The Pyramids Are The Single Energy Centers Of The Planet. Unique Technologies Of The Ancients. Egypt Part 2 - Alternative View

The Pyramids Are The Single Energy Centers Of The Planet. Unique Technologies Of The Ancients. Egypt Part 2 - Alternative View
The Pyramids Are The Single Energy Centers Of The Planet. Unique Technologies Of The Ancients. Egypt Part 2 - Alternative View

Video: The Pyramids Are The Single Energy Centers Of The Planet. Unique Technologies Of The Ancients. Egypt Part 2 - Alternative View

Video: The Pyramids Are The Single Energy Centers Of The Planet. Unique Technologies Of The Ancients. Egypt Part 2 - Alternative View
Video: You Need To Hear This! Our History Is NOT What We Are Told! Ancient Civilizations | Graham Hancock 2024, October

Part one. White Gods, Pharaohs and the population of Egypt, up to the 19th century.

The purpose of this article is to answer questions that have long been of interest to a wide range of readers, such as:

- How, where, why and who built the PYRAMIDS;

- What our ancestors did all over the world in ancient times, and what does the Giants have to do with it;

- What incredible technologies of the United Earth civilization of the past were used by our ancestors.

The fact is that any civilization needs energy, only our ancestors used the purest and maximum possible energy of the Earth itself. Therefore, all PYRAMIDS stand at the intersections of the Earth's lines of force, in the so-called places of Power.


Here is a map of the earth's magnetic lines of force that are known today.

Promotional video:


That is why our ancestors all over the Earth in places of power built PYRAMIDS, orienting them to the magnetic pole of the earth.


It is important to know these simple rules for the construction of the Pyramids, as they will help us discover the megaliths of the ancients that have not yet been found. Which are located not only on earth, under water, but also on other moons and planets of the solar system. Plus, we will be able to determine the construction time of these megaliths, as we did in the article when we were looking for Antlan, because of their orientation to the North Magnetic Pole, which was displaced earlier due to disasters on a planetary scale that I described in my previous articles:

"Daariya is the Northern ancestral home of mankind, and the first Moon of the land of Lelya" and "Antlan and the second moon of the land of Fata, a return from the abyss of the sea, and the darkness of millennia."


From the data of orientation to the magnetic pole, it turns out that the Egyptian PYRAMIDS existed even before the time of the first FLOOD 111,000 years ago. Since they are oriented to the Earth's Magnetic Pole since the times of DAARIA and the PYRAMID MERU in its center.


All Pyramids are also built using the SAGGED system of the Ancient Slavs, using the Golden, Divine section and the numbers Pi, Phi, etc. More details can be found in the works of Chernyaev - Golden fathoms of ancient Russia (A. F. Chernyaev) 2007.


In everyday life of the Slavs, such a system is known as Piadevaya. You can get acquainted with it in more detail in my video Vitruvian Man or The Secret of Leonardo Da Vinci Revealed:


The most interesting thing is that the echoes of the calculation system used by the builders of the PYRAMID have survived in our schools and universities to this day. Remember the song of school times, where it is sung: 2 ZhDY 2, and 5 Yu 5, etc. Then ask yourself why multiplication is indicated by THREE signs, and here's the answer:

1 - Point - Multiplication by Plane, plane objects;

2 - Cross - x - Multiplication of ZHDA - for volumetric structures - in the same place PYRAMIDAL multiplication - is used to calculate the construction of volumetric objects - PYRAMIDS, Zikurats, etc.;

3 - Snowflake - * - Multiplication Yu - Spatial - Temporal; used to calculate displacements in the space-time continuum.


So in Pyramidal Multiplication, 2 ZHDA 2 = 5, and 3 ZHDA 3 = 14, etc.


All pyramids were united into a single Energy system of the United civilization of the land of the past. Therefore, our ancestors were present on all continents, where they not only taught young peoples, but also watched the work of the PYRAMIDS. Where PYRAMID = PI - writing, RA - white light - the Sun, MI - a certain frequency (DO, RE, MI … etc.), GIVING. Here are devices from Egypt that made it possible to determine the frequency of a standing wave.


Other devices have been used to tune people to these frequencies:


The pyramids were used not only for long-distance communication within the Earth, but also for the Out-of-Range Cosmic communication. Isn't that why the symbol of the Divine with a protruding tongue is so widespread in the World, maybe it denotes a communication center? Where can I contact a distant subscriber?


So the pyramidal complex "Pyramids of the Sun" in Mexico, the complex "Great Pyramid of Giza" in Egypt, and the pyramids of Xi'an China are aligned in a straight line, and all of them with their orientation indicate the orientation of the stars in the constellation Orion.


At the same time, the mummies that are found next to the Pyramids unambiguously show us their builders, namely the White Man, and the uniform principles of building the Pyramids throughout the Earth.


All lines of force of the Earth converge on the Northern Ancestral Homeland of humanity Daaria, where the pyramid MERU stands. After the destruction of the moon of Lelya and the flooding of Daariya, our ancestors founded Asgard of Iry in a new place of power, and erected a Pyramid 1000 arshins (721 meters) high in modern OMSK. (on the map of ley lines, this is number 4) In the future, the construction of pyramids throughout the earth continued along with the resettlement of our ancestors.

The Great Pyramid of Egypt coincides with Machupikchu, the Nazca Lines and Easter Island in a straight line, with an error of less than one tenth of one degree of latitude. Other sites of ancient construction that are also within one tenth of this line include: Perseopolis, the capital of ancient Persia; Mohenjo Daro and Petra. The ancient Sumar city of Ur, and the temples at Angkor Wat are within the same latitude of this line.


Pay attention to the technological solutions used for the construction of these Megaliths, they are the same for the entire globe. (It is noteworthy that the Egyptians, for example, according to historians, did not know iron, and the pyramids themselves were stuffed with this iron for a better bundle of structures. - author).


Therefore, all over the World on these structures there is the same symbolism of using ascending and descending Energy flows, in the form of a deity holding two or more Serpents (DRAGON, COBRA, etc.) in his hands.


When historians say that they do not know how and who built the Pyramids, they are dissembling. Since in Egypt itself there are wall drawings showing not only the process of building the Pyramids, but also the builders themselves.


So what we see in this image of the construction of the pyramid in the grave of Rehmir, it shows how the Giants of Egypt build the pyramids with their own hands. At the same time, many of them are Blue-eyed and fair-haired, and the pyramids themselves are erected from blocks using concrete technology, but people of GIANT growth do it. This can be seen from the fact that there are standard bricks, but there are also Gigan blocks, where the growth of GIANTS corresponds to 4 of these blocks, which is about 6-8 meters.


As in this picture, where the Giants are erecting 20 meter obelisks.

According to the ancient Egyptians themselves, their first dynasty originated from a race of giants who sailed by sea (from the drowned Antlani - author), who taught them all technologies. Here are the images of the GIANTS that we meet in pre-dynastic times over 5400 years ago. Where the Pharaohs were depicted 3 and more times higher than their subordinates. Moreover, the whole process shows the movement of a column of people, which allows us to assert that we are not talking about statues.


Plus one more image where the Giant is in motion, and the Little Servant gives him a flower, or helps the giant with something:


The same image of the Giants is present in Egypt in many, here are some of them:


But maybe this is just an exaggeration of the artists? But the high Egyptians are mentioned in the Bible (1 Chronicles 11:23). “And he killed an Egyptian, a tall man, five cubits high (1 Egyptian cubit = 0.52 m).“Plus there are other written sources that claimed the high growth of the rulers of Egypt. As the world famous scientist and esotericist writes, Drunvalo Melchizedek in In the book "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life", Akhenaten was 4.5 meters tall. Nefertiti was about 3.5 meters tall. This is evidenced by the preserved sarcophagi of the rulers of ancient Egypt and her descendants. Here is the Cedar coffin of Queen Ahmose Meritamun, daughter of Ahmos I and Queen Ahmose Nefertari and sister and wife of King Amenhotep I, from her grave at Deir el-Bahri in western Thebes, more than 4 meters high.


A couple more GIANT Coffins from Egypt.

All this can be attributed to the artist's inventions, the inaccuracies of the authors, multiple sarcophagi and so on, if the Gigantes Mummies did not lose their body parts, in the process of hiding them, or other life circumstances.


In the Photo, the finger and hand of a mummy 38 centimeters long was found in Egypt, the owner's height must be above 6 meters, at least.

But to achieve Giant growth (from 3 to 100 meters or more), it would take hundreds, perhaps thousands of years of life, which we are told by the written sources of antiquity, which science certainly does not believe. In these sources, the time of the reign of certain people - Kings is considered MILLENNIUM !!!


Here are some translated passages from Sumer's cuneiforms, collectively known as the List of Kings, adapted for modern language: “Alulim ruled 28,800 years as a king; Alalgar ruled for 36,000 years - two kings ruled for 64,800 years."

“(In total) eight kings ruled in five cities for 241,200 years. Then the flood washed away (the country). After the flood washed away (the country) and the kingdom was sent down from heaven (for the second time), Kish became the seat of the throne."

Of course, two global floods led to a change in the Earth's Biosphere, and a sharp reduction in life expectancy, which led to a decrease in the growth of the Giants themselves. So according to Islamic accounts, Mizram lived up to 700 years. Moses stated in Genesis that his uncle Titan (Shem) lived 600 years, and Noah lived 960 years.

For those to whom there is little evidence of this, separate articles will be made about GIANTS and centenarians around the world, for now let's return to other wonders of antiquity.

Scientists do not want, or cannot see the United civilization of the Earth of the past, but maybe we will succeed. I bring to your attention the coincidences of technologies and symbols scattered all over the world, and concentrated in ancient civilizations that arose around the places of power - the Pyramids.

The fact is that our ancestors possessed not only Gigantic growth, but also "high" technologies, even for our time, and various machines known to us today, including flying ones.

So in the Egyptian museums itself, spare parts from these mechanisms of the past, such as these ancient gears and a steering wheel, are kept. And although science claims that the Egyptians themselves did not know metal, but as you understand these products are metal.


Plus, in the temples and Pyramids themselves, there are bas-reliefs of various mechanisms and electrical devices.

This is how deities were depicted all over the World, along with their flying technical devices.


Here are the symbolic images of the flying devices of the Gods of antiquity on all continents, do you think there are similarities?


By the way, in this image there is a LOCK - which I believe served for these flying mechanisms as the STARTING Key. I say this because now only spare parts are found from the mechanisms themselves, and there are already hundreds of such LOCKS - Keys in the region of Egypt - Persia, here are some images from museums.


Plus, note the similarities between the flower-type symbols on the head of Hathor from Ancient Egypt, and the "wristwatch" from ancient Sumerian carvings depicting the Anunnaki, and a figurine from pre-Columbian America.


Here are images from the Egyptian Pyramids showing Lamps and other electrical appliances.


Such descriptions about electricity in Egypt have survived to this day. So Iamblichus left a note about an amazing report found on one of the most ancient Egyptian papyri, kept in one of the mosques in Cairo. It was part of a story by an unknown author (circa 100 BC) about a group of people who received permission to go underground for research purposes. They left a description of their expedition: “We approached the premises. When we entered, the lights came on on their own: the light came from a thin tube the size of a human hand [about 6 inches or 15.24 cm], standing vertically in the corner. As we approached the tube, it glowed brighter … the slaves got scared and ran in the direction we came from! When I touched it, the glow stopped. No matter what we did, it never caught fire again. In some rooms, the tubes provided light, in others they did not. We broke one tube, and from it dripped beads of a silvery liquid, which quickly rolled across the floor until they disappeared into the cracks [mercury - author]. After a while, the lighting tubes began to go out, and the priests collected them and put them in a specially built underground storage in the southeastern part of the plateau. They were convinced that their beloved Imhotep had created the lighting tubes, who would one day return and light the light in them again”. They were convinced that their beloved Imhotep had created the lighting tubes, who would one day return and light the light in them again”. They were convinced that their beloved Imhotep had created the lighting tubes, who would one day return and light the light in them again”.


Also in the civilization of the past, and in Egypt itself, such uniform optical technologies as Mirrors and products from Rhinestone were distributed. (First Scythian Mirror, two others Egyptian)


In the photo at the Top there are items from Rhinestone Egypt, at the bottom are items from Rock Crystal of the Scythians.


These things show how all civilizations around the world from different time periods have been interconnected and influenced by even older civilizations and teachings that have passed through time. Many of the same exact mythologies and symbols are found culturally, going back thousands of years. The Goddess Hathor herself is the prototype of the goddess TARA, known as ASTARTA, or ISHTAR, and bears the symbols of the two moons Leli (7 days), and the Month (28 days). We examined all these symbols in detail in the previous article: - Daariya is the Northern ancestral home of mankind, and the first Moon of the land, Lelia, is a return from the abyss of the sea, and the darkness of millennia. The city and the pyramid in Russia are 110,000 years old.

In addition to the unified technologies of the ancients spread all over the world, we also find the unified Symbols of the past civilization. Which are ubiquitous in Egypt itself.

So, for example, as the symbol of the Sphinx (distortion from the PHOENIX? - author), which is found all over the world, and which was actively used by both the Scythians and the Tartars.


The symbol of the Owl, it is the emblem of TARTARIA among the Egyptians, and is very common throughout the World.


Also in Egypt there is a huge number of symbols depicting two Moons of the Earth, the lower one is Lel's moon, the period of revolution is 7 days (like our week now) - more than 111,000 died and the Moon of the Month 28 days, and the Sun.


Plus a huge number of images of Serpents, especially - COBRA, where KO is an egg, BRA is the divine White LIGHT - or a night lamp, which symbolize the movements of the Sun and Two (Three) Moons of antiquity, and the light that they give or reflect.

He is the serpent Gorynych of Three Heads - the Symbol of the three Moons of Antiquity. Let's do it like our ancestors, remove the matching Letters (in the modern world everything is upside down, that's why at school they are called Vowels - O AND S Z A and etc.).

We get GR N H - Lit at night, i.e. it is an association of the ancients that reflects the movement of the three Moons of antiquity at night, and the light and energy of the Sun is reflected by them. Here is an image of GORA = Gorynych of three heads:


Here is an AI image of a princess of Egypt with three Serpents - Cobras:


It is likely that the symbol of the God of the seas and oceans Nia (Neptune) is from the same place. Since we know perfectly well the influence of the Moon of the Month (28 days) on the ebb and flow, and now imagine that there are THREE Moons.

Plus, the same Cobras - GORYNYCHA Three Heads are present on the calendar of the Maltyn plate, age 30 - 16,000 years:


We have already met these Snakes-Cobras - Gorynych Three Heads with you on the most ancient calendars, from Mezin, 20,000 years old:


Plus all over the world, for example, in Pre-Columbian America on the pyramid showing the annual rotation of the Sun:


The same images of the Cobra - the Serpent (aka the stylized symbol of Yin - Yang) are also found among the Tripolians and other peoples of antiquity.


Here is the image of these Serpents from the Vikings, in the form of the heavenly movement of the Sun.


Egg, Falcon (Hawk) and Phoenix are also common symbols of the civilization of the past.

According to Herodotus, the Egyptians believed that Osiris put 12 white pyramids into the egg, which were supposed to help man in everything, but his brother and rival Typhon secretly stole the egg and put 12 black pyramids to the white ones. Therefore, grief is constantly interspersed with happiness in a person's life. Another Egyptian god that is related to the egg is the god Ptah, or Ptah. On the bas-relief with his image, Pta is holding an egg in his hand, and from the inscription at the bottom of the bas-relief it becomes clear that the egg represents the Sun. Pta, like Knef, is a kind, beneficent god. He is the father of all beginnings, who created the egg of the Sun and the Moon.


The ancient Hindus have a legend about the creation of the world from a golden egg that floated in the waters. It is a symbol of the Sun, which floats in the rain streams of a cloudy sky. The custom of using colored eggs was among the Persians. In Assyro-Babylonian mythology, a huge celestial egg was laid in the Euphrates River and incubated by a dove. According to Plutarch, the Phoenicians also honored the egg. They had it as a symbol of the creation of the whole world, an attribute of the Phoenician deity, which was depicted in the form of a snake that stands on its tail and holds an egg in its mouth. The Celts gave each other eggs for the new year, mostly red. We find images of eggs in the tombs of the Etruscans. In the mythology of the Polynesians, the visible world was embodied in the image of a chicken, in which the Creator of the World, the god Tongaroa, was hiding. He emerged from the egg, from the fragments of which the islands of Polynesia were formed. The natives of the Sandwich Islands say that at a time when everything was the sea, a huge bird landed on the water and laid an egg, from which the Hawaiian Islands soon emerged. Eggs were equally respected by the Romans and Greeks. Pliny, Plutarch and Ovid testified in their works that the Romans used eggs during religious ceremonies, games, during the cleansing from sins. The egg, as a symbol of the Sun and rebirth, was a necessary attribute of the holiday in honor of the sun god Bacchus, was used during fortune-telling about the future. Mythical ideas about the egg penetrated into Byzantine literature. According to John Damascene, both the sky and the Earth are like an egg in everything: the shell is like the sky, the film is like clouds, the white is like water, the yolk is like the earth. Especially strong was people's faith in the Sun, as the source of life on Earth there,where there was a clear difference between winter and summer. Sunday - the resumption of life, its dawn - spring - is indicated by a red egg. Therefore, the symbol of EASTER, and there are red colored eggs, all together symbolizes fertility.


A significant part of the beliefs of our ancestors was reflected in folk tales. It is the egg in them that is the embodiment of the Sun. In one of the tales, a poor peasant receives a duck that laid him a self-light egg that glows in the dark - the symbol of the Moon reflecting the light of the Sun at night - hence the identification with a snake, or COBRA (see above). The folk riddle identifies the week with a nest, in which there are seven black eggs (nights), and seven white eggs (days) - the cycles of the Moon Lelya. Therefore, after the destruction of the Leli Moon 111,000 ago (the turnover period is 7 days), on Easter, painted eggs began to hit each other, checking whose egg is stronger. The broken egg was called "Koscheev's egg", that is, the destroyed by the Moon Lelya with the bases of gray-skinned foreigners, and the whole egg was called the "Power of Tarkh Dazhdbog". Children began to tell the tale of Koschey the Immortal,whose death was in an egg (on the Moon Lele) somewhere on the top of a tall oak - a symbol of the tree of LIFE (i.e. in heaven).

Finally, the legend about the Phoenix is extremely interesting. The Egyptians, who deified the Phoenix, represented him in the form of a bird slightly larger than an eagle, with a red forelock on his head, with golden feathers on his neck, with a white tail and light red feathers. Phoenix flew to Egypt from India or Arabia (that is, from the east) and, before burning himself, sang a death hymn, similar to the death song of a swan. Phoenix arrives in Heliopolis (i.e. the city of the Sun) approximately on the day of the vernal equinox, where he burns himself in the rays of the Sun, which are reflected from the golden shield on the roof of the temple. When he turns to ash, an egg appears at the site of his death. It instantly revives from the same fire that burned the Phoenix-father, the same Phoenix comes out of it, but young, full of life, in a new solar plumage and flies away to return again. This legend miraculously conveys the idea of the continuity of life, about the annual death and resurrection of nature in the rays of the spring Sun. According to the legend recorded by Herodotus, the whole world arose from an egg that was laid by Phoenix in the sanctuary of Helios. Echoes of the legend about the Phoenix can be traced in China, where it was called "Fong Goang" - a bird of prosperity and a harbinger of a golden age.

This is especially interesting for us, since two birds should be located on the correct coat of arms of RUSSIA: one is the Phoenix - a sign of rebirth from the ashes of RUSSIA, and the second is the ROCK bird - a symbol of the direct divine control of POWERFUL RUSSIA. Compare the original Coat of Arms and today's.


So one of the highest Egyptian deities was Knef (a distortion of the Phoenix - in the opposite reading? - auth) - the embodiment of the sun god Ra. He was depicted with the head of a hawk, with a wreath of feathers on his head, with a scepter (as on the Coat of Arms of Russia Phoenix !!! - author) in his hand and an egg in his mouth. Knef was a kind deity, and the egg in the mouth was a symbol of fertility and generosity.

It is likely that this is where the name of the Ruling Dynasty comes from among the YIN and YAN GLORIES, where Phoenix = Sun = RA + ROCK = RAROK from here, and RURIK or FALCON, he is Ossiris (Axis of Sirius? - author) and so on.


Also, the symbol of the Cross - ANKh personifies the Solar movement throughout the year, we will meet all over the World, although sometimes it will appear in some changed form, but its meaning remains the same.


Photo - The movement of the Sun with fixation once every 7 days, throughout the year, this is where the symbol of INFINITY comes from, it is also an eight.

Did I manage to show you the United Earth civilization of the past, its symbols, and technologies, of course, you decide. But the next time when scientists tell you about the mysterious history of the past, and unknown gods, great builders of pyramids and so on, you will already know the correct answers.

Do you think these are all miracles that our science does not notice, or does not want to notice? Yes, you and I have not even begun to consider real miracles. Now we just want to find a true picture of the past in order to take the best from the past into the future, and remove restrictions. Which we imposed on ourselves, and allowed it to be done by Alien uncles, mistakenly called Scientists, but in fact are propagandists of the Self-Destruction system. So the one who does not know his past has no future.

Victor Maksimenkov