In The Next World, All Young And Beautiful - Alternative View

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In The Next World, All Young And Beautiful - Alternative View
In The Next World, All Young And Beautiful - Alternative View

Video: In The Next World, All Young And Beautiful - Alternative View

Video: In The Next World, All Young And Beautiful - Alternative View
Video: young and beautiful - lana del rey (slowed n reverb) 2024, September

Reading from the diaper

Zaporozhets was born in St. Petersburg in 1908 in a "class alien" environment. What kind of blood flowed in his veins - Russian, French, Polish, English, Ukrainian! In the family, the thirst for knowledge was instilled from early childhood, so the boy read from 5 years old. Auntie, the owner of a large library, not only supplied her nephew with books, but also tried to discuss what she had read with him. The boy eagerly swallowed fiction, popular science literature. Noticing the nephew's interest in everything mysterious and enigmatic, the aunt began to offer him esoteric literature. So Vsevolod learned about ghosts, the afterlife and mediums. But then, in early childhood, he did not even imagine what this hobby would result in in many years.

Brigade method

At the turn of the century, everything in the life of Russian society was changing rapidly: the tsarist regime was replaced by the Provisional Government. Then the Bolsheviks came to power. In this troubled time, Vsevolod had to enter a university. He successfully passed exams in two institutes, but he was not accepted anywhere - Zaporozhets was considered a "class alien element." The following year, a decree was issued - it is obligatory to enroll all those who passed exams for the second time in the same universities. Vsevolod tried his luck again - and again turned from the gate for the same reason. It's good that my father remembered that his childhood friend is the chairman of the Council of People's Commissars. One short note decided the matter, and Zaporozhets was enrolled in the university right in the middle of the academic year. By the way, a year later that same childhood friend was shot.

At that time the “brigade method” was being introduced at the Mining Institute - someone taught and passed the material, and the test was given to everyone. Vsevolod often sulked for everyone, so after receiving his diploma he brought good knowledge from the university.

By cities and towns

Industrialization was going on, there was a sorely lack of specialists in the country. Zaporozhets was included in a small expedition, which was sent to Baikal. Vsevolod Mikhailovich never regretted that he was on the other side of the world, without the usual conveniences and comfort. There he learned to appreciate the simple pleasures of life: a ride on a Turkmen horse, clean spring water, a Russian bath. After Baikal there were the Caucasus, Central Asia, Siberia and the Far East. Closer to the war, he was entrusted with work in the oil fields.

The situation, I must say, was very alarming and tense. He knew that many of his friends and employees had been arrested in the capitals, and he understood that sooner or later they would get to him. Indeed, one of his colleagues confessed to Zaporozhets that he was ordered to write a denunciation against him. Then another employee came up with the same recognition. The three of us began to write …

Oddly enough, the war saved him from prison. He was recalled to Leningrad, and from there - to the Middle Volga to look for oil and gas deposits. At the same time, the Research Institute of Applied Geophysics was created in Moscow, and Vsevolod Mikhailovich was involved in his work. He devoted 30 years to practice and another 30 to theory. But at the age of 70, Zaporozhets retired to finally rest. However, fate decreed otherwise: he had to re-engage in research, only now in a completely different area.

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Scientific approach

During this period, Vsevolod Mikhailovich had a terrible grief - his beloved wife died. He could not find a place for himself. The wife was the meaning of his life. And suddenly she was gone. Further existence without her seemed meaningless and worthless. But doubt crept into my soul: “Is she really gone for good? Maybe, after all, they say the truth that there is life in the next world? …”But as a convinced atheist and materialist, he was not ready to immediately believe it. As a scientist, he needed irrefutable proof. Then Zaporozhets sat down to books. He not only read 1,500 volumes from Leninka - he thoroughly studied them. Especially for him, the library subscribed to literature from London, in particular the works of Arthur Conan Doyle on the topic of parapsychology.

Plunging more and more into a new area, Zaporozhets realized: people who seriously studied this issue, came to the conviction that the afterlife exists and you can communicate with the dead. The problem is that before him no one was able to bring a scientific basis for this.

There is a contact

Vsevolod Mikhailovich heard that a friend of his friend had "a good saucer running around." He invited her to his place. A simple pretty woman came. When asked whether the contact would take place, she answered as simply: “Well, my Sasha Pushkin and Seryozha Yesenin will definitely come”. And indeed, the saucer immediately spun and "Sasha Pushkin" appeared "in touch" …

For more than 25 years of communication between Zaporozhets and the other world, about 500 sessions took place! The minutes of all the "meetings" were kept in the form of filled up common notebooks. The work resulted in the book "Contours of the Universe", 500 pages thick - with a brief history of spiritualism, an explanation of the basic spiritualistic terms and concepts, a drawing of a mediumoscope and, most importantly, a description of the method of proving the existence of the afterlife.

The most difficult task was finding suitable mediums - the professor himself did not have such abilities. More than 50 spiritualists took part in his experiments. Some were more talented, others less, some even turned out to be charlatans.

Ballerina and bully

Zaporozhets managed to find out a lot of interesting things. For example, the fact that the dead retain their consciousness, only they do not have ears, eyes, mouth, voice and hands, so communication with them can take place only if they manage to "move" into the body of a living person. In the next world to maintain "life" it is not necessary to eat, but if you really want to, you can eat fruits, which are abundant there. In the afterlife, lovers reunite or find new love, but there is no sex between them, just as there is no procreation. There are no wars, no violence, no disease, no old age, but every one of them is young and beautiful. Souls do not need sleep and are not obliged to work, but if they wish, they can find something to do, for example, as Zaporozhets found out, his wife is still dancing there.

Yes, yes, contact with her took place! Not right away. At first, the "line" was constantly occupied by some bully named Zhenya. It turns out that that world has its own hooligans. Zhenya was the most annoying. But from him Zaporozhets learned a lot of interesting things. For example, about the fact that the next world has its own "subdivisions": hell, purgatory, paradise. Suicides are the worst. But they also have a chance, because there is a constant spiritual improvement. Zhenya was, as the professor understood, in hell. Later Zaporozhets understood: the function of Zhenya and others like him is to prevent the living from entering that world.

And the widower's wife was very good there. But when he expressed a desire to reunite as soon as possible, she objected: “There is no need to rush here, everyone here is very sad about earthly life. Live as long as you should. Otherwise, God will be angry that you neglect his gift."

Vsevolod Mikhailovich lived a long life, more than 90 years, and left this world happy …

Magazine: All the riddles of the world # 1, Lyubov Popova
