Space Agency: Alien Ship Entered Earth's Atmosphere? - Alternative View

Space Agency: Alien Ship Entered Earth's Atmosphere? - Alternative View
Space Agency: Alien Ship Entered Earth's Atmosphere? - Alternative View

Video: Space Agency: Alien Ship Entered Earth's Atmosphere? - Alternative View

Video: Space Agency: Alien Ship Entered Earth's Atmosphere? - Alternative View
Video: The story of 'Oumuamua, the first visitor from another star system | Karen J. Meech 2024, July

Space agency BPEarthWatch, which closely monitors the ionization paths of meteors burning in the atmosphere, announced the discovery of an alien spacecraft that entered the Earth's atmosphere.

According to BPEarthWatch, on the evening of December 2, a huge object was registered on the national radar, very slowly, like for a meteor, entering the Earth's atmosphere.

Here's what a spokesman for the BPEarthWatch radar service says:

“When meteors hit the upper atmosphere, their signatures are easily detected electronically using an ultra-short wave receiver system. However, the signal recorded by the radars last night did not contain the so-called "Sporadic E", a false signal characteristic of meteorites." explains in more detail that this is a "false signal" thrown by the ionosphere from the ionization trail of objects entering the atmosphere. All this is processed and converted into visual data that is understandable to the eye:

“What you saw before was very different,” says the BPEarthWatch service operator. “Something from outside came to us. This “something” was very large and took much longer to enter the atmosphere than is typical for meteors.

It was abnormal. I cannot say with certainty what it was, but there are no meteors that are so large and that would echo us that would last that long."

At the moment, experts argue: was it a radar echo of a large rocket, which was never reported by anyone, whether an emergency Chinese space station began its descent into the atmosphere, or was it still a UFO?

Promotional video:

Here's the actual data, which came in on Saturday night: