How The Russian Special Forces Soaked The Legions Of Rome - Alternative View

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How The Russian Special Forces Soaked The Legions Of Rome - Alternative View
How The Russian Special Forces Soaked The Legions Of Rome - Alternative View

Video: How The Russian Special Forces Soaked The Legions Of Rome - Alternative View

Video: How The Russian Special Forces Soaked The Legions Of Rome - Alternative View
Video: Russian Special Forces - Department "K" CSN FSB Russia 2024, October

The history of the Roman Empire is highly confused and fictional so that it is difficult to determine the exact dates.

In his book on the ancient history of Russia, Lomonosov does not set dates, but indicates who and when rules, where rules. Thus, the date of events is obtained - 300 AD. on the history of the Roman Empire in the dating of Western Europe. In Lomonosov's manuscript, the dates are stamped after printing - probably Miller and Co - scan in file.

History of military operations from Lomonosov

Until this time, the Roman Empire raided Russia, captured the population and took them prisoner - they sold slaves in their markets as slaves.

Lomonosov reports, I am translating into modern popular language:

At this time, the unification of the Slavs takes place and the opportunity arises to free their own from slavery.

The campaign against the Roman Empire, hated by all for its slave trade and raids, was supported by everyone. Gathered the best warriors numbering three thousand people - the best fighters were collected throughout Russia. The army crossed the Danube and the Gebr River without any problems, and then divided into two parts, 1700 and 1300 people. After that, Thrace and Ilirikia were destroyed.

Promotional video:

The superior forces of the enemy were retreating everywhere and the Roman generals fled. The cities were taken by storm.

The main battle took place in Thrace while defending the city of Cirula. The enemy's cavalry was commanded by the then famous Roman military commander Azbad. Azbad's cavalry was the main striking force and it was defeated. Azbad was caught and executed.

One of the storming of the city is described in detail. The Russians approached the city in small numbers. The Roman troops decided that they would cope with so many in open battle and left the city for battle. Then they were smashed.

Rome against the Russians from the territory of modern Italy sent the best troops. The commanders of Rome: Constantine, Aratius, Justin. Constantine is supposed to be the one who later became Caesar, adopted Christianity and spread it in the Roman Empire.

The Russians settled on the mountain, and the Roman army settled down at the foot of the plain. Roman troops did not dare to attack the Russians. The Romans stood until their troops were murmured about the cowardice of the military leaders. The Russians also did not want to leave a good combat position, abandoning the wounded, loot and carts. So they stood until the command of the Roman legions launched an attack.

As a result, the Roman legions were defeated, the banner of Constantine was captured. Constantine himself was not taken prisoner by accident. Many glorious warriors on both sides fell in that battle.

The Russians freed the prisoners from the Romans and, with what they could take away, moved home. They did not destroy the defeated enemy - they did not finish off.

Rome was shocked. Previously, no one went to them beyond the Danube. From a military point of view, Russian special forces, the best warriors of all Slavs of Russia of that time, came out against the Roman Empire.

Constantine organized the pursuit, attacked the tail of the convoy and miraculously returned his banner. Perhaps they just gave it to him so that he would stop the persecution.

As follows from the descriptions, the Russians fought on foot and so defeated all these legions in the two provinces of Rome and the legions sent from Rome to help. Check the number of Roman legions according to Wikipedia - 5-6 thousand people is one legion. If three large military leaders equal to Constantine are indicated, then it means that they were three legions under the mountain - 15 thousand people against 3 thousand of our soldiers, excluding their losses before this battle. In previous battles, losses were minimal.

In the descriptions of the history of the Roman Empire, these were battles with the "Sarmatians".

M. Lomonosov. Ancient Russian history / SPb., 1766, 146 p.