Who Created Us? - Alternative View

Who Created Us? - Alternative View
Who Created Us? - Alternative View

Video: Who Created Us? - Alternative View

Video: Who Created Us? - Alternative View
Video: Lumity Is EVERYTHING & Philip Wittebane Breakdown! | The Owl House "Through the Looking Glass Ruins" 2024, September

In our age of rapid scientific and technological progress, knowledge of the world and history is growing. However, so far, most promising research into human origins has been phased out. This is a big mistake of modern scientists and researchers. Everyone believed so much in the objectivity of Charles Darwin's theory that they do not suggest other options. Starting from the earliest grades, students are taught what exactly labor made a man out of a monkey. Unfortunately, no one even tries to explain small but important discrepancies …

To begin with, there is no confirmation of the moment the monkey turned into a human. In addition, despite all the efforts of scientists, not a single monkey did not begin to transform the world for itself, but did not even begin to manufacture primitive tools. And it is not known whether there was a transition from an undeveloped brain to a developed one. At the moment, everything indicates that Homo sapiens had a developed brain from the very beginning. This speaks only of one thing - man is an artificially created form of life. This theory is also supported by the fact that a person himself is too weak, and is not able to make at least some adequate competition to predators. All that allowed the human race not to disappear is the power of the intellect. Well, today man is rightfully bequeathed to himself as the master of the planet.

Since the beginning of our history, man has been moving forward. Slowly but stubbornly. However, the fact that human progress does not move exponentially suggests that humans certainly have nothing to do with robots. After all, people regularly commit many irrational actions, and our society is built on continuous paradoxes.

But who could have created such a biologically complex creature?

Most likely we are dealing with a very advanced extraterrestrial civilization. Moreover, we are either its direct descendants, or a scientific experiment. We are talking specifically about the experimental theory, because it is she who is most popular and has the most indirect evidence.

What if not only man is a man-made creature, but the entire planet Earth? What if the Earth is a polygon? After all, one of the methods of studying human history is to observe undeveloped tribes! We may well be an artificially created tribe. Created for the purpose of studying the development of life.

But what about the fact that aliens periodically visit our planet? And there is no need to doubt it! Accidental witnesses, and the military, have repeatedly found traces of an alien presence! Archaeologists, while examining ancient ruins, regularly find indirect evidence of this. Sometimes these are ordinary drawings, but most often this is a level of technology that was inaccessible to people of antiquity and the use of almost the same methods for the construction of grandiose structures throughout the planet. Sky maps so detailed that they boggle the imagination of scientists. Such cartographic data simply could not be collected without the aid of a telescope. But it is known that during the time of stone tools and the simplest iron instruments such as a telescope simply did not exist.

But that's not all! Recent coincidences indicate that the people of antiquity all over the planet adhered to a single religious cult. It was up to a certain point. Many assume that this was a cult of admiration for the Messengers of Heaven. According to one of the theories, messengers created a person and helped in the first stages of development. This explains the presence of star maps, many architectural solutions and even religious beliefs. At some point, this civilization left the planet and stopped providing assistance. Since then, humanity has begun to develop along its own path.

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Man was probably a project to create an ideal being. All religions have basic, very similar commandments. Their fulfillment would make humanity a peace-loving race. But at some point, everything went wrong. Perhaps the aliens realized that man is a predator, that curiosity and upward striving is our nature, that people love to destroy more than create. If the global flood did exist, then we can even assume that the aliens tried to destroy the creation of their own hands, that is, our civilization. We probably threatened not only their plans, but also their safety. Only the Righteous was granted the chance to be saved. A person who has kept and honored the Commandments.

Today our civilization is developing rapidly. We already know about space and many other very important things. We learned how to build and destroy, love and hate. But the peak of the development of the space program was curtailed. Why? Is it because of the fact that aliens interfere in the development of our civilization?

Of course, modern people will not believe in the "Messengers of Heaven", but on aggression or attempts to coerce - we can already snap, because we have achieved certain successes in the military sphere. Therefore, they have to act secretly and with extreme caution.

Unfortunately, man was originally a sinful being. The main problems of our time perfectly demonstrate this. The corruption of officials, the fall of moral foundations and other problems - make us vulnerable. All this only simplifies the process of directing our development in the direction necessary for an alien civilization. They left then, but they can still return and then humanity will face a choice - to become slaves or to prove their right to exist!

What is Man? - The answer to this question, in fact, is one of the greatest mysteries, which we, with all our desire, still cannot solve! The origin of humanity is still shrouded in mystery, so many build theories that are almost impossible to prove. Man did not come about as a result of evolution, this is obvious! But who created us? No matter how hard we try, we won't find out in the near future. We just have to develop further and somewhere in the future our descendants will learn the truth and one incredible mystery will be less.