindrical containers and the cylinders there are slide valves 11 and 12. The upper parts of the cylinders are connected through pipelines 13 and 14 to the upper parts of the opposite cylindrical containers 1 and 2.

Fig. 10
Fig. 10

Fig. 10.

The work of the gravitational engine (GDS) in the author's description:

The next version of the gravitational engine can be called gravitational-solar, since in it gravity and solar radiation work together and help a person to receive energy (Fig. 11). The engine utilizes low-grade heat (solar irradiation, geothermal, waste industrial or household) more fully than known analogues. Authors - Y. Proselkov and M. Ahmed.

Fig. 11
Fig. 11

Fig. 11.

The sun or other heat source heats and evaporates the water in pond 1, over which an ascending stream of warm moist air is formed. Flowing around a porous hygroscopic body 2 in a variable weight 3, it gives water to a sorbent, for example, from calcium chloride or lithium bromide. The load 3 saturated with water becomes heavier than the load 4 of constant mass, as a result of which the right branch of the flexible connection 5 will drop and set in motion the drive 6 of a generator or other energy receiver.

In the lower position, the weight 3, interacting with the fixed stop 7, isolates, as shown by the dash-dotted line, the porous body 2 from the moist air flow. The flow of heat from this flow through the body of the cargo 3, made of heat-conducting material, will continue. Water from the hygroscopic body 2 will evaporate until the weight 3 becomes lighter than the counterweight 4. The system will move in the opposite direction until the weight 3 reaches the upper extreme position. Interacting with the stop, the weight 3 will expose the porous body 2, as a result of which the process will be repeated. And it will repeat until the heat from the pond stops.

The rotational speed of the drive depends on the temperature in the pond, but under no circumstances can it be high, required for a modern electric generator: while it gets wet, while it dries up … You will need an expensive, uneconomical, difficult-to-use multiplier. But there is a way out: use a low-speed generator designed by prof. Candlestick. This machine is much smaller and lighter than a standard multiplier generator. Its efficiency is also higher than the traditional installation. It is important: such machines are mass-produced and developed by orders in Moscow by the firm "Mew and Nosby", 103055, PO Box 84.

Structurally, the installation seems to be simple, but it contains a lot of science-intensive "know-how", so you should not try to bypass the inventors - it is better to cooperate with them. Pat. 2090591. Yu. Proselkov and M. Ahmed, Kuban State Technical University.

Here's another gravitational heat engine. This engine, powered by low-grade heat, for example, flue gases, geothermal waters, or a solar heater, is 10 times more powerful than the analogue in operation and 4 times more than a known prototype of the same size.

Fig. 12
Fig. 12

Fig. 12.

The efficiency of traditional heat engines is roughly proportional to the temperature difference between the inlet to the boiler or in the combustion chamber and the outlet, in the refrigerator or in the atmosphere. That is why it is not profitable to use not too hot flue gases or warm water from geysers in power plants. But this heat is produced 3-5 times more than is recognized as suitable for our, in essence, grandfather's energy machinery. The rest is used to warm up the atmosphere.

To use this waste heat, we need fundamentally new machines. They are unlikely to replace traditional ones - highly economical, relatively lightweight and portable. But together with them they will make the industry much cleaner ecologically and economically more profitable.

In the gravitational engine 1 in Fig. 12, heat is supplied to area 1 from the chimney or water jacket 2, through which warm water of natural or industrial origin flows. Water 3 in the adjacent area boils at a temperature of about 100 ° C, because boiler pressure is atmospheric. Heating, of course, is not too intense - the temperature of flue gases and geothermal waters is only 150 - 350 ° С, and not 1300 - 2100 ° С, as in the furnace of a modern boiler. But the water is boiling. The density of the steam-water mixture is less than that of cold water in region 4, as a result of which the equilibrium is disturbed - the steam-water mixture is displaced upward, accelerates in the nozzle 5 and drives the turbine 6. The kinetic energy of the flow is converted into electrical energy. When activated in the turbine, the steam-water mixture cools down and the steam condenses. The previously cooled water is cooled upon further contact with the wall in region 7.

The speed of the convective flow, and hence its kinetic energy, depends not only on the temperature difference, but also on the acceleration path.

Even better, perhaps, insert a cylindrical installation into the chimney (Fig. 2). Here, hot gases flow around the entire outer surface of the installation 8. The steam-water mixture is accelerated in the nozzle apparatus 9 and is triggered in the turbine 10. The space 11 behind it is cooled by the radiator 12. But this scheme is difficult to apply in the reconstruction of existing enterprises. And the first is convenient just when completing the construction: the installation can be built without stopping the enterprise. Pat. 2102631, 2102632. Institute of Physics and Power Engineering - State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation, Soloviev EV, Privezentsev VV

Both versions of this engine are a modified combination of a torus and a sphere, which indicates the prospects of such a design for creating environmentally friendly power plants. A torus-like vortex is perfectly visible, which can exist in the form of a simple circulation from the bottom up, or it can acquire the form of an unwinding and twisting spiral, as V. Schauberger imagined.

All of the above installations can be considered as installations with a continuous cycle. In almost all installations, the shaft rotates at approximately constant speed. But there is one more class of installations, undeservedly forgotten - these are parametric pendulums, in which the "extraction" of gravitational energy occurs due to a change in the moment of inertia of the pendulum.

The design is based on the Gravio pendulum (Fig. 13). Here is what Gravio himself writes: “All known pendulums stop. This pendulum works until it is completely worn out … The working sample was made at the Energiya-Gravio Design Bureau. With a full understanding of the processes, even a children's swing can be made to swing. True, you need a flask of water and modern plumbing accessories … . On my own behalf, I will add that it remains to select the values of the parameters: the container with the liquid, the density of the liquid and the float, the mass of the load, the heights h and H1, so that the pendulum can become suitable for fulfilling its role in a walker or in a gravitational energy generator.

Fig. 13
Fig. 13

Fig. 13.

Let's change the design a little, keeping the design idea (fig. 14). And let's see how he behaves when he vibrates.

Fig. 14
Fig. 14

Fig. 14.

The weight of such a pendulum is a cylinder in which the compartment with liquid (liquid metal) has a float filled with air, and the compartment with air has a weight filled with liquid (liquid metal). The float and the weight are connected by a rod, so the movements of the float and the weight are interconnected. The weight of the liquid displaced by the float must be greater than the weight of the weight in the air compartment. The figure only gives an idea, although structurally the cylinder with compartments, float and weight can be implemented with some variations. It is advisable to choose the sizes of the float so that the float does not "dangle" in the compartment with the liquid in order to avoid stem breakage and unnecessary resistance. Let's call such a cylinder the Vlasov cylinder.

Let us assume that the pendulum oscillates strictly in one plane. With a sufficient vibration amplitude, the center of gravity of the pendulum relative to the attachment point (axis of rotation) will begin to significantly depend on the deflection angle. At the point of maximum lift, the load in the air compartment will approach the bottom of the cylinder, and at the lowest point it will rise up due to the force of Archimedes, which, while doing the work itself, will give the pendulum a portion of energy equal to the work done. With a successful selection of the components, the pendulum will enter the self-oscillation mode, drawing energy from the gravitational field, or rather receiving it due to the nonlinearity of its response to the force of gravity and the Archimedes force during oscillations. When selecting components, such a pendulum will turn any walkers into perpetual clocks.

And in a more powerful design, such a pendulum could already generate energy, for example, electricity. It is enough to put it on an axle and connect an electric generator to the axle. The current will be alternating and inharmonious, which can be easily corrected by introducing a bridge rectifier and a battery of sufficient power into the circuit. But first, it will be necessary to solve the engineering problem of the tightness of the compartments in the hole where the rod passes, since the water is located in the upper compartment, it is affected by gravity and centrifugal force. Instead of water, you can, for example, take mercury, oil, any liquid with a high density. After that, you can put the pendulum in the basement and switch part of your electrical economy to it, for example, lighting. The bulbs can be lit around the clock. And no wind turbines and hydro turbines are needed. Goodbye Chubais! But I thinkthat the state would quickly impose a tax on such installations as it once imposed a tax on fruit trees and berry bushes, chickens, geese, small and cattle. It will find a way to take energy from people in order to have its own interest in this process.

Now let's look at a more interesting option (Fig. 15). This will already be a wheel - Vlasov's wheel or engine. Thanks to Gravio for the idea.

Fig. 15
Fig. 15

Fig. 15.

The engine shown in Figure 15 has only 4 spokes, but more could be done. And it is not necessary that their number be even, the main thing is that they are evenly distributed over the wheel rim. When rotating in each cylinder, the Archimedes force will perform work, approximately equal to the expression (conditionally, we assume that the volume of the cargo with water is half the volume of the float with air).

A = 5 * m * h (j), where m is the mass of water in the load with water, and h is the working stroke of the load.

This value of the work of the force of Archimedes is only in the lower semicircle. To take into account the work of the Archimedes force in the upper semicircle, the obtained value of the work, most likely, must be multiplied by 2. But this will be true at an insignificant angular velocity of rotation. With a fast rotation, the work of the forces of Archimedes will be interfered with by centrifugal force. So the optimal speed is clearly visible, and auto-stabilization for generating electricity is extremely important. To obtain the energy released per wheel revolution, multiply the energy value for one cylinder by the number of cylinders on the wheel. Now it gets more interesting, since the wheel can already be connected directly to a standard electric generator.

To some extent, this engine resembles the Chernogorov engine, only in the Chernogorov engine, the rod serves to pump air from one chamber to another, and in this engine, the change in the position of the load occurs due to the force of Archimedes. The moment of inertia of the cylinder and, at the same time, of the entire wheel changes. As a result, the wheel begins to rotate due to the "absorption" of gravitational energy. If all the containers with water are connected to each other, then we get a flywheel, in the cavity of which floats will float, connected by rods with weights from the outside. And depending on the position of the floats, they will either move the weights away from the flywheel with water, or bring them closer to it. It is enough knowledge of the school physics course to understand that the wheel will rotate clockwise. And the force of Archimedes and gravity will work for the good of humanity.

To make the change in the moment of rotation of the pendulum more noticeable during rotation around the axis of rotation, the chamber with water can be made not in the form of a cylinder, but in the form of a cone (Fig. 16).

Fig. 16
Fig. 16

Fig. 16.

In principle, nothing terrible will happen if the compartment where the heavy load is moving is also filled with liquid, you just need to re-select the parameters of the load and the float. But then this wheel will most likely work underwater. In this case, simple float and weight guides can be used instead of cylinders. But it is better to use cylinders, which will make the installation more technological and protect the float from external water pressure at depth. All the floats can be placed in a single torus (chamber) filled with water or mercury, with strong walls, and weights on the rods can be placed outside this torus. In this case, the influence of the movement of the floats on the change in the center of gravity in their sections will sharply decrease. Here is another version of the "perpetual motion machine" that beautifully uses the gravity and force of Archimedes, ieThe Universal Law of Extrusion and the Law of Impossibility of Thermal Death of the Universe in Action. And someone at the French Academy of Sciences argued that a perpetual motion machine cannot be created. Divide and rule!

Surprisingly, for some reason such an engine was not thought of in the past. Although even in ancient Sumeria this could be realized. Archimedes himself could have suggested. These engines are environmentally friendly. They can be installed on the ground, underground, in a building, in a basement - anywhere on earth. They cannot destroy the Earth's gravitational field in any way, since the engines receive energy due to the potential difference for each element when they complete one cycle (circle) around the axis of rotation. The mass of the Earth and the engine does not change, which means that the force of attraction between the Earth and this engine does not change either. It remains to put a standard electric generator on the shaft of such an engine and you can live on the renewed Earth. And you can not expect weather from the sea, from the air of the wind, from the river of water, but electricity from Chubais.

A very interesting version of a gravitational-hydrostatic engine, in which a hydraulic shock works, is the invention of a team of authors V. V. Marukhin, V. A. Kutienkov and V. I. Ivanov. They have created a unit that can operate in water at great depths. But it is quite possible to place blocks at a depth of 16-21 meters. The power of the standard unit is 500 kW, which allows you to create and place powerful power plants even in specially created pools. The simplicity of the heart of the design is striking (Fig. 17) - a pipe, two valves and a cap with an air cushion, when selecting parameters, they form a hydraulic oscillating system, the stability of oscillations in which is maintained by the hydrostatic pressure of water at a selected depth, i.e. due to gravity. The steady relaxation oscillations provide a continuous pulsating water flow. And since there is a material flow, it costs nothing to direct it in the right direction to make the turbine and the electric generator rotate.

Fig. 17
Fig. 17

Fig. 17.

This invention confirms the fact that energy can be created at the discontinuities of potential fields. The introduction of a cap with an air cushion into the structure creates different conditions for the development of hydrostatic pressure at the inlet and outlet of the pipe. Let for a moment, during the passage of the shock wave due to inertia, part of the water from the volume that "oscillates" between the two valves, falling under the air cap 4, is under pressure significantly less than at the inlet of the first valve 3. And this enough for the potential energy stored by it to turn into kinetic energy of the water flow directed to the turbine, and then back to the ocean. There is nothing supernatural about it. Everything is in full compliance with the laws of physics and vibration theory.

Here is another design that uses a gidrotaran (Fig. 18). Pat. 2105906, authors A. E. and N. A. Kuzmins from the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy. Published in the journal "Inventor and Rationalizer", No. 10, 2001. This power plant can be the basis, for example, an electric or low-power pumping station for a farm, a shepherd area, a frontier post; completely without backwater - on the seashore, due to the energy of tidal and wind waves.

There are many known projects for the use of hydraulic rams in power systems. See above for the example successfully implemented by our compatriots in Spain. The more power of one unit, the cheaper kWh * hour of energy produced. Large hydroelectric power plants are the foundation of energy. But one foundation is not enough; walls and a roof are also needed. Therefore, in the power industry, in addition to powerful stations united into power systems, small autonomous networks and even separate power plants are needed. There are many places where it is not profitable to pull the network. A small wind, solar, geothermal installation is more profitable there. But best of all, where there is water, it is hydrated, independent of the sun, weather, time of day and year.

A “hydraulic ram motor” for mini-hydroelectric power plants is apparently the optimal solution: it is based on a piston engine. The lower the power, the more profitable it is than a similar turbine: the overflows in the gaps are relatively less, which means higher efficiency.

Fig. 18
Fig. 18

Fig. 18.

The operation of such an installation is carried out as follows. The water flowing down from the low-pressure source 1 (see Fig. 18) through the shock valve 4 is discharged to a level below the location of the machine, for example, into a garden or a flood meadow. The jet closes the shock valve. The pressure (water hammer) in the valve box 3, the pipeline 2 and the working chamber of the cylinder 8. The piston moves and through the connecting rod turns the crankshaft 9 and the kinematically associated units, including the output shaft - the drive of actuators, for example, an electric generator. At the same time, the camshaft 6 rotates through the transmission, interacting through the pushers with the valves of other cylinders. Each module has three cylinders for maximum efficiency. To start the machine in operation, the valve in one of the cylinders must be opened manually with a cam roller 7. At the end of the working stroke in the first cylinder, the valve opens under the action of the cam and the water is drained through the pipe 5. The cylinder comes to its original position. At this time, in one of the neighboring ones, a working stroke is performed. In the next bar, the third comes into play.

Before starting the machine, water does not flow through the machine, there is no overrun. In the example, a machine with a head H = 0.2 m, the number of cylinders 3, and a crankshaft speed of 1000 rpm is considered. The inventors have designed this truly versatile machine for cattle farms and pastures only. But the machine can work perfectly both on a rural dam and on the ocean shore. The surf there is higher than 0.2 m, and complete calm (when there is no surf) is a rare, short-term phenomenon. True, there is one insignificant but … This installation requires a constantly replenished, albeit with a weak pressure, reservoir with water. And one more little thing, the factories producing hydro-ram devices have been closed for a long time. Russia is on the oil needle.

Perhaps the next scheme of a gravitational hydroelectric power station has already been patented by someone, it’s too simple its design. This is a scheme that uses the aerial lift effect, that is, the rise of water mixed with air through a system of parallel narrow tubes, during which air bubbles, expanding as they rise, simultaneously lift the water "stuck" between them (Fig. 19).

Fig. 19
Fig. 19

Fig. 19.

Figure 19 shows a possible layout of a hydroelectric power station with an air lift, although structurally everything can be assembled in one block (pipe). So how can such a hydroelectric power plant work? The circulation of water in the system must first be brought to a certain speed so that the water, passing through the Laval nozzle, through the air intake pipe "sucks in" a sufficient volume of air, the bubbles of which, mixing with water, would rise to the airlift block, where they would continue to rise through the tubes of the block into in accordance with Archimedes' law, they would simultaneously raise water, which will inevitably fall into the tubes, carried away by air bubbles.

Air can be supplied by means of a compressor or at a certain speed of water flow through the Laval nozzle the air will be “self-priming”, since this section of the structure will act as a vacuum pump. So, most likely, the structure should be adjusted for a given power level, water rise, etc. But these are little things.

At the top of the airlift block, air bubbles would burst and air from them would enter the atmosphere. And the water would drain into the compartment, which goes into the chamber with the turbine. In a chamber with a turbine, the water would sink down under the action of gravity (gravity), reaching the Laval nozzle. Then the cycle would be repeated. Going down, the water would rotate the turbine, the rotation of which would be transmitted through the shaft to the electric generator, the resulting energy would remain to be fed into the network.

In this design, in the air lift block, water rises by the force of Archimedes, and in the block with a turbine, water, as in a conventional dam hydroelectric power station, sinking under the influence of gravity, rotates the turbine. With certain design parameters, it is possible to ensure that the water will not only turn the turbine, but also raise itself to the required height, sucking air from the atmosphere. Isn't it a perpetual motion machine? And the efficiency of using the "energy" of gravity is not so important, since the energy will be given free of charge.

Such a hydroelectric power station can be installed anywhere on the earth's land. There is no need to build a dam, endanger the lives of people living downstream, and violate the environment. The size of such a hydroelectric power station will be comparable in capacity with the existing powerful dam hydroelectric power stations. Such hydroelectric power plants can replace all thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, etc. There will be no need to extract coal, oil, gas. Railways will not need to transport coal, oil from one end of the Earth to the other. Gas can be directed exclusively to residential buildings and used as a backup energy source.

And in the existing recuperative HPPs, the installation of a block with an airlift will make it possible to continuously raise water in the reservoir without wasting electricity from the system. The air lift unit can be combined with the hydraulic ram motor shown in Fig. 18, then, having a bucket or a barrel of water, you can get an ocean of energy. The only limitation for such a design is that the water temperature should not fall below zero Celsius.

We can summarize. Gravity, in combination with other natural forces, can be effectively used to generate energy. Moreover, there are more than a dozen options for using this natural force, even with a superficial analysis. And if you think about the whole world, then this list can be expanded. And then it will become clear that to get out of the energy crisis there is no need to implement the inhuman plan of George W. Bush to convert feed, sugar cane, forests, etc. into gasoline.

It is possible to install a gravitational power plant in every rural settlement and thereby help the revival of the village. Each high-rise building can be provided with practically free electricity, which will increase the safety of residents in all respects; in the event of a city accident, the house can always be switched to autonomous power supply. But the production of gravity motors requires an industrial scale and a completely new economic and financial policy. Energy tariffs will be much cheaper!

Even such vortex engines as Clem or Schauberger engines can also be attributed to gravitational engines, since gravity plays an important role there. In them, the fluid makes a circuit under the action of gravity, and a short-term transition of the water flow from water to air provides energy. Without gravity, it would have to be created by a special rotation of these installations around an additional axis so that the gravitational force was created artificially. And this is an additional argument in favor of rotation for power generation.

In the light of the revealed circumstances and opportunities, the rolling blackouts of power consumers in winter, practiced under the leadership of A. Chubais, look wild. What are we paying for power generation and distribution companies and systems? I just want to say to A. Chubais - don't get into your sleigh, especially when you are tormented by greed and contempt for people. Barely, he immediately went to the Duma, and as Ostap Bender liked to repeat, so he did: “Give me money, give me money, otherwise I’ll turn off the light, for example, in Moscow!”.

It turns out that there is no need for some to extract oil through I cannot, and to others - by deceiving, to buy it profitably for themselves, and in which case it is not necessary to calm down those who do not want to give oil almost for free with an atomic bomb. But for such engines to start working, people have to learn a lot themselves. And, first, learn to look at yourself, Nature in a new way and build your relationship with Nature according to its laws. And quickly get rid of the geo-fascist democracy and liberal economy, because of which prices for the most essential things in Russia are rapidly growing: bread and other food products, heat, water, air, knowledge, housing and life itself. The President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin himself confirmed this to the whole world.

An era is coming in which value, as the amount of energy expended, ceases to play the role of an equivalent in the exchange of goods, and oil as an energy carrier and money (Satan's toilet paper) lose their value! And the energy itself turned out to be simple information. Immortal is only the Eternal Movement, which and only which gives us life and supports us until our death. And it is important to be able to transform one form of Eternal Movement into another. The rest is vanity.

Vlasov V. N.