Other Worlds And "We"? - Alternative View

Other Worlds And "We"? - Alternative View
Other Worlds And "We"? - Alternative View

Video: Other Worlds And "We"? - Alternative View

Video: Other Worlds And
Video: We Are The World 25 For Haiti - Official Video 2024, October

The plot continues the previous theme related to existing ideas about other, virtual Worlds.

The vast majority of which are worlds of war and all kinds of violence. Short episodes of a peaceful life serve only as an introduction to another violent plot. And it doesn't matter if they are alien worlds or similar to terrestrial worlds in the now fashionable parallel worlds. Everything is the same.

Interestingly, many of the monsters that decorate fantastic plots have prototypes on Earth. For example, the famous "Aliens" are only slightly modified and enlarged images of a dragonfly larva in the aquatic stage of development.

Such a passion for violence in science fiction, as well as in ordinary life with countless thrillers and action films in films and on television, makes one think about the subconscious need of "man" for rigidity. Philosophers philosophize on such topics, but there is no more clarity. Alas.

The world in which we exist, this world, is really built on virtually endless murder and violence. Predators, victims, the struggle for territories, for a female, for water sources, etc. etc. And "man" is clearly no exception. Moreover, in the human population, predators and herbivores and scavengers are also seen in a certain sense, i.e. the same algorithm as for the animal World known to us.

Yes, and the existence of the visible part of the Universe (this is about 5%) is also built on births (stars, galaxies), their death, endless "predatory" black holes that absorb everything they "reach" and many others. others in the same spirit. Also, the picture is far from blissful.

Hence, more and more often, the idea of a possible "loving God" is reduced to "a certain" machine ", or close to him, intelligence. For whom there are no moral and ethical problems. And everything is based on energetic expediency and the necessity of survival.

One of the consequences of such views is associated with the concept of computer simulation of the Universe and our World. The whole World is a kind of illusion. Those. in fact, this is a repetition, at the modern level, of the ideas of Plato, who, following Pythagoras, argued that only ideas are material, and other objects are only their shadows. At about the same time, Buddha spoke about it: “Everything that we are, and everything around us, is the result of our thoughts. The mind is everything"

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And in our time, these ideas have found expression in the representations of the virtual world, the description of which appeared with the light hand of Jarom Lanier back in 1989 and is now applied to a variety of situations and states. From computer games to the virtuality of our entire World and advice on survival in such a World. (Robin Hanson. "How to Live in a Simulation." Journal of Evolution and Technology.)

Nick Bostrom (2003), “Are We Living in a Computer Simulation?” (PDF), The Philosophical Quarterly, Oxford University Press. 53, was the first to clearly articulate his ideas about the computer simulation of the Universe and our small Earth World. (211): 243-255.). The well-known Elon Musk became a supporter and, in fact, the ideologist of such views. One of the extreme theories of this kind was the assertion that the authors of this simulation are our distant descendants. Maybe even not quite people anymore, but some "cyborgs" that combine artificial intelligence and the organic brain of its creators. Those. the descendants are, in fact, playing a grand game in which "we" are just "bots"?

Moreover, if you recall the history, then, as in our games, the "characters" start with a simple weapon - a stick, a club. Stones. And then more and more advanced weapons appear. And the killings are becoming more effective and grander. Just like in any Quake game.

You can endlessly fantasize here. But, everyone who sits down at the next computer game should remember that it is possible that “someone” is also preparing for the game, but each of us can be the object of this game. And all of humanity.
