V. Grebennikov. Flight - Alternative View

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V. Grebennikov. Flight - Alternative View
V. Grebennikov. Flight - Alternative View

Video: V. Grebennikov. Flight - Alternative View

Video: V. Grebennikov. Flight - Alternative View
Video: Why Beetles Are Such an Evolutionary Success 2024, September

I invite everyone who has not yet heard about the amazing invention of the scientist-entomologist Viktor Grebennikov to familiarize themselves with his discovery, from his own words. Everything that you have to learn could be called fantasy - it will seem so unlikely, if not for two very significant but …

First, this is a chapter from Viktor Grebennikov's autobiographical book "My World", published with money from an international scientific foundation in a meager print run without the right to sell. This is a memory of the real life of a scientist and his research.

Secondly, the principle of operation of the gravitoplane invented by him, the peculiarities of its movement and visualization (luminous balls or disks, two vehicles instead of one, invisibility, etc.) - surprisingly resembles the principle of operation of UFOs and ancient spacecraft.


At the end of my first book "A Million Riddles", published in Novosibirsk in 1968, there is a drawing: a man is flying over Akademgorodok with the help of an apparatus based on huge insect wings. I then dreamed and fantasized: here is such an apparatus to invent! The dream, oddly enough, came true, and precisely through friendship with insects, but not by blind copying of the most noticeable knots and details - the same wings that now make me smile, but by a deep study of living Nature. But without my six-legged winged friends, nothing would have worked for me - and most certainly will not work for others.


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Sleep and strange awakening

Quiet steppe evening. The sun's coppery disc had already touched the distant, hazy horizon. It's too late to get home - I stayed here with my insect affairs and I'm getting ready for bed …

The blue smoke of the fire quietly takes me to the Land of Fairy Tales, and sleep comes quickly: I become either small, small, like an ant, then huge, like the whole sky, and now I have to fall asleep. But why are these seeming "pre-sleep changes" in the size of my body any unusual, very strong today; something new was added to them - the feeling of falling, as if this high bank was instantly removed from under me, and I am falling into an unknown and terrible abyss!

Suddenly, some flashes flashed, and I open my eyes, but the flashes do not disappear - they dance across the pearly-silver evening sky, on the lake, on the grass.

There was a sharp metallic taste in my mouth, as if I had applied the contacts of a strong battery to my tongue. Rustled in the ears; the double beats of one's own heart are distinctly audible.

What a dream here!

I sit down and try to ward off these unpleasant sensations, but nothing comes of it. Only the flashes in the eyes from wide and unsharp turned into narrow and clear - either sparks or chains - and interfere with looking around.

And then I remembered: I experienced very similar sensations several years ago in another place, which I called the Enchanted Grove!

I had to get up and walk along the shore: is this everywhere here? Here, a meter away from the cliff, the obvious effect of "something", I move into the depths of the steppe for a dozen meters - this "something" quite clearly disappears.

I go down, under the cliff, sit by the water, on a large lump of clay. I sit for five minutes, ten, nothing unpleasant, just right to go to bed somewhere here, but down here it is very damp.

Climbing to the top of the cliff - old story! My head is spinning, my mouth is "galvanically" sour again, and my weight seems to be changing: either I'm incredibly light, or on the contrary, heavy-heavy; in the eyes again flashed in different colors …

* Bee city *. Drawing by V. Grebennikov
* Bee city *. Drawing by V. Grebennikov

* Bee city *. Drawing by V. Grebennikov.

It’s incomprehensible: it would have been a really “bad place”, some kind of bad anomaly, it wouldn’t have grown here, above, this thick grass wouldn’t have nested those very large bees, whose holes are literally dotted with a steep clay cliff - and I didn’t for the night just above their underground "bee-city", in the depths of which, of course, there are a great many passages, chambers, larvae, pupae, alive and well.

So that time I did not understand anything, and sleepy, with a heavy head, in the early summer morning - the sun had not yet risen - leaned towards the highway, so that on a ride to Isilkul.

The bees are asking the question

That summer I visited the "enchanted lake" four more times, at different times of the day and in different weather. By the end of summer, my bees scattered here in incredible numbers, delivering bright yellow pollen to the burrows from somewhere, in a word, they felt great. What can not be said about me: a meter from the cliff, above their nests - a clear "complex" of unpleasant sensations, five meters away - without them …

And again bewilderment: why, exactly here, the plants and these bees, nesting here in great numbers, so that the cliff is dotted with their burrows, like excessively spongy cheese, and in places - almost like a sponge, feel great exactly here?

The answer after many years

The solution came much later, when the bee-city in the Kamyshlovskaya valley died: the arable land approached the very cliff, which collapsed because of this, and now there is not only no burrow or grass, but a huge dump. I have only a handful of old clay lumps left, fragments of those nests, with numerous lumps-cells. The cells were located side by side and resembled small thimbles, or rather jugs with smoothly tapering necks; I already knew that these bees belong to the species Galikt four-belted - according to the number of light rings on the oblong abdomen.

An old fragment of a nest of halikt bees. Illustration from the book by V. Grebennikov * My World *
An old fragment of a nest of halikt bees. Illustration from the book by V. Grebennikov * My World *

An old fragment of a nest of halikt bees. Illustration from the book by V. Grebennikov * My World *.

On my desk, cluttered with appliances, ants' dwellings, grasshoppers, reagent bottles and all sorts of other things, there was a wide vessel filled with these spongy lumps of clay. It took something to take, and I carried my hand over these perforated debris. And a miracle happened: above them, I suddenly felt


Schematic section of the nest of halikts near its deepest part. Below - the fragments of the nest, laid with holes upwards, give especially strong radiation. Drawing from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *
Schematic section of the nest of halikts near its deepest part. Below - the fragments of the nest, laid with holes upwards, give especially strong radiation. Drawing from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *

Schematic section of the nest of halikts near its deepest part. Below - the fragments of the nest, laid with holes upwards, give especially strong radiation. Drawing from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *.

I touched the lumps with my hand - cold, but above them there is a clear sensation of warmth; in addition, there appeared in my fingers some previously unknown jerks, twitches, "ticks". And when I pushed the bowl with the nests to the edge of the table and bowed my face over it, I felt the same thing as on the lake: as if the head was becoming light and big-big, the body was falling down somewhere, there were spark-like flashes in my eyes, the taste of a battery in my mouth, slight nausea …

I put a cardboard on top - the same sensations. The lid from the pan - as if it did not exist, and this "something" pierces through the barrier.

The phenomenon had to be studied immediately. But what could I do at home, without any physical instruments? Employees of the VASKHNIL-town helped me to explore the nests. But, alas, the instruments did not react to them at all: neither the most accurate thermometers, nor ultrasound recorders, nor electrometers, nor magnetometers. They carried out the most accurate chemical analysis of this clay - nothing special. The radiometer was also silent … But hands, ordinary human hands - and not only mine! - they clearly felt over the nesting grounds now warmth, now a kind of cold breeze, now goosebumps, now tics, now a thicker, like jelly, environment; in some, the hand was "heavy", in others it was as if something pushed it up; some of them had numb fingers, cramped muscles of the forearms, dizzy, saliva flowed profusely.

A bunch of paper tubes, which were inhabited by leaf-cutting bees, behaved in a similar way. In each tunnel there was a continuous row of multi-layered cups made of scraps of leaves, closed with concave round - also made of leaves - lids; inside the cups are silk oval cocoons with larvae and pupae. I suggested that people who did not know anything about my find should hold their hand or face over the nest of leaf cutters, and I recorded everything in detail.

The effect of cavity structures. Continued discoveries

“Starting off” from bee nests, I made several dozen artificial combs made of plastic, paper, metal, wood, and it turned out that the reason for all these unusual sensations is not the biofield, but the size, shape, number, and mutual arrangement of cavities formed by any solid bodies … And still the body felt it, but the instruments were silent. Calling the discovery the effect of cavity structures - EPS, I strenuously continued and diversified the experiments, and Nature continued to reveal to me her innermost secrets one after another.

It turned out that the development of saprophytic soil bacteria, yeast and other fungi, the germination of wheat grains, the behavior of microscopic mobile algae of Chlamydomonas changes, the luminescence of leaf-cutting bee larvae appears, and adult bees behave much more actively in this field and work on pollination of plants is completed two weeks earlier.

It turned out that the EPS is not shielded by anything, like gravity, acting on living things through walls, thick metal, and other obstacles.

It turned out that if you move the cellular object to a new place, then the person will not feel the EPS immediately, but after a few seconds or minutes, a "trace" remains in the same place, or, as I jokingly called it, a "phantom" tangible by the hand through dozens minutes, or even months later.

It turned out that the EPS field does not decrease uniformly from the combs, but surrounds them with a whole system of invisible, but sometimes very clearly perceptible "shells".

It turned out that animals (white mice) and people caught in the zone of action of even a strong EPS, after a while get used to it and adapt. It could not be otherwise: we are everywhere surrounded by numerous large and small cavities, gratings, cells - living and dead plants (and our own cells), bubbles of all kinds of foam rubber, foam plastic, foam concrete, the rooms themselves, corridors, halls, roofs, spaces between parts of consoles, devices, machines, between trees, furniture, buildings.

It turned out that the "pillar" or "beam" of the EPS has a stronger effect on living things when it is directed towards the anti-solar side, as well as down to the center of the Earth.

It turned out that in a strong ERS field, clocks, both mechanical and electronic, sometimes begin to "lie" noticeably, only time is involved here.

It turned out that all this is a manifestation of waves of matter, eternally mobile, eternally changing, eternally existing, and that for the discovery of these waves the physicist Louis da Broglie received the Nobel Prize in the 1920s, and that these waves are used in electron microscopes.

It turned out … yes, a lot of things turned out, but this will lead us into solid state physics, quantum mechanics, physics of elementary particles, that is, far away from the main characters of our story - insects.

To describe all my experiments, a separate thick book would be required, therefore, in conclusion, I will only mention this: in the ERS field, the BZ-18A microcalculator, which worked on a battery, repeatedly malfunctioned: it was shamelessly lying, then for several hours its display did not light up at all.

A device for measuring EPS. Drawing from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *
A device for measuring EPS. Drawing from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *

A device for measuring EPS. Drawing from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *.

Devices for registration of EPS

… But I managed to make devices for objective registration of EPS, which perfectly respond to the proximity of insect nests. Here they are in the picture: hermetic vessels, in which straws and burnt branches - drawing coals - are obliquely suspended on cobwebs; there is a little water on the bottom to exclude electrostatics that interfere with experiments in dry air. You point an old hornet's nest, a honeycomb, a bunch of ears at the upper end of the indicator - the indicator slowly moves away by tens of degrees.

There is no miracle here: the energy of the flickering electrons of both multi-cavity bodies creates a system of total waves in space, because a wave is an energy capable of performing work on the mutual repulsion of these objects even through obstacles like a thick-walled steel capsule. It is hard to imagine that waves of a tiny, lightweight wasp nest, which can be seen in the picture, can easily penetrate through her armor, and the indicator inside this heavy deaf capsule escapes from a long-lived wasp nest sometimes by half a turn - but this is so.

Union of bees and plants

As for underground nesting bees, "knowledge about EPS" is vital for them, firstly, so that when digging a new gallery, the builder would not cut into a neighbor's nest, and even walk around it from afar. Otherwise, the entire bee-city, worn out by intersecting burrows, will collapse. Secondly, the roots of plants - and, as we know, they are capable of breaking a building - must not be allowed to grow into galleries and cells. And, not reaching a few centimeters to the cell, the roots stop growing or are taken to the side, feeling the proximity of the bee nests.

Experiments on the effect of EPS on the germination of wheat grains. The distance between the experimental (under the grates) cup and the control one is 90 cm. In the first vessel, the grains almost died. Drawing from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *
Experiments on the effect of EPS on the germination of wheat grains. The distance between the experimental (under the grates) cup and the control one is 90 cm. In the first vessel, the grains almost died. Drawing from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *

Experiments on the effect of EPS on the germination of wheat grains. The distance between the experimental (under the grates) cup and the control one is 90 cm. In the first vessel, the grains almost died. Drawing from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *.

This was clearly confirmed in my numerous experiments on the germination of wheat grains in a strong field of EPS in comparison with control grains that developed at the same temperature, humidity, illumination: in the photographs and drawings one can see both the death of roots in the experimental batch, and their sharp deviation to the side, the opposite of my "artificial honeycomb".

The ERS emitter was not on top, but on the side, and the growing roots were sharply turned in the opposite direction. Illustration from the book by V. Grebennikov * My World *
The ERS emitter was not on top, but on the side, and the growing roots were sharply turned in the opposite direction. Illustration from the book by V. Grebennikov * My World *

The ERS emitter was not on top, but on the side, and the growing roots were sharply turned in the opposite direction. Illustration from the book by V. Grebennikov * My World *.

It turned out that between the grasses and the bees there, on the lake, this alliance was concluded for a long time - one of the examples of the highest ecological expediency of all things; and in the same place, in the same point of the globe, - another example of the ruthless, ignorant attitude of people to Nature … Now there is no trace of the bee-city, and every spring thick streams of fertile black soil in the past flow down between the dump heaps, down to the lifeless steep-salty puddles, which in the recent past were a chain of lakes, over which innumerable flocks of waders and ducks were hovering, swans could be seen in bright white dots on the water, predators-ospreys hovered on wide wings. And at the cliff, worn out by bee burrows, there was a buzz from hundreds of thousands of relentless wings of halikts, which opened the first door for me to the Unknown.


Flight. Discovery made through insects

It turned out that I was on the verge of another of the secrets? Exactly. And again, chance helped me, or rather, my insect friends. And again sleepless nights, setbacks, doubts, obtaining missing materials, breakdowns, even accidents … head, hands - hands must be skillful, skillful! The joy of creativity, even not completed with success, believe me, is much higher and brighter than receiving a diploma, medal, copyright certificate. Judge this from an excerpt from my work diaries; photos and drawings will help in the perception and assessment of the written.

View from a height of half a kilometer. Drawing by the author from the book by V. Grebennikov * My World *
View from a height of half a kilometer. Drawing by the author from the book by V. Grebennikov * My World *

View from a height of half a kilometer. Drawing by the author from the book by V. Grebennikov * My World *.

… A sultry summer day. Dali are drowning in a bluish-lilac haze; over the fields and copses there is a giant dome of the sky with lush clouds frozen under it. They seem to be lying on a huge transparent glass, and therefore all the bottoms of them are aligned, flat, and the upper parts of the clouds are so dazzlingly illuminated by the sun that when you look at them you have to squint your eyes.

I fly about three hundred meters above the ground, taking the distant lake as a reference point - a bright, elongated speck in a foggy haze. The bizarre blue pegs slowly recede backward; between them fields: those bluish-green ones are oats; whitish rectangles with some unusual, fractional-minute flicker - buckwheat; right below me is an alfalfa field, the familiar green of which is the closest in color to the “cobalt green medium” artistic paint; the wheat green oceans on the right are of a denser shade, as the artists say, and resemble a paint called "chromium oxide." The huge multi-colored palette floats and floats back …

Paths wind between fields and copses. They run to dirt roads, and they, in turn, stretch there, to the highway, which is still invisible from here because of the haze, but I know that if you fly to the right of the lake, it will seem: an even, even light strip without end and the beginning, along which the cars move - tiny boxes, leisurely crawling along the light ribbon.

Along the sunny forest-steppe, the flat shadows of cumulus clouds of various sizes, those that are above me, are picturesquely spread out - thick blue where they cover the copses, and in the fields - blue of different shades.

Now I am just in the shadow of such a cloud; I increase my speed - it's very easy for me to do that - and fly out of the shadows. I lean forward a little and feel how from there, from below, from the ground warmed up in the sun, from the plants, a warm tight wind pulls, not from the side, as on the ground, but blowing in an unusual way from the bottom up. I physically feel a dense dense stream, strongly smelling of blooming buckwheat, of course, this stream will easily lift even a large bird if it unfolds its wings motionless: an eagle, a crane or a stork.

But it is not the updrafts that keep me in the air, I have no wings; in flight, my feet rest on a flat rectangular platform, slightly larger than the chair cover - with a stand and two handles, which I hold onto and with which I control the apparatus.

V. Grebennikov on a gravitoplane. Drawing from the book Drawing by the author from V. Grebennikov's book * My World *
V. Grebennikov on a gravitoplane. Drawing from the book Drawing by the author from V. Grebennikov's book * My World *

V. Grebennikov on a gravitoplane. Drawing from the book Drawing by the author from V. Grebennikov's book * My World *.

Fantastic? But how to say … In a word, the interrupted manuscript of this book lay motionless for two years, because the generous and ancient Nature, again through my insect friends, suddenly took and gave me something else, doing it, as always, gracefully and unobtrusive, but fast and convincing. And for two whole long years the discovery did not let me go - although, as it seemed to me, its "development" was going on rapidly. But this is always the case: when the matter is interesting, new, time flies almost twice as fast.

A bright spot of the steppe lake has already noticeably approached, has grown, and behind it is a highway with already clearly distinguishable from here, from a height, boxes and cars. This highway runs about eight kilometers from the railway parallel to it, and over there, if you look closely, you can see the overhead pillars and the light embankment of the railroad bed. It's time to turn twenty degrees to the left.

His sketch of a flight. Drawing from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *
His sketch of a flight. Drawing from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *

His sketch of a flight. Drawing from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *.

I cannot be seen from below, and not only because of the distance: even when flying very low, I mostly do not cast shadows at all. But still, as I found out later, people occasionally see something in this place of the sky: either a light ball or disk, or a semblance of a vertical or oblique cloud with sharp edges, moving, according to their testimony, somehow not “over a cloudy ". Someone observed a "flat square the size of a hectare" - maybe it was an illusory enlarged platform of my apparatus?

For the most part, people do not see anything, and I am still happy with that - you never know what. Moreover, I have not yet established what the "visibility-invisibility" depends on. And therefore I confess that I diligently avoid meeting people in this state, for which I fly around cities and towns far, far, and cross roads and paths at high speed, only making sure that there is no one on them.

In these excursions, for the reader, undoubtedly, fantastic, but for me have already become almost familiar, I only trust my insect friends, and the first practical application of this last find of mine was, and still remains, entomological - to explore my cherished corners, to capture them from above, find new, still unknown to me, countries of insects that need protection and rescue.

Flight features

Alas, nature immediately set me its own severe restrictions, as in our passenger planes: just look, but you can't take pictures. So here, if not worse: the shutter did not close, and the films taken with us - one cassette in the device, the other in a pocket - turned out to be completely and harshly exposed. The sketches of the terrain also did not work out at a height: almost all the time both hands were busy, only one could be released for two or three seconds.

Gravitoplane. Photo from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *
Gravitoplane. Photo from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *

Gravitoplane. Photo from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *.

Alas, nature immediately set me its own severe restrictions, as in our passenger planes: just look, but you can't take pictures. So here, if not worse: the shutter did not close, and the films taken with us - one cassette in the device, the other in a pocket - turned out to be completely and harshly exposed. The sketches of the terrain also did not work out at a height: almost all the time both hands were busy, only one could be released for two or three seconds.

This flight is not at all similar to what we experience in a dream - it was with such a dream that I began this topic. And this is not so much pleasure as work, sometimes very difficult and unsafe: you have not to soar, but to stand; hands are always busy; a few centimeters from you there is a border dividing “this” space from “that”, external, an invisible border, but very insidious; all this is so far rather unsightly, and my creation only vaguely resembles … a hospital scale. But this is the beginning!

By the way, in addition to the camera, my watch and, perhaps, the calendar were sometimes very bad: going down, say, to a familiar meadow, I found it a little out of season, with a "deviation" of about a week in one direction or another. So it is possible to move not only in space, but - it seems! - and in time. I cannot confirm the latter with a 100% guarantee, except perhaps that during the flight - especially at the beginning - the clock is lying a lot: alternately rushing and lagging behind, but by the end of the excursion they turn out to be going exactly one second per second.

That is why I avoid people during such travels: if time is involved, along with gravity, then suddenly there will be a violation of unknown causal relationships, and one of us will suffer? My fears are the following: the insects taken "there" from test tubes, boxes and other containers … disappear, for the most part, without a trace; once a test tube in a pocket was broken into small fragments, another time an oval hole with brown “chitinous” edges appeared in the glass - you can see it in the picture.

A test tube perforated during flight. Illustration from the book by V. Grebennikov * My World *
A test tube perforated during flight. Illustration from the book by V. Grebennikov * My World *

A test tube perforated during flight. Illustration from the book by V. Grebennikov * My World *.

Repeatedly, through the fabric of my pocket, I felt a semblance of a short, either burning or electric shock - probably at the moment of the "disappearance" of the prisoner. And only once did I find an insect I had taken in a test tube, but it was not an adult ichneumonic rider with white rings on its whiskers, but his… pupa - that is, the previous stage. She was alive: if you touch it, she moves her belly. To my great chagrin, a week later she died and dried up.

It flies best - I write without quotes! - on clear summer days. In rainy weather, this is very difficult, and for some reason it does not work at all in winter. But not because it is cold, I could accordingly improve my apparatus or make another one, but I, an entomologist, simply do not need winter flights.

Discovery history

How and why did I come to this find?

This is how the uranium scales look and are arranged inside. Drawings by the author. Illustrations from the book by V. Grebennikov * My World *
This is how the uranium scales look and are arranged inside. Drawings by the author. Illustrations from the book by V. Grebennikov * My World *

This is how the uranium scales look and are arranged inside. Drawings by the author. Illustrations from the book by V. Grebennikov * My World *.

In the summer of 1988, examining the chitinous integuments of insects through a microscope, their feathery antennae, the finest in structure scales of the wings of butterflies, lacewings with iridescent iridescence and other patents of nature, I became interested in the unusually rhythmic microstructure of one of the rather large details of insects. It was an extremely ordered composition, as if stamped on some kind of complex machine according to special drawings and calculations. In my opinion, this incomparable cellularity was clearly not required neither for the strength of this part, nor for its decoration.

This is how the uranium scales look and are arranged inside. Drawings by the author. Illustrations from the book by V. Grebennikov * My World *
This is how the uranium scales look and are arranged inside. Drawings by the author. Illustrations from the book by V. Grebennikov * My World *

This is how the uranium scales look and are arranged inside. Drawings by the author. Illustrations from the book by V. Grebennikov * My World *.

I have not observed anything like this, even remotely resembling this unusual amazing micro-pattern, either in other insects, or in the rest of nature, or in technology or art; because it is multidimensional in volume, I still have not been able to repeat it in a flat drawing or photo. Why does an insect need this? Moreover, this structure - the underside of the elytra - is almost always hidden from other eyes, except in flight, when no one will see it.

Scales covering the wings of butterflies under an electron microscope at magnifications of 150 and 5000 times. Photos from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *
Scales covering the wings of butterflies under an electron microscope at magnifications of 150 and 5000 times. Photos from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *

Scales covering the wings of butterflies under an electron microscope at magnifications of 150 and 5000 times. Photos from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *.

I suspected: is it a wave beacon with "my" effect of multi-cavity structures? In that truly happy summer, there were a lot of insects of this species, and I caught them in the evenings at light; neither "before" nor "after" I have not observed not only such a mass of them, but also single individuals.

Scales covering the wings of butterflies under an electron microscope at magnifications of 150 and 5000 times. Photos from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *
Scales covering the wings of butterflies under an electron microscope at magnifications of 150 and 5000 times. Photos from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *

Scales covering the wings of butterflies under an electron microscope at magnifications of 150 and 5000 times. Photos from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *.

I put this small concave chitinous plate on the microscope stage in order to once again examine its strange-star-shaped cells at high magnification. I admired another masterpiece of Nature as a jeweler, and almost without any purpose put another plate on it with tweezers, exactly the same plate with these extraordinary cells on one of its sides. the one on the microscope stage turned a little clockwise, slid out - through the air!

Multicellular structures of insects under an electron microscope, magnified hundreds and thousands of times. Photos from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *
Multicellular structures of insects under an electron microscope, magnified hundreds and thousands of times. Photos from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *

Multicellular structures of insects under an electron microscope, magnified hundreds and thousands of times. Photos from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *.

Multicellular structures of insects under an electron microscope, magnified hundreds and thousands of times. Photos from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *
Multicellular structures of insects under an electron microscope, magnified hundreds and thousands of times. Photos from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *

Multicellular structures of insects under an electron microscope, magnified hundreds and thousands of times. Photos from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *.

Multicellular structures of insects under an electron microscope, magnified hundreds and thousands of times. Photos from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *
Multicellular structures of insects under an electron microscope, magnified hundreds and thousands of times. Photos from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *

Multicellular structures of insects under an electron microscope, magnified hundreds and thousands of times. Photos from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *.

Multicellular structures of insects under an electron microscope, magnified hundreds and thousands of times. Photos from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *
Multicellular structures of insects under an electron microscope, magnified hundreds and thousands of times. Photos from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *

Multicellular structures of insects under an electron microscope, magnified hundreds and thousands of times. Photos from the book of V. Grebennikov * My World *.

- to the right, turned counterclockwise, swayed, and only then quickly and sharply fell on the table.

A stand from the Museum of Agroecology and Environmental Protection at the Siberian Research Institute of Agriculture and Chemicalization of Agriculture, which (the museum), together with its work, was the main business of life for V. Grebennikov. After his death, the Museum was almost closed. But since 2002, through the efforts of the research institute staff, headed by the curator and guide of the museum R. N. Fisechko was again open to visitors
A stand from the Museum of Agroecology and Environmental Protection at the Siberian Research Institute of Agriculture and Chemicalization of Agriculture, which (the museum), together with its work, was the main business of life for V. Grebennikov. After his death, the Museum was almost closed. But since 2002, through the efforts of the research institute staff, headed by the curator and guide of the museum R. N. Fisechko was again open to visitors

A stand from the Museum of Agroecology and Environmental Protection at the Siberian Research Institute of Agriculture and Chemicalization of Agriculture, which (the museum), together with its work, was the main business of life for V. Grebennikov. After his death, the Museum was almost closed. But since 2002, through the efforts of the research institute staff, headed by the curator and guide of the museum R. N. Fisechko was again open to visitors.

What I experienced at that moment - the reader can only imagine. When I came to, I tied several panels with wire; it was not easy, and then only when I took them vertically. The result is such a multi-layer "chitin-block". Put it on the table. Even such a relatively heavy object as a large pushpin could not fall on it: something seemed to be beating it up and then to the side. I attached the button to the top of the "block" - and then such incongruous, incredible things began (in particular, for some moments the button completely disappeared from view!) That I realized: this is not a lighthouse, but quite, completely different.

And again I took my breath away, and again from excitement all the objects around me floated as if in a fog: but I, though with difficulty, still pulled myself together, and after two hours I was able to continue working …

Actually, it all started with this incident.

"UFO" over Zatulinka

… I made a very unsuccessful, extremely risky flight on the night of March 17-18, 1990, without waiting for the season and being too lazy to drive off into a deserted area. And night - I already well knew - the most risky time of day for this work.

The author's drawing, as he imagines, could look like his apparatus from the ground. Illustration from the book by V. Grebennikov * My World *
The author's drawing, as he imagines, could look like his apparatus from the ground. Illustration from the book by V. Grebennikov * My World *

The author's drawing, as he imagines, could look like his apparatus from the ground. Illustration from the book by V. Grebennikov * My World *.

Failures began even before takeoff: the block-panel on the right side of the carrier platform was stuck, which should have been eliminated immediately, but I did not. I got up straight from the street of our VASKHNIL-town, recklessly believing that at 2 o'clock in the morning everyone was asleep and no one saw me. The ascent seemed to start normally, but after a few seconds, when the houses with rare luminous windows went down and I was about a hundred meters above the ground, I felt sick, as if I had fainted. I would have gone down here, but I didn’t, and in vain, since some powerful force seemed to wrest control of movement and gravity from me and inexorably pulled me towards the city.

Drawn by this unexpected, uncontrollable force, I crossed the second circle of nine-story buildings in the residential area of the town (they are located in two huge - one kilometer in diameter - circles, inside which five-story buildings, including ours), flew over a narrow snow-covered field, crossed the Novosibirsk highway obliquely -Academgorodok, Severo-Chemskoy Zhilmassiv … The dark bulk of Novosibirsk was approaching and advancing quickly, and now there were almost several "bouquets" of tall factory pipes, many of which were slowly and thickly smoking … It was necessary to do something urgently.

Having mastered the situation with the greatest difficulty, I was able to make an emergency reconfiguration of the block panels with half a sin. The horizontal movement began to slow down, but then I again felt sick, which is completely unacceptable in flight. Only from the fourth time it was possible to extinguish the horizontal movement and hover over Zatulinka - the factory Kirovsky district of the city. The ominous pipes continued to silently and steeply smoke quite close below me. After resting for a few minutes, if you can call a rest a strange hovering over the illuminated fence of some factory, next to which residential quarters immediately began, and with relief making sure that the "evil force" had disappeared, I slipped back, but not in the direction of our VASKHNIL town, and to the right, to Tolmachev - to confuse the trail in case someone noticed me. And about halfway to this airport, over some dark night fields,where there was clearly not a soul, I turned abruptly home …

The next day, naturally, I could not get out of bed. The news, TV and newspaper reports were more than disturbing to me. Headlines "UFO over Zatulinka", "Aliens again?" it was clearly said that my flight had been detected. But how! Some perceived the "phenomenon" as luminous balls or disks, and for some reason many "saw" not one ball, but … two! Others claimed that a "real saucer" with portholes and beams was flying …

I do not exclude that some Zatulians saw not my almost emergency evolutions, but something else that had nothing to do with them. Moreover, March 1990 was extremely "fruitful" on UFOs both in Siberia and near Nalchik, and especially in Belgium, where on the night of March 31, engineer Marcel Alferlan, grabbing a video camera and running up to the roof of a house, shot a two-minute film about the flight of one from the huge "alien" triangles-gravitoplanes, which, according to the authoritative conclusion of the Belgian scientists, are nothing more than material objects, and with such capabilities that no civilization is yet able to create.

The author's drawing, as he imagines, could look like his apparatus from the ground. Illustration from the book by V. Grebennikov * My World *
The author's drawing, as he imagines, could look like his apparatus from the ground. Illustration from the book by V. Grebennikov * My World *

The author's drawing, as he imagines, could look like his apparatus from the ground. Illustration from the book by V. Grebennikov * My World *.

So "none", gentlemen, Belgian scientists? As for me, I presume that the gravitational filter platforms (or, as I call them, in short, block panels) of these devices in nature were relatively small, triangular in shape, and worked on our Earth, but on a more solid and serious base than my almost half-wooden apparatus.

I immediately wanted to make its platform triangular - it is much more efficient and reliable - but I moved away from this shape in favor of a quadrangular one because it is easier to fold, and when folded it resembles a suitcase, sketchbook or "diplomat" that can be decorated like this, that even the slightest suspicion does not arise. I, of course, chose the "sketchbook" …

I was not at all involved in the events in Belgium and near Nalchik. Moreover, I use my find, as it may seem to you, stupidly irrational - just to visit my "entomo-parks" … And my brainchildren, as I think, are much more important than any technical findings I have today. day eleven: eight in the Omsk region, one in the Voronezh region, two in the Novosibirsk region.

Drawing by the author. Illustration from the book by V. Grebennikov * My World *
Drawing by the author. Illustration from the book by V. Grebennikov * My World *

Drawing by the author. Illustration from the book by V. Grebennikov * My World *.

Isilkulia from a bird's eye view

And I continue my way under the midday majestic lush clouds to the west, and the rectangles of multi-colored fields, coppices of bizarre outlines go away, go back, and the blue shadows from these clouds also run back under me.

The flight speed is quite high, but the wind does not whistle in my ears: the power protection of the platform with block-panels "cut" out of space an invisible pillar or beam spreading upwards, cutting off the attraction of the platform to the Earth, but not me and not the air that is inside this pillar above by her; all this, as I think, during flight, as it were, expands the space, but behind me closes it again, slams it.

This is probably the reason for the invisibility of the apparatus "with a rider", or rather "riser", or partially distorted visibility, as I had recently over Novosibirsk Zatulinka. But the protection against attraction is adjustable, albeit incomplete: put your head forward, and you can already feel like swirls from the headwind, clearly smelling either sweet clover, or buckwheat, or the multicolored Siberian meadow grasses.

I leave Isilkul with a huge elevator near the railway to the far left and go gradually downward over the highway, making sure that I am now invisible to drivers, passengers, and workers in the field: there is no shadow from me and the platform on the ground (however, occasionally a shadow suddenly appears); here at the edge of the chop tree, three guys are picking berries - I go down to low-shave flight, slow down, fly next to them. Normal, no reaction - therefore, neither me nor the shadow can be seen. And, of course, it is not audible: with this principle of movement - in the "expandable space" - the apparatus will not emit even the slightest sound, since even friction against air does not actually occur here.

My journey was long, at least forty minutes from Novosibirsk. Tired of the arms that cannot be torn off the regulators, tired of the legs and torso - you have to stand almost at attention on this small platform, to the vertical column of which I am tied … with a belt. And although I can move faster, I am afraid: my semi-handicraft "technique" is still too tiny and fragile …

Decreasing and slowing down, and this is done by mutually displacing the blinds-filters that under the platform board, I can see already lush thickets of carrots, I can distinguish the light caps of their inflorescences, similar to openwork balls, of course, covered with insects …

Even quieter, even slower - and suddenly below there was a kind of dark unexpected flash: after all, my shadow appeared, so invisible, and now it slowly glides over the grasses and bushes. But this is no longer scary: there is not a soul around, and there are no cars on the motorway, which is three hundred meters north of the Reserve. You can calmly sink to the ground. The stalks of the tallest grasses were already rustling against my "plinth" - a platform with block panels.

But before placing it on this bump, I, seized with a burst of joy, move the blinds of the panels back and forth with a movement of the handle and steeply, with a candle, go straight up.

The picture below is rapidly shrinking, as it were, shrinking: the groves of the Reserve, all its edges and fences, all the coppices and fields surrounding the Reserve; the horizon begins, as it were, to bend from all sides with such a huge recess, opening the railway that passes two kilometers to the left, and then villages …

And now she is already all under me - Isilkulia, the country of my youth, not at all the same as on the maps and plans with their inscriptions, symbols and other things, but endless, lively, dotted with dark whimsical islands of copses, cloud shadows, clear clear spots of lakes, and the huge disk of the Earth with all this for some reason seems whiter and more concave - I have not found the reason for this illusion, which has long been familiar to me.

I rise higher and higher, and rare white masses of cumulus clouds go down, and the sky is no longer the same as below, but dark blue, almost blue, the pegs visible between the clouds, and the fields are already covered with a thickening blue haze, and it is more and more difficult to see them …

… Oh, what am I doing: after all, down there, in the Polyana, I cast a shadow, so people can see me, and not just a few, as in that unkind memory of March night, but thousands, because now is the day; the hour is uneven, again I will "appear" in the form of a disk, a square, or, even worse, in person … Moreover, for sin, the plane ahead, it seems, is a cargo plane, while still rushing silently almost towards me, rapidly growing in size, and I already I see the cold shine of duralumin, the pulsation of an unnaturally red flashing light.

Down quickly!

I brake sharply, turn - the Sun is already shining in the back of the head, and obliquely below, on a giant convex wall of a dazzling white cumulus cloud, there should be my shadow; but there is no shadow, only a multicolored gloria - an iridescent bright ring, familiar to all pilots, slid down the cloud, ahead of me. My heart was relieved: there is no shadow - it means that no one saw either me or the "double" in the form of a triangle, square or a "banal" plate …

V. Grebennikov with a folded gravitoplane
V. Grebennikov with a folded gravitoplane

V. Grebennikov with a folded gravitoplane.

A thought flashed through (and I must say that, despite the desperate technical and physical inconveniences, for some reason the imagination works much better and faster in the "falling" flight): after all, it may turn out that out of five billion people I was not the only one who made such a find, and aircraft based on the same principle have been making and testing for a long time - both created at the factory design bureaus and homemade products like mine.

All shielding platforms have one and the same property: sometimes they become visible to other people in very different guises; The pilots are also "transformed" - they are seen as "humanoids" in silvery suits, sometimes small-sized green, sometimes flat, like made of cardboard (Voronezh, 1989), or some other kind. So, it may very well be that these are not aliens-UFO-Navts, but "temporarily-visually-deformed" - of course, only for outside observers - quite terrestrial pilots and designers of such platforms, bringing their offspring to a reliable state.

Flight rules

Advice to those who, studying insects, stumble upon the same phenomenon and begin to tinker and test the "gravito-plan" (by the way, I am convinced that, bypassing insects, this discovery cannot be made): fly only on fine summer days; avoid working in thunderstorms, rain; do not climb high and far; do not take a blade of grass with you from the landing point; make all nodes as strong as possible; during testing and operation, avoid the proximity of any power lines, villages (especially cities), transport, crowds of people - it is best for this to be a distant, deaf forest clearing, away from human dwellings, otherwise it can happen within a radius of several tens of meters - and often does! - what was called a poltergeist: “inexplicable” movements of household items, switching off or vice versa switching on household electrical appliances and electronics, even a fire. I have no explanation for this, but,it seems that all this is a consequence of the failure of the passage of time, a thing, in general, extremely insidious and subtle.

Gravitoplane: upper part
Gravitoplane: upper part

Gravitoplane: upper part.

Gravitoplane: lower part
Gravitoplane: lower part

Gravitoplane: lower part.

Not a single detail, particle, even the smallest one, should be thrown, dropped during the flight or at the landing site. Let us recall the “Dalnegorsk Phenomenon” on January 29, 1986, which seems to be tragic for the experimenters, when the entire apparatus was vomited and scattered over a vast territory, and from the gravitational microcellular filters only miserable fragments of “nets” were found that did not lend themselves to it - it should be so! - sensible chemical analysis.

Some of the descriptions of UFOs - I am convinced of this - refer to platforms, block panels, other large parts of vehicles, intentionally or accidentally thrown outside the active field by designers and manufacturers; these debris can bring a lot of trouble to others, and at best give rise to a series of incredible stories, absurd reports in newspapers and magazines, often accompanied by "scientific" comments …

Two reasons not allowing to advertise the discovery

Why am I not disclosing the essence of my find now?

Firstly, because it takes time and effort to prove. I have neither one nor the other. I know from the bitter experience of "pushing through" my previous finds.

Here, for example, how my long-term efforts about the scientific recognition of the EPS ended up: “On this application for the opening, further correspondence with you is inappropriate.” I know personally some of the rulers of the destinies of science and I am sure: if I get to such an appointment, which, however, is now practically unbelievable, I will open my "sketchbook", join the stand, turn the handle and soar to the ceiling before his eyes - the owner of the office will not react, or even order to put the magician out.

Quickly come to replace them, "leaders", you young people!

The second reason for my "non-disclosure" is more objective. Only in one species of Siberian insects have I found these anti-gravity structures. I do not even name the detachment to which this insect belongs: it looks like it is on the verge of extinction, and the then outbreak of numbers was, perhaps, local and one of the last. If I indicate the genus and species, where are the guarantees that people who are in the slightest sense in biology, all kinds of businessmen, will not rush through the pegs, ravines, meadows in order to catch, perhaps, the last specimens of this miracle of nature, for which they will not stop before what, even if it is necessary to uproot dozens of pegs, to plow hundreds of meadows?.. The prey is too tempting!

I hope that I will be understood and forgiven by those who would like to get to know Nakhodka immediately, just for interest and without selfish intent: can I now act differently for the sake of saving wildlife? Moreover, I see that others seem to have invented something like that, but they are also in no hurry to appear with their findings in the offices of bureaucrats, preferring to rush in the night sky either in the form of strange disks, or in the form of triangles and squares, iridescent flickering to the surprise of passers-by …

… I don’t know if I convinced you, reader, that such a thing will soon be available to almost everyone, but Living Nature, without which humanity cannot live, if we do not urgently save it, will not be available to anyone due to its complete absence?

Instead of a conclusion

… Not so long ago, we humans began to fly: first in balloons, then in airplanes: today powerful rockets are already taking us to other celestial bodies … And tomorrow?

And tomorrow we will fly to other stars at almost the speed of light, but even the neighboring galaxy - the Andromeda nebula - will still be out of reach.

But Humanity - on condition that it deserves the title of Reasonable! - will solve many riddles of the Universe, and will step over this line. Then any worlds from the corners of the Universe, distant from the Earth for trillions of light years, will become almost instantly accessible, close.

All this will be, for all this is a matter of Reason, Science, Technology. And no more.


I consider it necessary to supplement the article by V. Grebennikov with the details of the description of the gravity plane, which were omitted during its reduction:

- strictly vertical take-off and landing (of the vehicle) is very difficult, and the initial trajectory is mostly skewed, especially during take-off, when for some reason the platform is taken to the side opposite to the Sun, and sometimes vice versa;

- the upper part of my apparatus … "bicycle": the right handle - for horizontal-translational movement, which is achieved by the general inclination of both groups of "wing wings" - louvers, also through a cable. I do not dare to develop a speed of more than 25 km per minute, preferring to fly ten times slower;

- having loosened the wing nuts on the control stand, I shorten it, like an antenna for a portable receiver, I pull it out of the platform, which I fold on hinges in half. Now it looks almost like a sketchbook - a box for paints, perhaps a little thicker;

- double-folded, which means neutralized, platform with gravitational fine mesh block filters, and between them, also a folding stand with field adjusters and a strap - I tie it to the stand with it.

Author: V. Grebennikov, 1999