The Hadron Collider Will Help Scientists Discover The Fifth Dimension - Alternative View

The Hadron Collider Will Help Scientists Discover The Fifth Dimension - Alternative View
The Hadron Collider Will Help Scientists Discover The Fifth Dimension - Alternative View

Video: The Hadron Collider Will Help Scientists Discover The Fifth Dimension - Alternative View

Video: The Hadron Collider Will Help Scientists Discover The Fifth Dimension - Alternative View
Video: Did the Large Hadron Collider opened an alternate universe? Or how to tell reality from a good story 2024, September

Scientists around the world continue to seek confirmation of various theories, one of which suggests the presence of a fifth dimension. If the experiment, which is planned to be carried out with the help of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), turns out to be successful, people will be able to learn a lot of interesting things about this measurement.

The recent discovery of a new particle - the Higgs boson - has inspired researchers to search for new evidence of the membrane theory, which became popular in the 90s, but has not received confirmation.

According to this theory, there are many parallel worlds in the vicinity of our dimension. You can get into them through a special entrance. Experts plan to find such an entrance thanks to the LHC, proving the M-theory.

With the help of the LHC, scientists intend to detect Kaluza-Klein particles, which, according to theory, are in other dimensions and have the same properties as ordinary ones, but their mass is much larger.

If such particles are detected with the help of the Large Hadron Collider, this will fully prove not only the existence of the fifth dimension, but also make it possible to find the entrance to it. We can only hope that the scientists' experiment will be crowned with success.