Meeting With Aliens From Another Dimension - Alternative View

Meeting With Aliens From Another Dimension - Alternative View
Meeting With Aliens From Another Dimension - Alternative View

Video: Meeting With Aliens From Another Dimension - Alternative View

Video: Meeting With Aliens From Another Dimension - Alternative View
Video: Инопланетяне и другие измерения | Insights from the Master 2024, September

On a summer day, Vladimir was returning from a business trip by car. Tired of the road, he stopped to rest and have a snack on the roadside in the forest belt.

Quite unexpectedly, he was attacked by panic, looking around, Vladimir did not see anyone. Without touching the food, he decided to leave this place because of his condition. Stretching out his hand to the ignition keys, Vladimir saw them disappear, literally melting before his eyes.

In fright, he jumped out of the car, began to rub his temples and eyes. And then Vladimir felt his body literally filled with lead weight. It became difficult to move, it felt like a huge weight was suspended from each limb. He had a sharp headache and he heard a voice right in it.

"Do not be afraid, we will not harm you" Vladimir did not have time to come to his senses, when he saw two figures in front of him in fancy gray clothes. They were a man and a woman no different in appearance from people.

The woman put out her hand in front of her and directed it towards Vladimir. The pain in his head abruptly subsided, but he was completely immobilized.

The dialogue proceeded as follows. Vladimir spoke in words, and information from the aliens went straight to his brain. They informed him that they came from another dimension, from the planet Tietz. Due to the poor ecological situation on Earth, they cannot stay here for a long time. In order not to frighten him, they adopted human images.

Each dimension has its own civilization, they all surpass their development much ahead of earthlings. Aliens constantly monitor our civilization, intervening occasionally, trying to prevent environmental disasters on our planet. Since all dimensions are interconnected and are links of one chain, earthlings with their activity can destroy the entire living organism of dimensions.

The aliens reported that they were very unhappy with the way humanity had chosen, having taken the path of self-destruction.

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They turned to Vladimir with a request, an order. As he later understood, this was instilled in him and the annoying thought literally beat an impulse in his head, not subside for a minute, causing slight pain and nausea.

Upon returning from a business trip, he had to quit his job. Vladimir had already held the position of assistant chief engineer of one of the factories in the region for several years. The newcomers explained that if he did not do this, then an ecological disaster of a large scale would occur at his factory.

After the aliens said goodbye, a bright flash lit up his eyes, his body instantly became obedient. Once in the car, Vladimir found the ignition keys in place. Upon returning home, he thought for a long time, the thought of the aliens' request did not leave him, he was tormented by insomnia.

Three days later, Vladimir gave up and quit his job. In an instant, my health was in full order. Vladimir contacted one of the ufologists, to whom he told his story about a meeting with aliens.