UFO Over Vladivostok. (+ Video) - Alternative View

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UFO Over Vladivostok. (+ Video) - Alternative View
UFO Over Vladivostok. (+ Video) - Alternative View

Video: UFO Over Vladivostok. (+ Video) - Alternative View

Video: UFO Over Vladivostok. (+ Video) - Alternative View
Video: Meet India’s UFO Hunters 2024, September

An unknown object was observed by half the city

- It was just a bewitching sight over Churkin - several orange strokes lined up in two rows, forming one whole, - Evgeny BURUNDUKOV shared his impressions with Komsomolskaya Pravda. From the window of his apartment one can clearly see the Golden Horn and this cape. - Of course, I immediately invited my family to look at this miracle, and I urgently ran for the camera.

The luminous object was seen on Tuesday at 21.00 by residents of the center of Vladivostok. He hovered in the air for as much as 40 minutes, periodically disappearing from sight. By the way, this is not the first case in the last year. An unusual oblong ball was seen over Egersheld. A little earlier, a UFO appeared in the area of Tikhaya Bay. Rumors are already circulating among the people that extraterrestrial civilizations are very interested in our city.

- Yes, there are a dime a dozen of them over the city, - the researcher of paranormal phenomena Anatoly Estrin was not at all surprised at our question. - And in autumn they are more often seen, because the air is thinner and visibility is clear. People see plasma structures, which I consider to be terrestrial objects. At 500 - 600 meters from the lighthouse in the sea there is a junction of three tectonic layers. That's where they come from.

Another version

It was an aerial bomb!

Military pilots conducted scheduled flights

- What the residents of Vladivostok saw was a luminous bomb that was used as a target during scheduled flights. It hung in the air over the sea at a distance of 50 kilometers from the city and at an altitude of 10 thousand meters, - Tofik SULTANOV, Chief of Staff of the 11th Air Force and Air Defense Army, told KP. - We have a marine training ground there. Usually, due to cloud cover, the bomb is not visible to civilians. But yesterday the night sky was clear, apparently the SAB was mistaken for an alien object. And the fact that she was hanging over the city was just an optical illusion.

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