Other Worlds? - Alternative View

Other Worlds? - Alternative View
Other Worlds? - Alternative View

Video: Other Worlds? - Alternative View

Video: Other Worlds? - Alternative View
Video: Обзор игры The Outer Worlds 2024, October

The topic of "aliens" with and without UFOs has long been competing in the media with "hot" news. Even "science" has come to terms with this and more and more often "supplies" images of all kinds of alien creatures for films and computer games.

But here's what's strange. Almost all "ideas" about alien life begin and end with monsters or at least variations on the classic Star Wars theme. We are, as it were, convinced that the world of space, like the Earth, is a world of war, murder and all kinds of violence. Fiction and fantasy? But is it all so harmless?

Generally speaking, all these plots and images were created for the entertainment of the "most respectable" public. Who, at her leisure, since ancient times, loved to be amused and frightened. Aliens are quite "suitable" for this. What are they? Aliens exist, says ScFi and, with caution, "science."

Moreover, they may not be at all like you and me, or even probably look like ugly monsters, or even giant algae or microscopic worms or cephalopods. But, the worst thing, as many ufologists say, and not ufology, when aliens arrive on our planet, they will destroy humanity first of all, and appropriate earthly resources for themselves. Directly after the familiar to us "earthly algorithm".

From the gold of the American Indians after Columbus to oil today. However, practically the whole history of man consisted of such "incidents" with neighbors and not so close neighbors. And this is against the background of a certain "Creator", which is present in many earthly religions and considers "man" as a beloved creature.

Being a convinced not an atheist, but I doubt that with such a “loving” God, not everything is simple. The world in which we exist is a world built in fact on endless murder and violence. Predators, victims, the struggle for territories, for a female, for water sources, etc. etc.

And "man" is clearly no exception. Moreover, in the human population, predators and herbivores and scavengers are also seen in a certain sense, i.e. the same algorithm as for the animal World known to us.

The attempt to overcome the contradictions at the expense of the story of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden is poetic, but not very convincing. But this is a separate topic. Yes, and the existence of the visible part of the Universe (this is about 5%) is also built on births (stars, galaxies), their death, endless "predatory" black holes that absorb everything they "reach" and many others. others in the same spirit. Also, the picture is far from blissful.

Promotional video:

Hence, more and more often, the idea of a possible "Creator" is reduced to a "matrix" (without the massacre, of course). Those. some kind of "machine", or close to it, intelligence. For whom there are no moral and ethical problems. Actually, the authors of the Holographic Principle of the World Order come to a similar conclusion.

When the "matrix" is in the two-dimensional World, and the "creator" (creators?) Is outside the hologram. An extreme hypothesis is a "computer simulation" of our Holographic World, incl. - as a result of the activities of our very distant descendants, maybe not quite people.

Then the simplest explanation of terrestrial ideas about aliens is clear - they may have different forms, but we judge our actions by ourselves. So, at first glance, the presented world of space is nothing more than a mirror of our civilization. It seems - nothing special. But the matter may turn out to be more complex and controversial.

It is worth remembering one statement that is almost 2500 years old: “Everything that we are, and everything around us, is the result of our thoughts. Mind is everything.”Buddha. With which, however, many modern experts in quantum physics more than agree, discussing the dualism of waves and particles, emptiness and vacuum energy, quantum field, etc. The idea that “each of us is a“co-creator”of our World haunts physicists from Wolfgang Pauli to Max Tegmark, Roger Penrose and beyond.

Moreover, within the framework of such ideas, the notion that “thought” can “materialize” no longer seems absurd. And given that in the infinity of the Multiverse, almost any, even negligible, probability of some event or fantastic image can be realized, such ideas become quite real.

Or maybe the moment has really come when endless "passages" on the themes of "universal violence" in different forms began to change our world itself? Maybe this is why there is an increase in natural disasters, endless wars, “social catastrophes” like terrorism and extreme nationalism?

It is not for nothing that "thoughts" about the coming classic Apocalypse appear more and more often. Moreover, it seems that this is not the worst. Who knows who knows ….

The video is an attempt to summarize some of the known ideas about alien worlds. Conceptions that can become reality not only in space, but also "boomerang" return to planet Earth.

Continuation: "Other Worlds and We"