In The Seaside Taiga 500 Years Ago, A UFO Crashed - Alternative View

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In The Seaside Taiga 500 Years Ago, A UFO Crashed - Alternative View
In The Seaside Taiga 500 Years Ago, A UFO Crashed - Alternative View

Video: In The Seaside Taiga 500 Years Ago, A UFO Crashed - Alternative View

Video: In The Seaside Taiga 500 Years Ago, A UFO Crashed - Alternative View
Video: Government’s UFO Report Reveals Many Unexplained Objects 2024, September

Local scientists claim after returning from an expedition to the Amga River

The alleged UFO crash site, which most of all resembled a wasteland burnt in a circle, was discovered by a local hunter Pavel Nikonov and reported to Valery Dvuzhilny. For many years this man has been trying to unravel the mystery of flying saucers near Dalnegorsk, investigating the place where meteorites fell, and believes in alien life.

And a few weeks ago, on August 11, a research expedition to the sites of the alleged UFO crash led by the director of the UFO Research Center Valery Dvuzhilnyy set off across the Amga River and stayed in the taiga forests for ten days.

- We rode two minibuses and a jeep. People gathered here are different: from scientists - a geologist, chemist, biologist, electronics engineer - to an artist and a cameraman, - Valery Viktorovich informs "KP". - Everyone wanted to take part in the work, everyone thought to find something new and interesting for themselves.

No fire, no military tests

- Initially there were a lot of hypotheses, - says Valery Viktorovich. - The place found by Pavel is a platform in an oval 5 by 7 meters, practically devoid of any vegetation. There is not even a grass that tends to grow anywhere. The site consists of large and small fired pieces of andesite. Here and there smudges of molten stones can be seen, frozen in the form of icicles and threads. Some of them are foamed like polystyrene and have practically no weight. The stones are so light that they do not sink in water. None of us have ever seen such an effect of ultra-high temperatures anywhere, even on the volcanoes of Kamchatka.

The first assumption of scientists was the effect of linear lightning on the rocky surface of the earth. However, this hypothesis was eliminated immediately, since the impact area was too large even for several such lightnings. In addition, after analyzes, it turned out that the minerals that are formed when lightning strikes the ground were not found in the andesites.

The second hypothesis said that this could happen in the course of any military, technical or rocket-space experiment. But this version did not justify itself either. Tree rings on the cuts of three larches, the only vegetation on the burnt site, showed their age to be over 100 years. This proved that the alleged landing or crash of a UFO occurred in the 19th century, when there could be no talk of any missiles or powerful technical means.

The third hypothesis of a forest fire does not stand up to criticism - no fire could burn a stone like that.

After some discussion, the scientists put forward the last argument refuting the fact that the discovered andesites can be attributed to anomalous phenomena. Geologists were especially happy for this. They talked about the fact that lava, which suddenly rose from the ground, could cause melting. Allegedly, it was a small spit of a volcano, which has survived in its original form to this day. But here the question arises why the lava burned only this piece of land, because no such anomalies were found anywhere nearby. In addition, several large pieces of andesite were found at the scene, welded together. The melting took place only at the place of their contact, which does not fit with the version about the spitting of the volcano.

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Scientists tried as best they could, but none of the proposed hypotheses was confirmed. Then the version was born that only an extraterrestrial object could have such an effect on the surface of the earth.

Alien emergency landing?

“Based on the available unique samples and the results of 2006 research, I can explain why the andesites were cooked together,” Valery Viktorovich explains to KP. - The fact is that these stones contain a small amount of iron minerals, which easily conduct electric current through themselves. If a charge with a current strength of tens and hundreds of thousands of amperes is passed between two pieces, they will weld. It's like in microwave ovens, where you can't put dishes with a metal rim. I suppose that 500 - 1000 years ago a UFO crash-landed on this patch, which had a powerful current source. It was he who led to such a result.

At the place of reflow, our scientists have discovered metal particles with an unusual combination of elements. After dozens of analyzes, it turned out that the melted soil contains lead (over three percent, while andesites should contain no more than 0.002 percent), strontium and barium. All this may indicate some kind of nuclear reactions. But after a survey of the area, it turned out that the radiation level does not exceed the usual radiation background. The high content of exotic elements such as iridium, yttrium, rhenium, niobium, technetium, gallium, may indicate that these alloys are not made on Earth. The fact that most of the melted soil is highly magnetized, while the unburned pieces sticking out of the melt are completely non-magnetic, explains that the object, in addition to ultra-high temperatures, had a powerful magnetic field.

These alloys were not made on Earth

More and more scientists were surprised by examining metal particles found at the site of the alleged UFO crash. The fact is that during this expedition, among the small particles, two large metal pieces measuring 2 by 1.5 mm and 2.5 by 0.5 mm were found. The examination revealed that the particles have an unusual alloy with an unusual combination of elements. All particles do not contain sulfur, phosphorus and in some cases carbon. Human made iron cannot be removed from these impurities. It turns out that at the height of 508 the purest iron was found.

The beautiful thin blue threads, which for some reason turned out to be magnetic, turned out to be very interesting. At first glance, scientists considered them quartz, but it turned out that they contain 50 percent calcium, 11 percent carbon and 2.4 percent tellurium metal, which is very expensive and rare. Materials with such a composition are unknown on Earth.

“I recently sent samples of fused andesites to St. Petersburg for analysis, which will help determine their age. Now I'm waiting for the results, - Valery Viktorovich Dvuzhilny tells KP. - This year, at an altitude of 508, two more pieces of andesite fused together, weighing several kilograms, were discovered, which were delivered to our center for detailed study. In general, I consider the work on Amga completed. This year unique material was collected here, a significant part of which is well analyzed. The results obtained during the analyzes indicate one thing - at an altitude of 508, some super-powerful technical object landed, which is still unknown to earthlings.

Dossier "KP"

The first expedition went through Amga in 2003

As soon as the scientists got to the site and started working, it became clear that something unusual had happened here. However, there was no suggestion of a UFO landing at that time. The first was a version of human intervention in nature, which was eliminated immediately. Scientists have not found any traces to support this. The members of the expedition closely studied the found objects and discovered that the pioneers at the beginning of the 20th century and the first geologists in the region wrote about the same finds, who also did not find traces of human activity. Everyone wanted to explain the anomaly from a scientific point of view, but what the researchers learned from a closer study of the mysterious place defied any explanation.