History Of Rus According To The Ancient Bulgarian Annals - Alternative View

History Of Rus According To The Ancient Bulgarian Annals - Alternative View
History Of Rus According To The Ancient Bulgarian Annals - Alternative View

Video: History Of Rus According To The Ancient Bulgarian Annals - Alternative View

Video: History Of Rus According To The Ancient Bulgarian Annals - Alternative View
Video: Slavs and Vikings: Medieval Russia and the Origins of the Kievan Rus 2024, September

The chronicles taken now as a basis for studying the history of Russia, or as they are also called "The Tale of Bygone Years" ", compiled by the unscrupulous monk Nestor, in many places contradict common sense, and in some they simply impudently misinterpret the events to please the rulers then in power. For example, the murder of princes Gleb and Boris Nestor attributes to Svyatopolk and calls him "The Cursed", although in other independent sources ("The Saga of Eimund", Bulgarian chronicles, etc.) it is directly stated that they were killed in the struggle for power by Yaroslav the Wise, but since he then stood at the helm of the state and was "wise" (or rather cunning), then he blamed everything on his brother Svyatopolk, and declared his innocently murdered brothers (to atone for their guilt) saints. Therefore, in order to somehow restore justice,let's look at the history of Russia through the eyes of the ancient Bulgarian chroniclers.

"Djagfar Tarihi" ("History of Djagfar") is the only collection of ancient Bulgarian annals (compiled in 1680 in Bashkortostan) that has come down to us. The collection includes the most valuable Bulgarian chronicles: "Gazi-Baradzh tarikhy." (1229 - 1246) Gazi Baraja, "The Righteous Path, or Pious Deeds of the Bulgar Sheikhs" (1483) Mohammed-Amin, "Kazan Tarikhy" (1551 d.) Mohammedyar Bu-Yurgan, “Sheikh-Gali kitaby” (1605) Ish-Mohammed and some others …”(from the foreword by F. G.-Kh. Nurutdinov).

The set of chronicles was compiled when the Volga Bulgars were already completely Islamized by the Arabs and had lost much of their original culture and language, therefore the names of historical figures and geographical names mentioned in them bear a warped Turkic-Arabic transcription (Vladimir-Bulymer, Andrei-Tyuryay, etc.), but despite this, we still easily recognize the heroes mentioned in them. For the convenience of readers, in our review of the historical heritage of the Volga Bulgars, we will try to use Slavic names, citing for comparison and distorted by an alien culture.

The Bulgarian chronicles begin to consider the genealogy of the Slavic princes from Attila, but for the complete picture we will go back a little. At the end of the fourth and beginning of the fifth century AD, Prince Ruskolani (the Rus state which was located on the territory of the Don, Kuban, Crimea and Stavropol) Vandal from the Rus-Saks clan (ancestors of the Cossacks), and then his son Balober, who continued his work (in the "Veles Book" he is called Golorev) breaks the Goths of Germanorekh and unites the Rus and Volga Bulgarians into a single state. Golorev dies in 412, and his sons divide the power among themselves. Prince Rus remains to rule in Ruskolani, and another son, Prince Munzuk, becomes the ruler of the Volga Bulgaria. Further, the son of Rus, Prince Kiy, leads his people to the Dnieper and founds the city of Kiev, and the sons of Munzuk, Attila and Bolel, undertake a military campaign to the west. But back to the Bulgar annals,in which it is stated that Attila Aybata ("bata" means the oldest, the oldest, the eldest, hence the word "dad" came from here), nicknamed "Bogdan Dulo" had another name - Mstislav. We will come across several names of our princes throughout the study of the chronicles (for example, Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich also had a second name - Boris). So after the death of Attila in 454, his sons divided the empire among themselves. Bel-Kermek (we know him as Irnaka "Ir" in the ancient Slavic language, also means light, white from here and Iriy - light world) got the northern half, and Denchich got the southern half. Prince Mund (Zigmund, or Sigmund) was the grandson of Attila. His great-great-grandson was Tubjak. Further, the sons of Prince Alburi divide the united Ruskolan among themselves. The youngest son of Alburi, Kuvrat, in 629declared himself a Kan of Great Bulgaria and separated from his elder brother, the single prince Ruskolani Svetoyar. Svetoyar named his part Ruskolani Duloba, and Kuvrat - Great Bulgaria. Great Bulgaria did not last long (629-660), since after the death of Kuvrat in 660, internecine wars between his sons began, during which his eldest son Bat Boyan remained "in the land of his ancestors", and the younger Asparukh (Atilkese) went with his people to the Balkans and formed Danube Bulgaria. Asparuh, according to the chronicles, was friends with his uncle Svetoyar. In the 7th century, a battle took place between Bat-Boyan and the Khazar leader Kalga. About 90 thousand soldiers fell on both sides, of which 50 thousand were Khazars, and the Khazar leader Kalga was hacked to death. The name of the river where the battle took place is Kalka. Asparukh died about 701,and he was succeeded by Dulo Tervel (Terbedi) from the same dynasty. The great-grandson of Bat-Boyan (Old Boyan) - Avar ruled from 727 to 759. His sons: the eldest - Tat-Utyak, having a different name Sarachin, the younger - Tat-Ugek also had a different name Berendey (or Veremey). The son of Tat-Ugek - Tamyan enters the service of the Khazars and becomes a military leader. From a marriage with a Khazar woman, he has a son, Ilyas, who also becomes a Khazar governor, who placed Iskhak Aksak-Timer on the Khazar throne. After the death of Avar from 759. until 787 his son Sarachin rules (remember the epics). His daughter from a wife from the Rus-Slovenian clan (Novgorodians) was married to the Khazar Khakan Askal and gave birth to a son - Urus, who replaced Aksak-Timer on the Khazar throne. Since 787, the head of the state is Sarachin's son-in-law - Prince Cherny (son of the Ruskolan prince Bravlin). Further According to "Gazi - Baraj" in the Black Sea region in the first half and middle of the 9th century. ruled by the son of the Black Prince - Ugyr Aydar, which literally from the Turkic-Arabic into our language means “At the mountains, the Light that gives or Connected with the Mountains, the Light that gives”, in our opinion simply Svetogor. Svetogor's mother Daria was the sister of the mother of the Khazar Kagan Urus. Svetogor is known to us from Russian epics, although he did not perform any special feats. The Bulgar chronicles consider him as a completely specific person, the king who united the disparate Slavic lands into a single whole (Ruskolan, Kievan Rus and the Bulgar principalities). Svetogor ruled over the entire Saklan (“Sak” means the Saka-Cossack family, and “Lan” in ancient Slavic means land) from 815 or 816 to 855. At the accession of Svyatogor to the throne, the king of Danube Bulgaria, Boris 1, appeared to him with an expression of obedience. Under the year 839 “Gazi - Baradj” testifies that at that time in the steppes of Taurida the Khazar accomplices rampaged the Pechenegs. And Svetogor is mentioned in "Gazi-Baraj" primarily in connection with his wars with the Khazar kagans Karak and Urus (beginning of the 9th century - 840) and clashes with the all-powerful Khazar bek Burtas (840-855) between Svetogor and the Khazars the war began, in which the 70,000-strong army of the Khazars was led by Bek Burtas. But after a long and stubborn battle, the 20,000-strong army of Svetogor turned the Khazars into a panicky flight. Burtas's army was defeated, and Karak was going to execute his commander. However, his intention was not fulfilled, and Karak himself was deposed from the throne for defeat in the war with Svetogor. With his entourage and sons, Karak fled to Semendar. But the place of shelter was poorly chosen. And the kagan and his sons,and those close to them were hacked to pieces by the Muslims. Only the pagan military leader Burtas and the youngest son of the kagan Manas, whom Burtas gave out to his son, managed to escape. After the overthrow of Karak, the Khazar Kagan, the pagan Urus, reigned on the throne (the name literally means "having a connection with the Russians"), which is mentioned by Constantine Porphyrogenitus in connection with the construction of the Sarkel fortress on the banks of the Don with the assistance of Byzantium during the reign of Emperor Theophilus (829-842).). The father of Urus was a Khazar - Askal. But the mothers of Svetogor and Urus, as mentioned above, were sisters from the Russian Slovenian clan (they lived in the Novgorod region). Urus's mother was married to the grandson of Kuk-Kuyan, the son of Shadchin or Saksin - Askal, and therefore he considered himself more Russian than Khazar. Therefore, the son of Urus, Gostomysl (Chinavyz), became the legendary leader of the Novgorod Slovenes,the first mayor in Novgorod. Urus also fought with Svetogor, and also unsuccessfully. Prince Svetogor and Urus, as we saw above, were cousins, since their mothers from the Russian Slovenian clan were sisters (daughters of Sarachin). And this kinship did not allow them to fight each other on a full scale. The Ugrians fought on the side of Svetogor (the Hungarians moved to our region from the Ural mountains, and therefore got this name, that is, "associated with the mountains"), and on the side of Urus - the Pechenegs. During this war, the possessions of Svetogor expanded to the limits of the existing Bulgar Principality on the upper Volga, and its ruler was not slow to declare himself a servant of Svetogor. Svetogor himself declared himself both the Emir of Bulgar and the prince of the entire Saklan (these are the lands of the Saks-Cossacks, also known from the "Veles Book" as Ruskolan: Don, Kuban, Stavropol),while declaring that a small piece of Khazar territory could recognize his power without a war. However, Urus still managed to save his state, and in this not the last role was played by the Sarkel fortress, which he built in 834 at the expense of Byzantium (not to be confused with the White Tower). The reason for the construction of this fortress by Urus was that he was still (like his mother) by the confession of the ancient Russian faith, and the Khazar Itil - the stronghold of the Jewish kagans hostile to him - could not be his residence. Therefore, Sarkel is also seen as the headquarters of the pagan kagan in the struggle for power with the kagan-Judaists from the hostile clan of Kalga. The garrison of the Sarkel fortress was made up of the Pechenegs. Only in 840 the eldest son of Svetogor - Gabdulla Djilki - managed to strike at the Pechenegs. In the same 840in connection with long unsuccessful wars, the Khazar Kagan Urus was thrown from the throne and killed. The Judaist Manas became the kagan, during his time all power in the state was concentrated in the hands of Bek Burtas (840-855), to whom Manas owed both his life and the throne. The death of this bek was also connected with the prince Svetogor. Manas intended to make peace with Svetogor. But by order of the Bek, the Khazars deliberately defeated the caravan following from Bulgar to Kiev, thus provoking Svetogor's campaign on the Terek. Hearing about this, two aksakals from the villages, between which a caravan of Bulgars had been cut out, came out to meet him with a declaration of their innocence and their readiness to pay a ransom for the damage caused. The ransom was assigned to the head of Burtas, which was presented to the victims. Peace reigned between the two powers. At the time of Svetogor, Bulgars, Antes, Rus served in his army,as well as the Belarusians of the voivode Vadim, among whom there were thousands of Russian Ulchians (Slavs of north-eastern Russia and the Goths and Borus and Polish uliches). Vadim, who was born in the Saklanian city of Vadim (Vidin), was named after him. He entered the service of Prince Black (to the father of Svetogor). In 816 Vadim was appointed the senior governor of the land of Belarusians and Great Russians. Vadim restored Novgorod and Ladoga. His governorship was called Belaya Rus. The son of Vadim was the well-known Deer. Vadim's grandson - June also had the nickname "BATA". Vadim's great-grandson, Boris, was married to the daughter of the Tsar of Danube Bulgaria Simeon. Vadim the Brave was also the leader of the uprising in Novgorod the Great against Rurik. Killed in 866 by Eric (Rurik). But back to Svetogor, he died in 855 and according to his will was buried in the city named after his father - Chernigov.among whom there were thousands of Russian Ulchians (Slavs of north-eastern Russia and Goths and Borus and Polish uliches). Vadim, who was born in the Saklanian city of Vadim (Vidin), was named after him. He entered the service of Prince Black (to the father of Svetogor). In 816 Vadim was appointed the senior governor of the land of Belarusians and Great Russians. Vadim restored Novgorod and Ladoga. His governorship was called Belaya Rus. The son of Vadim was the well-known Deer. Vadim's grandson - June also had the nickname "BATA". Vadim's great-grandson, Boris, was married to the daughter of the Tsar of Danube Bulgaria Simeon. Vadim the Brave was also the leader of the uprising in Novgorod the Great against Rurik. Killed in 866 by Eric (Rurik). But back to Svetogor, he died in 855 and according to his will was buried in the city named after his father - Chernigov.among whom there were thousands of Russian Ulchians (Slavs of north-eastern Russia and Goths and Borus and Polish uliches). Vadim, who was born in the Saklanian city of Vadim (Vidin), was named after him. He entered the service of Prince Black (to the father of Svetogor). In 816 Vadim was appointed the senior governor of the land of Belarusians and Great Russians. Vadim restored Novgorod and Ladoga. His governorship was called Belaya Rus. The son of Vadim was the well-known Deer. Vadim's grandson - June also had the nickname "BATA". Vadim's great-grandson, Boris, was married to the daughter of the Tsar of Danube Bulgaria Simeon. Vadim the Brave was also the leader of the uprising in Novgorod the Great against Rurik. Killed in 866 by Eric (Rurik). But back to Svetogor, he died in 855 and according to his will was buried in the city named after his father - Chernigov.

At the end of the 50s. IX century. The all-powerful Bek Ilyas ruled the Khazar Kaganate. For three years Ilyas drew the Kagan Manas into the war, but he did not succeed. Then the Jews led by him in 858 killed Manas and put his son Iskhak on the throne, who gave the Bek the opportunity to continue the wars. At the head of Ruskolani and the territories of the Bulgar principalities and Kievan Rus that were part of it, the eldest son of Svetogor became at this time, he converted to Islam and received the Islamic name Gabdulla Djilki (855 - 882). Because of his new faith, he came into conflict with his entourage and his younger brother, the Rodnover Lachyn, (literally from the Turkic-Bulgarish means "a son born of a serpent", but according to legend, Prince Volkh was born from a serpent, so perhaps this is the same person), who himself wanted to head Ruskolan. In 858 Ilyas appointed the son of Manas - Iskhak Aksak-Timer as Khakan of Khazaria. Khakan of Khazaria Iskhak was lame from birth, therefore the Bulgars called the robber Khakan "Aksak Timer", and after that they called all especially hated rulers that way. In 860, because of his Muslim faith, Djilki was forced to leave for the Volga Bulgaria, where he was raised to the royal throne. He had sons Igor-bat (Igor Stary), Almysh and Mardan (Mardan is the son of Gabdulla Djilki and Mordvinka). After Djilki left, Lachin (Magus) takes the throne of Ruskolani, and in order to enlist the support of the Khazars he marries the sister of the Khazar kagan Iskhak Aksak-Timer, but she turned out to be barren and he had no children from her. The Khazars took advantage of the civil strife between the brothers and attacked Gabdulla Djilki who was forced to retreat, and then the Khazars besieged Kiev. The defense of the fortress was led at that time by the governor of the Ant militia, Dir (son of Vadim the Brave). Ilyas declared to the besieged,that in the case of surrendering the city to the Kiev and Russian regions, the status of a principality free from Saklani-Ruskolani, but subject to the Khazars, will be granted, and Dir will remain in power. With the support of Gabdulla's younger brother Djilki, the native Lachin (Volkh), who was pursuing his own goals, and the Khazar mercenary Varangian Askold, an agreement was concluded that suits everyone. Dir received the title of Russian prince, who was supposed to rule under the supervision of the Khazar governor Askold. The city of Kiev - the center of the new principality - pledged to pay tribute to the Khazars and help them with troops. Askold with his detachment entered Kiev. A Khazar customs office was established at the gate, called Yakhud, and part of the city was given over to the Khazar quarter. In three days the inhabitants collected a tribute, and Bek Ilyas took his army out of the city. And the pagan Volkh (Lachin) remained on the throne of Saklan (Ruskolani). So the unity of Kievan Rus, Ruskolani and Bulgar ceased to exist - a single state created by Svetogor. Ilyas the actual ruler of Khazaria in 860 ordered Dir and Askold to make a sudden and merciless attack on Byzantium. However, their army was defeated, and this shook the ranks of the Vikings. "Deer, burdened by the Khazar power and counting on help in the fight against it, was the first to accept the Christian false faith." So Christianity began to penetrate the Slavs. The Black Sea Bulgarians whom Khan Asparukh settled in the Balkans were baptized already in 861-862. We find confirmation of the Bulgarian chronicles in the "Veles Book" and in the Nikon Chronicle, where, in particular, we find a message about the attack on Constantinople by the Russians of Askold and Dir in 860, and about the subsequent baptism of one of the Russians. It also reports on the murder of Askold's son in 864."From the Bulgarians". "Gazi-Baraj" also tells about some other events that took place after the baptism of Dir and the unknown "Tale of Bygone Years". In 863, an uprising began in Kiev, accompanied by a pogrom of the Yahud customs and the Khazar quarter. The Khazar Bek Ilyas with a 75,000-strong army took part in restoring order in Kiev, and the Volga Bulgars Gabdulla Djilki helped the Kievites against the Khazars. During this war, Askold's son Tur was killed. He arrived in Kiev with Askold to join the Khazar Bek Ilyas and oppose Gabdulla Djilki. Tur was surrounded, overturned by a blow of the spear of the Ant's head (the leader of the Antes) Nankai and died under the hooves of horses. Gazi - Baraj does not mention any connections between Askold and Dir with Rurik (in the Veles Book, Scandinavian sagas and Bulgarian annals he is mentioned under the name Eric) Gazi - Baraj does not mention anywhere. According to Gazi-Baradj, (which is also confirmed by the Velesov Book), Dir initially received the title of Prince of Kiev. And Askold became the ruler of Kiev after he killed Dir in 870. In the same year 870 Volkh (Lachin), having no children from a Khazar woman, remarried a Hungarian woman. In 880, Iskhak married the daughter of Almysh, from a Modjar woman. The chronicles also name the sons of Almysh: Gazan, Mal, Arbat, Yakov, Mikhail, Arslan. Moreover, Jacob and Mal from another wife - Salar's daughter - Nushabi. From Nushabi, Almysh has a daughter, Zukhra. In 882 the ruler of the Volga Bulgaria, the Muslim Gabdulla Djilki, died. The princely throne of the Bulgar was occupied by his son Igor-Bat (in our chronicles he is referred to as Igor the Old), who ruled the Volga Bulgaria from 882. for 895g. He is the grandson of Svyatogor, cousin of Igor's son Lachyn (Volkh - Volga). He himself and his descendants inherited the extraordinary physical strength of their ancestor Svyatogor (a descendant of Igor the Old, the hero of the Battle of Kulikovo Chelubey).

Further "Gazi - Baraj" informs about Oleg's campaign to Kiev. However, this campaign had its own background. As already mentioned, the Urus and Kiev regions with the center in Kiev separated from Ruskolani, forming an independent principality, but dependent on the Khazars. In Kiev, long before the events of 882. ruled Prince Dir and the Khazar governor of the Varangians Askold: However, about 870 Askold killed Dir and his eldest son, passing them off as secret Muslims. And in response to the expression of submission to the Khazars, he himself received the title of Russian prince from the kagan. In addition, Askold promised to transfer all the regions he had conquered from the neighbors under the control of the Khazars. This had its basis, since he planned to capture the entire Ruskolan for his sons. Back in 870 Askold sent his son Bulat to raid the Volga Bulgars. But the Varangian Erik (Rurik) came to the aid of the Bulgars. During this confrontation, Prince Eric and Cheremis (Mari) Alabuga were to jointly take Kiev. However, this operation did not take place. Then the khan of Bulgar Gabdulla Djilki again called Erek to a joint campaign against Kiev, which by that time had become the citadel of the Khazars. Before this campaign, Erek established himself in Novgorod and the Russian region and took prisoner Askold's son Bulat. But only in 882, Erek's son, Salabhi-Oleg, moved to Kiev from Novgorod (Salabhi in Turkic-Arabic means a sliding transparent spirit, among the Slavs these creatures were called Lehi from the word lungs and therefore the name Oleg, that is, close to Lega, and the Greeks called these entities angels), Alabuga, and then the eldest son of Gabdulla Djilki, the Muslim Almysh, joined him with troops. Anty Juna (Danube), the son of Dir, rushed into the city with a terrible massacre and took it. Almysh with troops went to Belaya Vezha and removed his uncle Lachyn from the Saklanian throne (by the way, Almysh's eldest son, the Rodnover Arbat, who after these events left for Modzhar), served with Lachin, promising to provide the young son of Lachin, Igor (Ugyra), in exchange for the throne of the Kiev principality. As a result, Almysh sat on the main throne in Saklan instead of Lachin. And after the capture of Kiev, the young son of Lachyn, Igor, was imprisoned there, whose co-regent was the Prophetic Oleg. This was announced to the Kiev boyars, who were warned that in case of resistance they would be bad. The boyars were shown Igor brought by Almysh, and they agreed with Oleg that he would be Igor's co-ruler, and concluded an agreement with him. Askold, who was a prince in Kiev at that time, and his son Bulat refused to obey the decision of the boyars, and then they were brought to Oleg by force. But Askold, shouting "Cursed slave, you betrayed your master and must die" drew his sword and wanted to hack to death Oleg. But June "Bata" (son of Dir) was on the alert and killed Askold with a spear blow. The son of Askold Bulat, who hastened to help his father, apparently, who was here the same, was killed. All of the above makes Oleg's campaign to Kiev more justified than the descriptions of the campaign in the Tale of Bygone Years (PVL). And the fact that Oleg becomes co-ruler of the young son of Lachyn - Igor, is quite in the spirit of that time - Oleg acts as if in the role of an all-powerful prince with a powerless, but sufficiently noble ruler, the son of Prince Saklan Lachin. The legend about the vocation of the three brothers and about Rurik - the imaginary ancestor of the Russian princes is given only in the PVL, but not a single literary work of the 11th century. does not call Rurik-Eric the founder of the princely family. And "The Word of the Law and the Grace of Metropolitan Hilarion" and "Memory and Praise to the Russian Prince Volodymyr" trace the beginning of the dynasty of Russian princes to Igor "Old". So, the main disagreement between the PVL and the “Gazi - Baraj” chronicle in the description of the events of 882 is that Oleg in the PVL is named only as a relative of Eric, and Oleg in the Bulgarian chronicle is the son of Prince Eric. And the former, according to the PVL, the son of Eric, Igor, according to Gazi - Baraj, turns out to be the son of Lachin (Volga), the noble prince Ruskolani (Saklan). And this message is especially important, since the Russian prince of the Kiev principality Igor, the son of Lachyn (Volga or Volkh), upon closer examination, turns out to belong to the ancient Slavic-Aryan family. The main disagreement between the PVL and the Gazi - Baraj chronicle in the description of the events of 882 is that Oleg in the PVL is named only as a relative of Eric, and Oleg in the Bulgarian chronicle is the son of Prince Eric. And the former, according to the PVL, the son of Eric, Igor, according to Gazi - Baraj, turns out to be the son of Lachin (Volga), the noble prince Ruskolani (Saklan). And this message is especially important, since the Russian prince of the Kiev principality Igor, the son of Lachyn (Volga or Volkh), upon closer examination, turns out to belong to the ancient Slavic-Aryan family. The main disagreement between the PVL and the Gazi - Baraj chronicle in the description of the events of 882 is that Oleg in the PVL is named only as a relative of Eric, and Oleg in the Bulgarian chronicle is the son of Prince Eric. And the former, according to the PVL, the son of Eric, Igor, according to Gazi - Baraj, turns out to be the son of Lachin (Volga), the noble prince Ruskolani (Saklan). And this message is especially important, since the Russian prince of the Kiev principality Igor, the son of Lachyn (Volga or Volkh), upon closer examination, turns out to belong to the ancient Slavic-Aryan family.since the Russian prince of the Kiev principality Igor, the son of Lachyn (Volga or Volkh), upon closer examination, turns out to belong to the ancient Slavic-Aryan family.since the Russian prince of the Kiev principality Igor, the son of Lachyn (Volga or Volkh), upon closer examination, turns out to belong to the ancient Slavic-Aryan family.

In 885 the Khakan persuaded Rodnover Arbat (son of Almysh) to return from exile and overthrow his Muslim father from the Saklanian throne. And in the same 885 the grandson of Urus - Arslan persuaded Iskhak to start a war with the Pechenegs, which turned out to be his side. The Cossacks, with the support of the Bulgarians and the Kaubuians, finished off Iskhak Aksak-Timer together with his Yahud mentors.

In 895 Igor the Old (son of Gabdula) surrendered the throne of Volga Bulgaria to his brother Almysh. After Oleg's death in 912, Igor became the lord of Kiev, married Olga, who was captured. First Olga was the wife of Khud Anatysh, the son of Askold, then the wife of Oleg, then Igor. Igor sent ambassadors to Bolgar with such speeches to Almysh “I heard, brother (cousin), that you torture the adherents of our old faith, to whom I belong. Take care, for I have already become an independent Russian prince and am able to help my fellow believers!"

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In 922, Almysh, the king of the Volga-Kama Bulgars, forcibly introduces a new religion, Islam, into his principality, and a Muslim state emerges on the middle Volga. In 924. Almysh's brother Mardan died, leaving behind a son of Haddad. After Igor Lachyn (Volgovich) took Rostov in 925, Almysh went there to restore order. On the way back, he was attacked by a bear and died. The lancers raised to the throne his son Gazan, who was called both Hasan and Kazan. The son of Mardan - Haddad in the fall of 930, when the people's indignation at the rule of Gazan (the son of Almysh) reached the limit, he considered it convenient to seize the throne and moved with a squad from Putivl, but unsuccessfully. Because of Gazan's offensive, he went to the Vyatichi and they elected him their prince. From that time Haddad began to call himself Prince Kuchko.

About 940 -942 from Olga Igor had a son Boris (Svyatoslav Igorevich). He had two names - Slavic and Bulgarian. One by birth of a Bulgarian mother, because Boris is Bars, the sacred totem of the Bulgars. The Bulgarian chronicle says the Bulgars called their son Igor Boris, and the Anty called him Svyatoslav (the Anty-Anchis are the present-day Ukrainians). Boris-Svyatoslav could also have a secret name.

In 944 in Itil, Uzbek became a Khakan. Therefore, Mal, the son of Almysh, who lived then (with his uncle, the former Khagan of the Khazars) in Itil, fled with his wife, the Khazar Yusuf, to the Kara-Bulgar (as the Drevlyan land is called in the annals). There he was raised to the princely throne. By 944, Mal was already a fairly mature man (and most likely by religion he was a Jew, because it was not for nothing that he lived in Khazaria and had a Jewish wife). In any case, he already had children. There were many cities in Kara-Bulgar at that time - Putivl, Khursa, Seber, Kharka, Saltau, Chally, etc. According to established concepts, the Drevlyansky land was located east of Kiev, in the basin of the Pripyat River. Among the Bulgars, the land of Prince Mal is located in a completely different place, because the cities are listed, among which Kursk, Kharkov, Saltov are easily identified. Then we can correlate the capital Putivl in consonance with the present Donetsk or Khoroshevsk settlement - Khoroshdan. Horos or Khors is a Slavic deity. Let's take Seber, or the North is related to the Slavic tribe of the Siver-northerners. But the Donets-Seversky river, more precisely Siversky river! This is a historical name. Therefore, Belgorod - on the Donets, 40 km from Kharkov - in the era of Kievan Rus, most likely, was called the North. The city was founded on a place known as the Severskoye settlement. Svetogorsk is also located there - this is part of the old Slobodsky region. In our chronicles, the capital of the Drevlyansky prince Mal is called Iskorosten. "Is", or "as", from the Slavic means "original". That is, in the beginning there was one city, and when Olga moved them, they built another one with the same name. Olga did not execute Mala himself,and with part of the survivors of the war, the Drevlyans moved to her under her wing, to Pripyat. Their new city was named Putivl-Korosten. And the old, burnt one remained in the memory. Old Korosten. Mal was Almysh's favorite and heir. Ruler of Putivl-Eradicated. When Igor demanded tribute from Mal for the third time, he refused. The war began, in which Igor was taken prisoner. Mal's wife, formerly Igor's wife and fleeing from him because of Olga's intrigues, ordered the prince to be torn to pieces and hung on a tree (this is how only adulterers were executed in Russia, according to Arab travelers). The widowed Olga moved to Putivl with the Russian army from the Novgorodians for the Anty refused to fight with the Drevlyans-Bulgars. Mal was captured. However, all this did not prevent Mal from remaining an "active" warlord. Mal became the commander-in-chief of the Kiev troops after his defeat at Olga. Children of Mal: Dobrynya, Tagai and daughter Malka - the wife of Barys (Svyatoslav). And the son of Mala Dobrynya strengthened his position so much that he became the first Russian boyar who baptized Russia with "fire and sword". Dobrynya also commanded troops at Bulymer (Vladimir Svyatoslavovich).

Barys was very sick in childhood. Otchy-Subash undertook to heal the terminally ill Barys, who had previously been unsuccessfully treated by Russian and Ruman doctors. When Olga asked him why he did it, Subash replied: “My father became very rich from the sale of Roman things, which he bought from Igor, and considered himself obliged to him. Therefore, I want to help his son. " - "What will be your conditions?" The woman asked. “If I heal Barys, let him not accept Christianity,” Otchy-Subash said. He cured Barys and gave him a new name Bogdan (this is the third name of Svyatoslav), and he did not accept Christianity …”.

Svyatoslav-Boris was married to the Hungarian princess Predslava, from whose marriage he left Yaropolk and Oleg. In addition, from Malusha, he had an illegitimate son, Vladimir. In 964 Svyatoslav took away the city of Murom from the boyars Kuchko. Svyatoslav was killed in 972 by the Pechenegs of Khan Kuri.

After the death of Talib (the son of Gazan and the grandson of Almysh), the king of the Bulgar, in 981 Timar Mumin Pecheneg was raised to the throne, supported by the Cossacks and Pechenegs. In order to bind Bulymer (Vladimir) more tightly to the State, Timar gave him his daughter Bozok (mother of Boris and Gleb). After Bulymer's death, a war for supremacy began between his sons in Russia. Mstislav, who was sitting in Tmutarakan and enjoying the support of Rum (Byzantium), prevailed. By his order, the defeated Yaroslav (the Wise) treacherously killed one of the sons of Bulymer (Vladimir) from Bozok - Gleb, and the servants of Mstislav himself stabbed another son, Bozok Boris, as the main contender for the paternal throne … (Nothing is said about Svyatopolk's participation in the murders) … Bulymer (Vladimir), hoping for Rum help, refused to pay the Rostov tribute, and in 992 Slavoslav,a descendant of the great hero Bat-Igor, with a well-armed army of Cossacks and Pechenegs, besieged the city of Ber that had just been installed by Vladimir. A new governor of Vladimir, Slav, from the Tauk clan, arrived to his rescue, but Slavoslav in a duel crushed him with his hands, like a chicken, and after that turned Ber into nothing. The frightened Vladimir resumed the payment of the Rostov tribute. And he stole money in the war against Danube Bulgaria. In 995. with the help of Romanian craftsmen, Ber was restored and, in memory of Glory, began to call him Pereslavl, that is, who took over the glory (Slav took over the glory of another Slava), now Khmelnitsky.and after that he turned Ber into nothing. The frightened Vladimir resumed the payment of the Rostov tribute. And he stole money in the war against Danube Bulgaria. In 995. with the help of Romanian craftsmen, Ber was restored and, in memory of Glory, began to call him Pereslavl, that is, who took over the glory (Slav took over the glory of another Slava), now Khmelnitsky.and after that he turned Ber into nothing. The frightened Vladimir resumed the payment of the Rostov tribute. And he stole money in the war against Danube Bulgaria. In 995. with the help of Ruman masters, Ber was restored and in memory of Glory began to call him Pereslavl, that is, who took over the glory (Slav took over the glory of another Slava), now Khmelnitsky.

In 1088 the Ryazan region was taken away from the princes Kuchko. In the same 1088, Ahad Mosch built, with the permission of boyar Ivan Kuchko, the Moskh fortress (Moscow). Then his son Kuchko Stepan Ivanovich (Suzdal boyar in the reign of Yuri Dolgoruky) decided to flee to Bulgar. He owned many villages and hamlets, incl. and a village on the Moskva River, called Kuchkov, on the site of which Moscow was later founded. He had sons Yakham (Yakim or Joachim Stepanovich Kuchko) and Aslan from a Saklanian woman and a daughter Baigulbi (Ulita Stepanovna Kuchko) from Batyshka Banat. The Russian prince Tyuryay (Andrei Bogolyubsky) married Ulita and had a son from her Kinzyaslav (Izyaslav Andreevich - the eldest of three sons of the Grand Duke of Vladimir Andrei Bogolyubsky from a marriage with the daughter of the Moscow boyar Stepan Kuchko), who died of wounds received in 1164. One of Andrey's sons - Djurgi (Yuri Andreyevich Gruzinsky) was called by the Bulgars Khisam-Lachin, he was the prince of the Bulgar and married the Georgian queen Tamara. Tamara was a bad woman and he left her together with his son Ablas-Khin, whose biography in the Bulgarian chronicles allows us to see in him the ataman of the Cossacks of the roaming Plaskin, later he received the title of Prince Saklan. And the son of Ploskini was a Bulgar prince and so on …

In a small review, it is naturally impossible to mention all our heroes, so we will briefly consider only one more undeservedly maligned our ancestor. MAMAI ataman of the Don Cossack Horde. In the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380, his entire army was defeated. At this time, the Golden Horde practically disintegrated. Don, Kuban, Crimea, Astrakhan, Lithuania, etc. became independent … Only Moscow remained dependent on Takhtomysh. Mamai wanted to unite all the Russian principalities under his own hand, Prince Oleg of Ryazan joined him, but the Muscovites themselves wanted to become the head of state. At this time, Khan Arabshah went to war against Mamai. Mamai killed Arabshah and forced the Bulgarian emir Azan to send the ataman Chaban to the Don to join Mamai with 2 thousand Cheremshan Cossacks. The shepherd united with the 80-thousand-strong horde of Mamai on the ruins of the Helek fortress. The battle of Kulikovo began with a single combat between Peresvet and the hero Chelubey, a descendant of Prince Igor the Old. According to the chronicle, they came together with such force that both fell dead. And "Zadonshchina" (this is the text of the poetic story about the Mamayev massacre, usually called "Zadonshchina") does not know about any duel between Peresvet and the "Pechenezhin" or "Tatar", but in its oldest list, which bears the imprint of the abbreviations of the monk of the Kirillo-Belozersky monastery Euphrosina, neither Peresvet, nor his brother Oslyabya have any signs of monasticism, and their names, as we see, are not Christian spill, but Old Russian. But in the Kiprianovskaya edition, Chelubey is also called the name Tavrul, which speaks of his belonging to the Taurus - an ancient Slavic family that lived on the Crimean peninsula. According to the chronicle, they came together with such force that both fell dead. And "Zadonshchina" (this is the text of the poetic story about the Mamayev massacre, usually called "Zadonshchina") does not know about any duel between Peresvet and the "Pechenezhin" or "Tatar", but in its most ancient list, which bears the imprint of the abbreviations of the monk of the Kirillo-Belozersky monastery Euphrosina, neither Peresvet, nor his brother Oslyabya have any signs of monasticism, and their names, as we see, are not Christian spill, but Old Russian. But in the Kiprianovskaya edition, Chelubey is also called the name Tavrul, which speaks of his belonging to the Taurus - an ancient Slavic family that lived on the Crimean peninsula. According to the chronicle, they came together with such force that both fell dead. And "Zadonshchina" (this is the text of the poetic story about the Mamayev massacre, usually called "Zadonshchina") does not know about any duel between Peresvet and the "Pechenezhin" or "Tatar", but in its most ancient list, which bears the imprint of the abbreviations of the monk of the Kirillo-Belozersky monastery Euphrosina, neither Peresvet, nor his brother Oslyabya have any signs of monasticism, and their names, as we see, are not Christian spill, but Old Russian. But in the Kiprianovskaya edition, Chelubey is also called the name Tavrul, which speaks of his belonging to the Taurus - an ancient Slavic family that lived on the Crimean peninsula.usually called "Zadonshchina") does not know about any duel between Peresvet and "Pechenezhin" or "Tatar", and in its oldest list, bearing the imprint of the monk of the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery Euphrosin, neither Peresvet nor his brother Oslyabya have any signs monasticism, and their names, as we see, are not Christian spill, but old Russian. But in the Kiprianovskaya edition, Chelubey is also called the name Tavrul, which speaks of his belonging to the Taurus - an ancient Slavic family that lived on the Crimean peninsula.usually referred to as "Zadonshchina") does not know about any duel between Peresvet and "Pechenezhin" or "Tatar", and in its ancient list, which bears the imprint of the abbreviations of the monk of the Kirillo-Belozersky monastery Euphrosin, neither Peresvet nor his brother Oslyabya have any signs monasticism, and their names, as we see, are not Christian spill, but old Russian. But in the Kiprianovskaya edition, Chelubey is also called the name Tavrul, which speaks of his belonging to the Taurus - an ancient Slavic family that lived on the Crimean peninsula. Chelubey is also called the name Tavrul, which speaks of his belonging to the Taurus - an ancient Slavic family living on the Crimean peninsula. Chelubey is also called the name Tavrul, which speaks of his belonging to the Taurus - an ancient Slavic family living on the Crimean peninsula.

The Russian cavalry was hidden in the forest behind a swamp. And the trees in it were cut down for a quick blockage in the event of an enemy breakthrough. And when the Moscow prince saw the death of his left wing, in horror he rushed to gallop away with his closest boyars. And those who were in the ambush took him for a Mamaite (that is, the Muscovites could not distinguish their prince from the warrior Mamai) and dumped a tree on him, but Dmitry remained alive. Mamai's army included Mongyts, Cheremshan Cossacks, steppe dwellers, Crimeans, Anchian (Ukrainian) Cossacks, Nogais, Bashkorts. The Moscow prince (Dmitry Donskoy): Mongyts, Nogays, Artans and Muscovites.

The Khan of the Golden Horde Tokhtamysh inflicted a final defeat on Mamai on the Kalka River after which Mamai left for the Crimea and was killed in 1381. After himself, Mamai left his son Mansur, who is considered the ancestor of the Glinsky princes. The history of the Glinskys' appearance in Russian history in the "textbook" looks like this: after one of the battles, the Grand Duke of Lithuania Vitovt got lost in the forest, unexpectedly Mansur the prince, the son of the long-defeated Mamai, came out to him and said that if Vitovt would give him Glinsk and Poltava, then he - Mansur-prince, will leave Vitovt alive and lead him out of the forest. Vitovt agreed and kept his promise. So the Glinsky princes appeared.

That is, we see that again ours fought with each other on the basis of differences of faith. According to the chronicles, the ataman of the Don Cossack Horde, Mamai, was from the Kyian clan, a descendant of Prince Kiy, the founder of the city of Kiev (Kiy is the son of Prince Rus, cousin of Attila, see above). He, even when the Volga Bulgars universally adopted Islam, remained an adherent of the old Russian faith and spoke, as it is stated (see Gumilyov) in the Slavic language, rejecting the broken Arabic-Turkic. In our Christian chronicles he is called a cursed idolater, forgetting that all our ancestors worshiped the idols of their gods and heroes (and we have not abandoned monuments even now). And despite the fact that historians have turned him into an enemy, he is immortalized in the people's memory as a hero. He is the hero of the Ukrainian folk epic - "Kozak Mamai", Kurgan is named after him. And in 1997. Sberbank of Ukraine issued a commemorative coin "Kozak Mamai" with his image. So the Ukrainians corrected another injustice in relation to our ancestors. It's time for us, who live in the place of the historical homeland of the majority of Slavs Ruskolani (or, as the Bulgarians say Saklani), stop being Ivans who do not remember kinship. After all, only people with strong roots can be sure of their future.