UFO Crash In Canada: Fact Or Hoax? - Alternative View

UFO Crash In Canada: Fact Or Hoax? - Alternative View
UFO Crash In Canada: Fact Or Hoax? - Alternative View

Reports began to appear on the network that on February 18, 2015, an unidentified flying object crashed on the territory of the Jackhead Nature Reserve in the Canadian province of Manitoba. Many locals allegedly saw bright lights over Lake Winnipeg on the night of the incident.

Various sites wrote (and continue to write) that the Canadian military immediately arrived at the crash site, cordoned off the area and removed a disk-shaped object from the lake. On social media, some people say the military is threatening anyone trying to take photographs in the area.


In turn, Lieutenant Colonel Paul Davis said that only a training program is being carried out on the frozen lake, in which 150 soldiers are taking part.

Nevertheless, according to the Open Minds website, Canadian ufologist-researcher Chris Rutkowski conducted his own investigation and came to the conclusion that this whole UFO story is still fiction. He interviewed many local residents, but did not find those who saw strange lights or other flying machines over the lake that night.


Stu Bundy of the MUFON organization agrees with Chris: according to him, many details indicate that this is a hoax.

By the way, reporters from the Canadian television channel CBC News talked with some of the servicemen, and they confirmed the words of Lt. Col. Paul Davis, saying that exercises were taking place on the lake, so people could mistake a military plane for a UFO, but on the other hand, if a UFO had fallen there, they would hardly talk about it.

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And yet, many sites continue to say that a flying saucer crashed in Canada, moreover, they publish more and more new data on this case.