The Polygraph Showed That The Abducted Aliens Tell The Truth - Alternative View

The Polygraph Showed That The Abducted Aliens Tell The Truth - Alternative View
The Polygraph Showed That The Abducted Aliens Tell The Truth - Alternative View

Video: The Polygraph Showed That The Abducted Aliens Tell The Truth - Alternative View

Video: The Polygraph Showed That The Abducted Aliens Tell The Truth - Alternative View
Video: Siblings' "Bizarre" Story of Being Abducted by Aliens | The Oprah Winfrey Show | OWN 2024, September

In early 2012, the Ukrainian "Cosmopoisk" checked on a "lie detector" a family from the Rivne region, who claimed that they were abducted by aliens. The check showed that people do not lie.

34-year-old Vladimir Voronezhsky from the city of Dubno, Rivne region, claimed that on January 12, 2008, he and his wife were abducted by aliens. The couple live in a one-story house on a quiet street not far from the city center. Vladimir Voronezhsky works as a wrestling trainer, 29-year-old Olga is a former salesman, after the birth of her third child, the woman is on maternity leave, brings up 9-year-old Vanessa, 8-year-old Angelica and 1.5-year-old Artur.

Vladimir was walking home when he saw how in the sky above the river hovered "like three bullets." Thought they were satellites. The man took pictures of the objects with his mobile camera. The picture shows a light stripe. At home, Vladimir showed the photo to his wife. We had supper and went to bed. Olga woke me up at two in the morning. Says: get up, something is glowing above the house! We jumped out into the street, the woman put on a robe, Vladimir - in a T-shirt and shorts. “It hung like a platform 100 meters above the house. White-violet light streamed from it. We were so scared that we could not move. We were drawn into this platform in a spiral."

The couple claim that they were surrounded by a dozen creatures about 1.20 m tall. The humanoids had 3 fingers, large eyes and smooth gray skin. They did not notice their mouth, nose or ears, and instead of legs there were many small suction cups, like a caterpillar. Behind them stood another humanoid - more than 2 m tall. Instead of clothes, he has a long robe, his face is not visible. The wife was taken to the other half of the room, laid on a couch, Vladimir rushed to her, but bumped into an invisible wall. Voronezhsky says he used several Wushu techniques to free himself. But it didn't work on the aliens.

The aliens asked why the man was resisting, “their words rang in my head. At the same time, they looked into my eyes, were not aggressive or irritated. Vladimir says that the voice in his head was without an accent, without a timbre …

The newcomers "spoke" to him in Russian or Ukrainian, depending on which language he spoke. "If they couldn't explain something in words, a picture would pop up in their head." The humanoids only showed Olga where to lie. "They were polite, they turned to me for you, asked how I felt, if it hurt."

Olga's stomach was cut with a scalpel. The internal organs were examined, then they were sewn up. There are no scars left. “I didn't feel pain. On the contrary, there was peace and relaxation, As if they were taking tests. They didn’t cut my husband - they put a pipe to his head”. Voronezhsky communicated with the aliens. They said that they flew from a neighboring galaxy - the Andromeda Nebula. They offered the coach to stay with them. “They don't eat or drink, they live underground. They are interested in us because we have feelings - fear, anger, love, joy. The aliens don't have that. They also said that people and cows were brought to Earth from other planets. The humanoids released the spouses and promised to return in two years. “We woke up in our bed at 11 am. We lay on top of a blanket, feeling broken, as if the car was unloaded. Heads ached. For several days they did not even talk about it among themselves. They thought they were crazy or dreamed. We didn’t remember much, but our stories were the same.” Later, under hypnosis, Vladimir drew the UFO that abducted him.

On January 25, 2012, a polygraph test fully confirmed the veracity of Vladimir's story. More precisely, the lie detector revealed that Vladimir was lying, that he was not afraid of this check and that he had not discussed this check with his wife in advance, but Vladimir answered truthfully to all other questions describing the details of the meeting with UFOs and aliens. A polygraph specialist confirmed that the eyewitness accounts of the UFO encounter are absolutely true, with the exception of minor minor details.

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In general, the story of abductants (abducted by the VC) contains a number of obvious contradictions, and even illogicals from the point of view of common sense, however … the identity of the testimony of TWO witnesses was confirmed by a technical one, which in itself is a significant achievement in ufological practice.