Former US Air Force Pilot's Revelations About Tall Blond Aliens - Alternative View

Former US Air Force Pilot's Revelations About Tall Blond Aliens - Alternative View
Former US Air Force Pilot's Revelations About Tall Blond Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Former US Air Force Pilot's Revelations About Tall Blond Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Former US Air Force Pilot's Revelations About Tall Blond Aliens - Alternative View
Video: UFO Hunters: ALIEN ABDUCTION IN VANCOUVER (Season 3) | History 2024, September

“Charles Hall is known for his Millennial Hospitality book series. The author was indeed a member of the US Air Force and wrote books in which he recounted his experiences with tall white aliens [also known as Nordics] while serving at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada in 1964. Initially, he described the events that took place under the guise of science fiction. Later, he plucked up courage and publicly admitted that all the things in his books are real, and extraterrestrial beings do exist and have penetrated into various sectors of society. His revelations are compelling evidence that tall blond aliens exist.

Below are 10 statements about tall white aliens from his books.

(1) Hall was attacked in the middle of the desert by a group of Nordics who severely wounded him in the neck. He could have died of blood loss if he hadn't stopped the blood by pressing himself to the ground. The aliens who hurt him watched him fight for his life.

(2) Hall claims to have been hypnotized by tall whites.

(3) Tall white aliens carry some kind of pencil as a weapon. This device helps them hypnotize, kill, control and torture people. It emits signals that interact with certain ions in the human body and thus make it easier to control people.

(4) The aliens called Hall the "teachers' pet." They treated him like a pet. The aliens have always been interested in interacting with senior officers and neglected employees of lower and lower ranks.

(5) They came from the star Arcturus or something similar to that word. The star is located 36 to 105 light-years from Earth. They always tried to hide these details, but somehow Charles found out. He may have been able to pick up some of their telepathic conversations due to the telepathic connection he had established with them.

(6) Hall's observation of the aliens reveals that they used the Earth as an intermediate link between their home star and another destination. The geometry of the US Air Force buildings and bases suggests Hall to have been built with the security and needs of the Nordics in mind.

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(7) Hall managed to catch a glimpse of one of their aircraft and to some extent understand its technology based on super-twisted fiber optics and many more complex things. As a result, the objects were weightless and could easily overcome gravity.

(8) Hall was once able to slip through an unguarded hangar door and discovered that the door panel had two rows of touch buttons that were still new at the time. The touch buttons were painted with pictograms and symbols of the hieroglyphic type, reminiscent of the ancient Egyptian.

(9) On one side of the desert, there is a children's play area where alien children can play.

(10) The landing of the spacecraft on which the tall whites arrived always took place in a certain combination of the position of the earth, sun and moon. This ensured a smooth descent of their ship.

Charles Hall's books contain many more interesting stories and facts about the tall white aliens that are now present on Earth in disguise."