Who Sank The US Squadron In Antarctica? - Alternative View

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Who Sank The US Squadron In Antarctica? - Alternative View
Who Sank The US Squadron In Antarctica? - Alternative View

Video: Who Sank The US Squadron In Antarctica? - Alternative View

Video: Who Sank The US Squadron In Antarctica? - Alternative View
Video: The Rescue of the Once Lost World War II Navy Aircraft from Lake Michigan | Military Aviation Museum 2024, October

In early 1947, the whole world was stirred up by sensational news. During a military and scientific expedition to Antarctica, the powerful American squadron of Admiral Byrd was defeated.

The result of the 20-minute battle was overwhelming: about 400 dead, more than 20 shot down planes and helicopters, one cruiser and two destroyers were damaged! Huge losses were inflicted by unknown aircraft flying straight out of the water …


At the end of 1946, by a personal decree of American President Truman, the famous polar wolf, Rear Admiral Richard Byrd, was appointed head of a new military and scientific expedition to Antarctica.

Serious forces were at his disposal: an aircraft carrier, 13 cruisers and destroyers, a submarine, an icebreaker, more than 20 aircraft and helicopters, and about five thousand personnel. All the tasks were supposed to be completed in eight months.

But when Admiral Byrd's ships entered the Lazarev Sea off the coast of the icy Queen Maud Land, the unimaginable began.


Promotional video:

The cruisers and destroyers were hit by enemy artillery, and then an air attack began. This is what expedition member John Cyerson recalled many years later:

“They jumped out from under the water like crazy and literally slipped between the masts of the ships at such a speed that streams of indignant air tore the radio antennas … I did not even have time to blink an eye, as two corsairs, struck by some unknown rays that gushed from the bows of these“flying saucers ", buried in the water near the ships … These objects did not make a single sound, they silently rushed between the ships, like some kind of satanic, blue-black swallows with blood-red beaks, and continuously spat with deadly fire."

In these tragic conditions, Admiral Byrd decides to curtail the operation and return home with the whole squadron. And upon his return, some oddities began: all members of the expedition - both officers and sailors - were isolated, and Admiral Byrd appeared before the presidential special commission at secret hearings in Washington, after which he was declared insane, dismissed from military service and at the same time he was categorically forbidden to meet with journalists. What so alarmed the members of the special commission?

In the opinion of Admiral Byrd himself, these amazing aircraft were probably produced at the Nazi aircraft factories disguised in the thickness of the Antarctic ice, the designers of which seized some unknown energy used in the engines of these vehicles … But was it possible?

Flying submarine

In the 30s of the last century, many scientists and designers worked on the implementation of the idea of creating a new type of weapon that combines the advantages of an aircraft and a submarine.


For example, in 1934 one of such solutions was presented by Boris Ushakov. His apparatus looked more like an airplane than a submarine. An all-metal vehicle weighing 15 tons with a crew of three was supposed to reach speeds of up to 200 km / h with a range of up to 800 km. Design speed: air - 100 knots (185 km / h), underwater - up to 4 knots (7.4 km / h). Maximum diving depth - 45 m, swimming range under water - 5-6 km, maximum flight altitude - 2500 m, underwater autonomy - 48 hours, diving time - 1.5 minutes, ascent time - 1.8 minutes. Armament - two 450 mm torpedoes and two coaxial machine guns. Quite good, frankly.

It was proposed to make a model and test it in the pool. And there is no further mention of Ushakov's Soviet submarine plane. But there were other projects of this kind.

Boris Ushakov is the author of more than 70 inventions, for many years he worked in shipbuilding on ekranoplanes, according to his projects the first hydrofoil boats were built.

… Unexpectedly for everyone, Truman's Secretary of State James Byrnes, who has always, as we know, always advocated the toughest sanctions against the USSR, resigns ahead of schedule. Byrnes' last words in office were: “The damned Russians proved impossible to frighten. In this issue (I mean Antarctica) they won."

Maybe the dog is buried here? And not aliens, but Russians weighed heavy "cuffs" to Byrd?


For a long time it was believed that the 5th Fleet was Stalin's unfulfilled desire. But naval historians disagree. Here is just one illustration.

In January - June 1945, Project 45 destroyers - "High", "Important" and "Impressive" entered the fleet, on which the keel structures were completely redesigned and reinforced, the hull was reinforced and additional equipment was installed for sailing in difficult conditions of high (and maybe low!) latitudes.

On the destroyer Vysoky, the keel structures underwent alteration in order to ensure increased stability, on the Vostochny, the bow towers were dismantled and a hangar for four seaplanes and a catapult were installed instead.

These ships did not participate in the war with Japan, and in December 1945, all three ships made short visits to Qingdao and Chifu (China). The ships went south and did not return. One of the destroyers, accompanied by a submarine, was allegedly seen off the coast of the French island of Kerguelen, located in the southern Indian Ocean. And that's it, no more information!

Did the Soviet Union have something else in this part of the World Ocean? Sure. Back in January 1947, the waters of the Lazarev Sea were quite officially plied by the Soviet whaling and research flotilla "Slava" under the command of Captain Voronin, as well as the diesel-electric ship "Ob". According to many researchers, the general management of the site was carried out by the legendary Ivan Dmitrievich Papanin - Rear Admiral, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Doctor of Geographical Sciences.

And one more touch. At the cemetery of polar explorers near our Antarctic station Novolazarevskaya there is the grave of the pilot Chilingarov, in the pedestal of which a four-bladed aircraft propeller is mounted and the date of death is indicated - March 1, 1947. And the date of foundation of the Novolazarevskaya station itself is 1961. That is, there was no station yet, but our pilots with planes were already there. Now it is necessary to reconstruct what actually happened to the squadron of Admiral Byrd.


When the ships of Admiral Byrd dropped anchors in the Lazarev Sea off the coast of the icy Queen Maud Land, exactly where our polar station Novolazarevskaya is now located, Soviet warships were already there. Perfectly equipped, led by experienced admirals and officers who have gone through the war.

It is known for certain that the ships of the American squadron fired torpedoes at ice hummocks for scientific purposes. Aha! Probably out of idleness, Admiral Byrd decided to shoot across the endless icy expanses of Antarctica.

Most likely, the gallant admiral, having seen one of our warships, decided to immediately show “who is the boss”, not suspecting what strength is concentrated here. Immediately, the entire American squadron was covered by artillery fire from our naval batteries. And then our air aces took off for combat work. No, not from under the water, but from a well-prepared airfield.

From the memoirs of Admiral Byrd, it is known that during the expedition he came into contact with representatives of a certain civilization, which was much ahead of the earth in its development.

And here is how the writer Alexander Biryuk translates the same memories into the public language:

"On February 27, the plane on which Admiral Byrd flew east to find and photograph the airfield where the Soviet attack aircraft that attacked his squadron were based, was suddenly attacked by two P-63 fighters with red stars on the wings."

The American plane was forced to land, and the admiral was simply taken prisoner. "The Russians treated him with all the kindness and kindness of what they were capable of towards a worthy enemy."

At the same time, it was explained to him that if President Truman did not agree to peace negotiations, then … Apparently, Truman agreed to the conditions set, and the freed admiral stopped the expedition and went home with his squadron.

Alexey Maximov