The so-called thermal noise is inherent in any conductors of electric current that have active resistance. This is due to the chaotic movement of charge carriers. Some of the noise is an inherent characteristic of all systems, others appear in the specific conditions of individual circuit elements. A number of noises, and their appearance, have not been fully explained.
Can this phenomenon be used somehow? Yuri Evgenievich Vinogradov, the inventor of an unusual device called the Nyquistor (the name is associated with the name of Harry Nyquist, a researcher of the theory of thermal noise, the author of the formula for calculating the mean square of the thermal noise voltage), tries to answer this question.
Demonstration of the invention (still from the video presented at the end of the article).
Strictly speaking, many thought about this issue, even argued in theory how you can get the required power by combining a lot of "noise" signals. But not everything is so simple, because all such noise pulses will not be in phase, and therefore their combination will not give the desired result. But if it were possible to receive current in one direction …
Demonstration of the invention (still from the video presented at the end of the article.
The operation of the "Nyquistor" as an isothermal converter of heat into electric current is based on the possibility of rectifying small eternal Nyquist noise currents, proved by Vinogradov. Yuri Evgenievich's calculations show that his device can provide about 100 watts per square centimeter of the working surface.
A simple but effective model of the nyquistor Yu. E. Vinogradov.
Promotional video:
To solve the above problems, Vinogradov proposed to use special semiconductor elements - varicaps: diodes, the operation of which is based on the dependence of the barrier capacitance of the pn junction on the reverse voltage.
He made a working model of the device, which in practice proves the possibility of creating alternative energy. When carrying out experiments on the model, the results were obtained that coincide with the calculated ones.
Of course, as the author of the invention says, many more experiments are required to optimize the operation of the "Nyquistor", to obtain the optimal characteristics of the device for mass production and many others, but Yuri Vinogradov is sure that the device is capable of pushing back the usual energy sources.