Tearing Apart Space And Time - Alternative View

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Tearing Apart Space And Time - Alternative View
Tearing Apart Space And Time - Alternative View

Video: Tearing Apart Space And Time - Alternative View

Video: Tearing Apart Space And Time - Alternative View
Video: Could the Universe End by Tearing Apart Every Atom? 2024, September

In the early 60s of the last century, the famous English scientist and science fiction writer Arthur Clark compiled a chronological table of the future of mankind. The year 2060 in the table corresponds to an amazing forecast: "Destruction of space-time." Clarke clearly underestimated the capabilities of the scientific and technical genius of mankind: scientists and inventors learned how to destroy space-time half a century before compiling the original forecast table.

From theory to practice

In the 30s of the XX century, the outstanding English astrophysicist Arthur Stanley Eddington (1882-1944) and the father of the theory of relativity, Albert Einstein (1879-1955), independently substantiated an interesting position in their theoretical developments. It turns out that at high concentrations in a limited volume of energy, expressed either in a real or in a field equivalent, the metric and topology of the four-dimensional space-time are violated. Natural, as well as artificially created energy concentrate simply "falls through" from our world into another dimension and begins an independent existence there.

In contrast to Eddington, who limited himself to a theoretical basis for the original hypothesis, Einstein decided to test his calculations in practice. On October 22, 1943, by order of the US Navy, with the active participation of the genius of electrical engineering of the 20th century, Nikola Tesla, he staged the so-called "Philadelphia Experiment".

The destroyer Eldridge
The destroyer Eldridge

The destroyer Eldridge.

The US Navy destroyer Eldridge was equipped with powerful magnetic field generators weighing 380 tons. When they were launched, the ship not only disappeared from the field of view of observers and radar screens, which was very pleased with the military customers of the experiment, but as if it had fallen into another dimension and appeared only after a while with a distraught crew on board. Later, amazing things began to happen to the sailors: some seemed to "freeze" - they fell out of the real course of time, others literally dissolved in the air before the eyes of people, so that they would never appear in our world. The incredible events described are recorded in the memoirs of a few eyewitnesses, an article in the local newspaper for October 1943, and film, which is safely hidden in the Pentagon's storerooms.

The great Einstein knew who should be entrusted with the technical part of the experiment. Nikola Tesla did something similar to the one created in Philadelphia in 1908. This is evidenced by the recently discovered manuscript of a brilliant inventor, excerpts from which we cite with abbreviations, “… it occurred to me that if I could create a resonant system between the Earth and the Moon, then the transmitter power could be very small, and the energy from this system can be removed very large. After calculating how much energy can be extracted, I was surprised. It followed from the calculation that the energy extracted from this system is enough to destroy a big city … And only then, after reading about unusual phenomena in the newspapers, I realized what a terrible weapon I had created. Of course, I expected that there would be a violent explosion. But it was not even an explosion - it was a disaster!"

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True to his moral principles, Tesla, of course, did not destroy the city. In the course of an experiment conducted on June 30, 1908, he sent a powerful concentrate of electromagnetic energy to desolate Siberia and created … the Tunguska phenomenon!

Scientists are still puzzling over the variety of mutually exclusive consequences of the explosion in the Podkamennaya Tunguska area. Here's what happened. The powerful flow of electromagnetic energy obtained by Tesla during the experiment led not only to optical, sound and mechanical effects, but also tore the space-time continuum. Energy from the future also fell into the resulting gap in the catastrophe area by chance coincidence: presumably, these were the residual phenomena of one of the thermonuclear explosions that were carried out by the USSR on Novaya Zemlya in the 50s-60s of the last century. It is known that a year after the test of the first Soviet atomic bomb, Lavrenty Beria spoke at a secret meeting in the Kremlin with a proposal to organize an expedition to the area of the Tunguska disaster. The expedition members were given a very specific goal: to find traces of an atomic explosion in the Podkamennaya Tunguska area. And they were found! The surveyed trees had clear traces of, albeit a weak, but definitely radiation burn, and the terrain showed a light radioactive background. This could happen, experts concluded, with a "clean", that is, a thermonuclear explosion with a power of more than a megaton and produced at an altitude of 20 kilometers.

Echoes of distant explosions

Few people know that the "father" of the thermonuclear bomb, Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov, like Einstein, was well versed in cosmology. In his work "Multivalent Model of the Universe" (1969), he described the properties of curved space-time. Was it by chance that the creator of the most powerful type of weapon, even today, was carried away by theoretical descriptions of space-time anomalies? No, not by accident. After all, the followers of A. D. Sakharov was perfectly understood and his original ideas were developed. Now in publications inaccessible to wide readership, they argue that it is possible to penetrate into the past or the future without leaving the Earth, “hacking” space-time with a powerful thermonuclear effect. Incidentally, this idea is not new in itself. It was first expressed by Helena Roerich in Living Ethics (we will return to her views on this problem later).

“Scientists fantasize,” an open-minded reader would argue. But not everything is far-fetched here, as it seems at first glance. The documented memories of the military builder S. A. Alexandrov, who in 1973, together with General K. M. Vertelov and another accompanying him, inspecting engineering structures in the area of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site, felt the consequences of the gap in space-time as a result of an underground nuclear explosion.

And here are interesting facts from the collection of the famous Russian researcher of anomalies S. Naffert. On August 14, 1886, at dawn, while on the schooner "Molly Wo" near Rangolap Atoll, the English writer and playwright Edward Snow observed a very bright and unusual glow in the sky. After the sky went out, a hot wind flew over the schooner, almost overturning the schooner reefed on the sails, and two sailors were blinded. But the most mysterious thing in this story was that before the Molly Uo entered the port of Taongi, the crew members fully experienced the full range of symptoms of radiation sickness. Edward Snow himself died in the spring of 1887 (possibly also from radiation sickness), describing what happened in the story "The Revenge of Hephaestus." There were other victims of the mysterious event that took place on August 14, 1886. On this day, with obvious symptoms of radiation sickness, fishermen-pomors were brought to the Arkhangelsk hospital. The local doctor Kolyvanov described in detail the course of treatment of the victims in the "Therapeutic Bulletin" for 1887. Therefore, it was not difficult for modern doctors to correctly interpret the diagnosis of the disease. And in the fall of 1886 in the United States, gold prospectors D. Griffin and B. Smith in the Lake Mead area were treating members of the Aronite religious sect for radiation sickness (of course, without knowing it). The victims unanimously told their rescuers that on the eve of the mass illness, they all felt the earth trembling under their feet, thunder rumbled in the distance, and the next day the wind brought a cloud of dust to the village. Therefore, it was not difficult for modern doctors to correctly interpret the diagnosis of the disease. And in the fall of 1886 in the United States, gold prospectors D. Griffin and B. Smith in the Lake Mead area were treating members of the Aronite religious hermit sect for radiation sickness (of course, without knowing it). The victims unanimously told their rescuers that on the eve of the mass illness they all felt the earth trembling under their feet, thunder rumbled in the distance, and the next day the wind brought a cloud of dust to the village. Therefore, it was not difficult for modern doctors to correctly interpret the diagnosis of the disease. And in the fall of 1886 in the United States, gold prospectors D. Griffin and B. Smith in the Lake Mead area were treating members of the Aronite religious sect for radiation sickness (of course, without knowing it). The victims unanimously told their rescuers that on the eve of the mass illness they all felt the earth tremble under their feet, thunder rumbled in the distance, and the next day the wind brought a cloud of dust to the village.that on the eve of a mass illness, they all felt the earth tremble under their feet, thunder rumbled in the distance, and the next day the wind brought a cloud of dust to the village.that on the eve of a mass illness, they all felt the earth tremble under their feet, thunder rumbled in the distance, and the next day the wind brought a cloud of dust to the village.

The phenomena observed in the three described cases, concludes S. Naffert, were “an echo of nuclear explosions. It echoes not in space, but in time. Fusion reactions affect the fundamental laws of the Universe … the objects on which these reactions take place have the property of distorting space. Perhaps they also distort time. Is it not these circumstances that explain the decrease (up to 55-60%) observed by physicists in some cases, and in others - an increase (up to 100%) of the practical power of nuclear explosions from the theoretical one? As you know, physical energy cannot come from nothing and cannot disappear anywhere. There is only one conclusion: the space-time “gaps” formed as a result of a thermonuclear explosion in one case “suck in”, and in the other - “pump in” energy. And where - to the past or the future - only God knows so far.

By the way, about the past. In 1922, the Indian archaeologist R. Banarji discovered on one of the islands of the Indus River the ruins of an ancient city, later named Mohenjo-Daro, which means "Hill of the Dead". Even then, questions arose: how was this big city destroyed, where did its inhabitants go? Among the ruins, archaeologists found in large numbers scattered, randomly fused pieces of clay and other materials, which at one time hardened, turning into glass. The analysis of the samples showed: reflow occurred at a temperature of 1400-1500 degrees! After examining the destroyed buildings, scientists got the impression that an unknown force had outlined a clear area - the epicenter, in which all buildings were completely swept away. From the center to the periphery, the destruction gradually decreased. Many skeletons were also found on the streets of the ancient city. Most of them lay with their hands raised up, as if defending themselves from something terrible flying from the sky. The level of radioactivity in bone remains was ten times higher than the norm. They could easily be compared with those found in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Many researchers believe that Mohenjo-Daro fell victim to the use of nuclear weapons by the ancient inhabitants of India - the insidious legacy of the legendary Atlantis. We have another explanation: the ancients were not at all so careless in relation to themselves and their descendants as to belligerently brandishing a nuclear club. It is waved (and it is not known how much more will be waved) by their frivolous distant descendants, who at the same time inadvertently tear apart space-time and release a nuclear genie from the future into the past.



Melted pieces of glass, like two drops of water, similar to those found in Mohenjo-Daro, were also found by scientists in the territories of Egypt, Ireland, Great Britain, France, Turkey. Aren't they sad evidence of a global thermonuclear war - a war … that will happen in the future?

The third world war, which did not exist

At the beginning of this year, sensational publications appeared in some foreign and domestic publications. They said that in 1964 a scientific expedition, sent there in … 2012, returned from the planet Mars! The descent vehicle of an interplanetary spacecraft with five US astronauts and three Russian cosmonauts landed with great difficulty in the desert area of Nevada. Meticulous journalists “untwisted” the material at the suggestion of a retired Pentagon general (whose name, for reasons of his personal safety, was not disclosed). Here's what he said.

The spacecraft was the brainchild of a joint US-Russian project and launched to Mars in 2012. The commander of the spacecraft, Valery Ivanitsky, at a secret US Air Force base, testified that during the orbit between Mars and Phobos, the crew and the spacecraft were subjected to powerful electromagnetic effects of unknown origin, as a result of which they were thrown back 48 years in the past. But the most incredible thing in the testimony of the commander and crew members was different. It turned out that in 1986 the Third World War began on Earth, during which one of the belligerent countries used nuclear weapons. As a result, a chain of global ecological cataclysms followed, and by 2000 the population of the Earth decreased by 5 times and continued to decline. Then a project was developed for the resettlement of earthlings to Mars, from which the missing expedition returned.

At first glance, this information has all the signs of a cheap sensation and stupid fiction. Anyone who reads these lines knows that there was no world war in 1986 and that he thrives on the more or less ecologically clean planet Earth of the 2003 model. But … let's remember the paradoxes of anomalous space-time. The main one says: if, after returning to the past, you inadvertently step on a butterfly with your foot, then you simply will not be born in the future. In this case, the landing of a spacecraft from the future in 1964 and the chain of events that followed it became the reason that in 1986, in real time, a nuclear missile war on Earth simply did not take place. But it raged in full virtual time. Therefore, traces of separate "punctures" of space-time with the power of the applied nuclear charges in the form of vast fields of melted glass, which we mentioned in connection with the terrible finds in Mohenjo-Daro, remained on Earth. All of the above may not seem entirely clear to someone. It's okay: a time paradox is a time paradox. Its consequence is the fact that the information about the return of the spacecraft from the future cannot be refuted from a physical point of view! Therefore, we included it in the outline of our research.that the information about the return of the spacecraft from the future cannot be refuted from a physical point of view! Therefore, we included it in the outline of our research.that the information about the return of the spacecraft from the future cannot be refuted from a physical point of view! Therefore, we included it in the outline of our research.

UFOs are living aliens from the past

As a result of the "pampering" of our contemporaries, and possibly descendants with thermonuclear energy from the past to the future and vice versa, not only nuclear energy can break through. In the light of everything, beings from other worlds cross the sea of space and carry with them spiritual light. " The Tibetan manuscript is echoed by the unsurpassed researcher of the inhabitants of the invisible worlds - Paracelsus (1493-1541).

V. A. Serov. Elena Ivanovna Roerich. 1909 Paper, black chalk, pastel, watercolor, 64.8x46.8. Ashmolen Museum, Oxford
V. A. Serov. Elena Ivanovna Roerich. 1909 Paper, black chalk, pastel, watercolor, 64.8x46.8. Ashmolen Museum, Oxford

V. A. Serov. Elena Ivanovna Roerich. 1909 Paper, black chalk, pastel, watercolor, 64.8x46.8. Ashmolen Museum, Oxford.

In one of his works, he writes that “in the liquefied spiritual ether, which is an invisible fiery element of nature,” amazing living beings - salamanders - live. They "appear in the form of fireballs running over the fields." Helena Roerich also wrote about UFOs, as entities of other dimensions, breaking through by chance into our world: “The so-called“flying discs”and other formations are spatial formations floating around our Earth. Usually they do not have access (emphasis added by Helena Roerich) to the nearest layers of our atmosphere, for the Earth has a protective net. Rays and magnetic currents form a completely impenetrable atmosphere …”In this passage, one can feel Elena Ivanovna's deep understanding not only of the nature of UFOs, but also of the fundamental problems of modern cosmology.

In general, according to Living Ethics, there are seven different spaces that make up a single whole, and our land is only one of them. Although all these worlds are interpenetrating, to overcome the barriers separating them requires a huge amount of energy, which our civilization has not yet learned to concentrate in a limited space - the transition point. But thermonuclear explosions (EI Roerich pointed to this factor quite specifically!) Pierce "holes" between the worlds. Moreover, the consequences of such a "breakdown" are unpredictable.

There is a lot of evidence that UFOs often behave like living organisms, and not like objects of artificial origin. For example, UFOs can leave behind the so-called "angel hair" - a cobweb-like gelatinous substance that falls to the ground from a "flying saucer". According to the data given in the book of the famous ufologist and popularizer of science Felix Siegel "UFO sightings in the Soviet Union", "angel hair" sometimes covers the earth with a rather dense layer, but after a few hours it disappears without a trace. When you touch them with your hands, they turn into lumps of radioactive mucus with a distinct smell of hydrogen sulfide.

In addition to the ability to leave a material trail behind, UFOs have a number of other features that indicate their biological nature. One of the most observable properties of UFOs is their strange transformations. They are expressed in changes in shape and size or in division into parts followed by the flight of each part separately, and sometimes - vice versa - with the combination of several objects into one. We can also observe all these metamorphoses … in a microscope installed over a Petri dish, where a colony of the most ordinary bacteria lives and develops!

In 1985, on the 155th day of flight, the space crew of the Soviet orbital station Mir, consisting of Leonid Kizim, Oleg Atkov, Vladimir Solovyov, Svetlana Savitskaya, Igor Volk and Vladimir Dzhanibekov, was engaged in scheduled work. As the cosmonauts were preparing to begin medical experiments, an orange glow suddenly appeared outside and inside the station. Looking through the windows, the crew was numb: in the orange cloud that floated behind the station, seven giant angel-like figures were visible. And they had faces - amazing faces! “They were smiling. It was not a smile of greeting, but a smile of delight and joy. We don't smile SO,”the astronauts said later.

But the most interesting thing about the observed phenomenon became clear later. It turns out that the "angels" looked as they describe in the esoteric literature the representatives of the so-called First Great Race - subtle giant angel-like entities of the "moon color" that multiplied by simple budding. According to E. P. HP Blavatsky in The Secret Doctrine, they lived on our planet hundreds of millions of years ago.

In general, descriptions of UFOs of a spherical (or close to it) shape prevail in the UFO literature. But few people paid attention to the fact that in the dialogue of Plato "The Feast" and "The Secret Doctrine" a special kind of ethereal living and intelligent spherical beings that inhabited our planet in hoary antiquity are mentioned. According to esotericists, the "spherical" were the evolutionary continuation of the "angelic" and represented the Second Great Race. This race of living beings lived on the sunken arctic continent of Hyperborea. As for UFOs of other forms, it follows from esoteric literature that the creatures of the First and Second Races were natural masterpieces of mimicry, including psychic mimicry (based on the fantasies and ideas of other beings). This means that we can perceive them as anyone or as anything.

Thus, the cumulative analysis of the data of modern ufology and esoteric sources with a high degree of probability suggests that UFOs are nothing more than living beings of the First and Second Great Races of the Earth, thrown out by the uncontrollable thermonuclear energy of modern (and possibly future) human civilization from their space-time. And far from all of them, as stated in the UFO literature, were satisfied with this circumstance and smile sweetly at us through the windows of spaceships, especially when it comes to intelligent beings.

USA, Nevada, May 25, 1953. Test of atomic weapons, codenamed "Grable". An atomic projectile was fired from a 280 mm gun and detonated in the atmosphere before reaching the Earth's surface. The approximate power of the explosion - 15 kilotons in TNT equivalent
USA, Nevada, May 25, 1953. Test of atomic weapons, codenamed "Grable". An atomic projectile was fired from a 280 mm gun and detonated in the atmosphere before reaching the Earth's surface. The approximate power of the explosion - 15 kilotons in TNT equivalent

USA, Nevada, May 25, 1953. Test of atomic weapons, codenamed "Grable". An atomic projectile was fired from a 280 mm gun and detonated in the atmosphere before reaching the Earth's surface. The approximate power of the explosion - 15 kilotons in TNT equivalent.

Destroyers or Creators?

In the course of our research, we have repeatedly referred to individual provisions of esotericism - a vast array of human knowledge that grew on the fragments of the intellectual heritage of antediluvian legendary civilizations and fastened by intuitive revelations of spiritually advanced representatives of more modern humanity. Despite the fact that the scientific elite, like a hundred years ago, never ceases to shower esotericists with ridicule and condescending smiles, many do not understand its main idea in the “Universal Wisdom of the Initiated”. This idea can be briefly expressed as follows: an alternative to the path of spontaneous and barbaric "hacking" of the fundamental foundations of the Universe, to which scientific and technological progress gravitates, is the model of humane and harmonious development by man and mankind of the multidimensional Universe by means of spiritual evolution. Spiritual evolution is based on two axioms. The first of them asserts that the spiritual consciousness of a person belongs to the multidimensional space-time. The second axiom is a consequence of the first and assumes that in the future the spiritual consciousness of all individuals who have ever lived on Earth will inevitably unite into a self-enclosed and multidimensional space-time - a kind of "mini-universe" in the community of all possible universes of the Universe. At its core, this "mini-universe" is a matrix of creation that brings the seeding of evolutionary information contained in individual spiritual consciousnesses onto the open field of the indestructible spatial basis of physical universes.that in the future, the spiritual consciousness of all individuals who have ever lived on Earth will inevitably unite into a self-enclosed and multidimensional space-time - a kind of "mini-universe" in the community of all possible universes of the Universe. At its core, this "mini-universe" is a matrix of creation that brings the seeding of evolutionary information contained in individual spiritual consciousnesses onto the open field of the indestructible spatial basis of physical universes.that in the future the spiritual consciousness of all individuals who have ever lived on Earth will inevitably unite into a self-enclosed and multidimensional space-time - a kind of "mini-universe" in the community of all possible universes of the Universe. At its core, this "mini-universe" is a matrix of creation, which brings the seeding of evolutionary information contained in individual spiritual consciousnesses onto the clear field of the indestructible spatial basis of physical universes.on the open field of the indestructible spatial basis of physical universes.on the open field of the indestructible spatial basis of physical universes.

A superficial knowledge of the axioms of esotericism leads to misinterpretation by amateurs of the fate of the ancient intelligent races of the Lemurians and Atlanteans. By the very nature of spiritual evolution, these great civilizations could not perish from earthly cataclysms and self-destructive wars. As a result of the unification of the spiritual consciousnesses of the Lemurians and Atlanteans into a single planetary organism, multidimensional and self-closed banks of evolutionary information of universal significance arose, which left our four-dimensional world. The displacements of the earth's axis and the planetary cataclysms that follow them are just the consequences of this great spatial transition. Our and subsequent highly developed civilizations of the Earth are likely to have a future similar to this Great Transition. The cosmic vocation of humanity is to create, not destroy space-time. Maybe it's time to listen to esotericists? At least for reasons of their own safety.

Vladimir Streletsky
