UFO Crash. "Technologies" - Alternative View

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UFO Crash. "Technologies" - Alternative View
UFO Crash. "Technologies" - Alternative View

Video: UFO Crash. "Technologies" - Alternative View

Video: UFO Crash.
Video: Why I believe in UFOs, and you should too... | Ben Mezrich | TEDxBeaconStreet 2024, July

Stolen technology

Interesting information received by ufologists from the military concerns the events that took place in 1978 at the Sary-Shagan training ground, located west of Lake Balkhash. Air Defense Major (now retired) Alexey Bystrov told them about this case.

In the fall of 1978, for one of the tests, the famous designer of anti-aircraft missiles and interceptor missiles Pyotr Grushin came to the test site. When the military was preparing to launch the rocket launcher brought to the test site, a UFO hovered in the sky at an altitude of about 30 kilometers. He was not only seen by people, but also detected by means of radar control. There was no time to think, and Grushin gave the command to knock down the "plate". An anti-aircraft missile unit guarding the range launched an S-75 Desna missile towards the UFO.

The unidentified object was scattered into small pieces, its fragments were scattered over the territory of the landfill. But there were already a lot of fragments of rockets detonated during testing, so the soldiers, for about a week, combing the territory of the test site, were able to collect only a small box of small UFO fragments. They have been carefully studied. It turned out that various rare-earth elements are interspersed into the siliceous material from which the body of the "plate" was made.

According to ufologists, with whom A. Bystrov also agrees, this is one of the cases that contributed to the improvement of Soviet military equipment. They borrowed the technology of making a unique material from the aliens, and now domestic rockets were able to fly at super speeds in the dense layers of the atmosphere.

Siberian humanoids

But not always shooting at UFOs with anti-aircraft missiles ends well. On the morning of October 13, 1987, Soviet soldiers participated. In the usual routine maneuvers carried out in one of the military districts located in Siberia. Suddenly, a "flying saucer" appeared in the sky, hovering over the area where the maneuvers were being carried out. Soldiers with excellent training, in accordance with the instructions, shot down a suspicious object with a surface-to-air missile. UFO crashed to the surface of the earth, its body fell in two. No sooner had the soldiers approached the wreckage of the object, as five tiny humanoids with exorbitantly large heads emerged from them. Then something absolutely incredible happened. The creatures quickly huddled together and turned into one rather large ball. At first, a buzz was heard from it, turning into a deafening whistle, then the ball seemed to be heating up,until it acquired a bright white color. In a fraction of a second, the ball doubled in size and exploded. Blinding beams flashed in all directions.

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A special commission that arrived at the scene found that out of 25 soldiers, 23 had turned … into boulders. UFO wreckage and petrified soldiers were taken to one of the classified institutes near Moscow. The report submitted by scientists to the KGB stated: “Some unknown source of energy instantly changed the physiological structure of people, turning them into a substance that is molecularly indistinguishable from limestone. Among the UFO wreckage delivered to the institute, there were no instruments or obvious sources of energy that set the "flying saucer" in motion.


From the above facts, several hypotheses of the causes of what happened, which we will give here, follow.

First hypothesis. All accidents of alien vehicles were … provoked by the aliens themselves. Essentially, we are not talking about accidents, but about carefully prepared simulations. The purpose of such disasters was to supply the inhabitants of the Earth with the latest technologies, allowing in the shortest possible time to make a colossal leap in the development of technology. The bodies of aliens found near the crashed UFOs were in fact biorobots, planted by earthlings to make the disaster more convincing.

Second hypothesis. There was no wreckage from alien ships. The results of researchers of the so-called UFO wreckage show that these aircraft are adapted for flying only in the conditions of our planet and are the creation of the hands of earthly engineers and scientists. And the noise raised around the places of their fall is caused by the desire of the special bodies of the countries that make the so-called UFOs to disguise their terrestrial origin.

Third hypothesis. Real-life physical objects, for example, ball lightning, were taken for UFOs. They can move with great speed and perform maneuvers incomprehensible for any terrestrial aircraft. When these objects under the influence of abrupt changes in physical fields crash into the ground, they are able to melt rocks and create unthinkable alloys.

And finally, the fourth hypothesis. For alien ships, overly excitable witnesses were taken to be terrestrial vehicles made for completely different purposes, for example, for shooting science fiction films.
