Scientists Have Named The Main Global Threat Of - Alternative View

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Scientists Have Named The Main Global Threat Of - Alternative View
Scientists Have Named The Main Global Threat Of - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Named The Main Global Threat Of - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Named The Main Global Threat Of - Alternative View
Video: 2.0 - Science behind Rajnikanth 's Movie | Mobile Phone Radiation Explained by Dhruv Rathee 2024, September

According to experts, the sharp climate change recorded in all corners of the planet calls into question the existence of mankind

The past winter in Moscow became one of the warmest in the history of meteorological observations. However, from time to time powerful cyclones fell on the capital, bringing a huge amount of snow into the city, as happened last night. Experts note that this behavior is not typical for this region.


But the difficult situation with the vagaries of the weather is not only in the central region of Russia. More recently, a wave of powerful tornadoes swept across American Florida. Of course, this phenomenon is not at all new for the region, but, according to forecasters, they were alarmed by the time when it all happened. The fact is that similar hurricanes and tornadoes are recorded in the east of America only in the middle of spring, when the air warms up enough and all the necessary conditions arise for the occurrence of tornadoes and storms.


While tornadoes broke trees and houses in the south, many residents of the northern regions of the east coast were surprised by the weather anomalies. In the beginning, Olympia delighted Americans with snow. However, then the snowflakes were replaced by freezing rains, and in the middle of the week the central cities of America were drowning in water. The temperature difference in this short period of time reached 15 degrees. The townspeople changed their fur coats for waterproof raincoats, risking breaking their legs, sliding along the sidewalks. Looking at these weather anomalies, scientists are increasingly convinced that global climate changes are taking place on Earth.


“Climate change was recognized as the main global threat in 1916, that is, it is an environmental threat, it comes out on top in the world. I believe that one can agree with this, because nothing now so excites the minds of people, in general, in principle, residents, probably of all countries and the whole world, as climatic changes, said the head of the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of Moscow Kulbachevsky.

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This winter has brought surprises to the people of the United States not only in February. In January, a massive blizzard swept along the east coast of the United States, raining huge masses of snow on cities. According to weather forecasters, it turned out to be the strongest in the last 110 years. At the epicenter of the disaster were 85 million people in 11 states. Despite warnings from authorities and precautions taken, over 40 people died in three days. People died in road crashes due to poor visibility on the roads and snow drifts. Many of them died from carbon monoxide poisoning while trying to warm their homes, de-energized by the elements.


The inhabitants of the island of Oshima, located in Japan, were not ready for the surprises of this winter. For the first time in 115 years, snow fell here, and not only slightly dusted the streets, utilities had to urgently remove snowdrifts. Moreover, the temperature here dropped to a record minus five degrees by local subtropical standards. It may seem ridiculous to Russians accustomed to cold weather, but in southern Japan, such anomalies caused real panic.

“Climatic changes in the last ten years have been observed in all parts and on all continents, and almost all countries are already subject to these changes,” Kulbachevsky said.

But in England, snowdrifts were waiting for Christmas, but they received torrential rains. Rivers in the center of the country overflowed their banks, downpours turned London into a city on water. In rural areas, hundreds of thousands of people were found in the flooding zone. To compensate for the loss of the victims, the government has allocated fifty million pounds.

Experts no longer hide the fact that the climate is changing rapidly throughout the world. Scientists from the University of Kansas analyzed long-term observations of weather anomalies and found that their number has been growing exponentially over the past couple of years. Moreover, every time natural disasters become more destructive. According to some experts, modern humanity is simply not ready for such drastic climate changes. Sudden snowfalls disable power transmission stations, whole settlements disappear during terrible floods and thousands of people die. And scientists warn that this is just the beginning.

“There were a lot of all kinds of conditions on Earth: the absence of oxygen, reduction processes, there was no oxygen at all, the absence of water and so on, and so on, and so on. Based on this, we can clearly say that such conditions will exist. Lack of water, climate change - all this can be,”warns Alexander Solyony, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences.

Climate change is turning everything upside down. Pieces of ice the size of a cherry fell out in the United Arab Emirates. Forecasters predicted heavy rainfall here, but the picture presented exceeded all expectations. The yellow desert dunes were replaced by snow-covered slopes. For a region where daytime temperatures reach 50 degrees Celsius, and sandstorms pass instead of rain, such natural anomalies are extremely rare.

Scientists have recently stated that such changes may lead to the fact that Siberia will also soon become very warm, so much so that instead of taiga, deserts may appear here. Specialists from the UK meteorological office have compiled a special map, which depicted how the climate on Earth will change by the end of the 21st century. If you believe these forecasts, then in half a century in the center of Russia they will be able to grow tropical fruits. But in the south of Siberia, the land will turn into lifeless deserts.


“The fire hazard of forests will sharply increase. The amount of precipitation falling per year will remain approximately the same, but the number of hot dry periods, when the fire hazard of forests is simply awful, will be greater,”said Alexei Kokorin, head of the Climate and Energy Program of the World Wildlife Fund.

Scientists claim that Siberia already has unusual areas with an abnormally warm climate. For example, Baksheevskie lindens. This place has been preserved in the Omsk region since the pre-glacial period, and it is truly unique, since a whole linden grove grows here, absolutely uncharacteristic for Siberia. And this despite the fact that such trees are usually found in warm and humid climates. This oasis is located on an area of 125 hectares, that is, a country like Morocco can fit here. According to experts, this region, which is famous for its severe frosts, can turn into continuous Baksheevskie lime forests.


“As for Central Siberia and Eastern Siberia, we expect uniform climate warming. Undoubtedly, there will be some modification of the humidification regime and, of course, the effect on the permafrost, that is, thawing will undoubtedly occur, says Alexander Kislov, head of the Department of Meteorology and Climatology at the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University.

Scientists have long said that the Earth's climate is undergoing global changes. Many of them attribute this fact to global warming, which leads to warm winters, freezing rain and snow storms.

The abnormally warm December is associated with the El Niño Current, which appears in the Pacific Ocean at the end of December and stretches from the coast of Peru in Western America to Southeast Asia. In some places, it can cause terrible floods, in others it can turn fertile lands into deserts. Moreover, this element is capable of destroying entire civilizations. According to climatologists, this year El Niño will cause devastating floods and abnormal droughts. We will suffer in this. The worst thing is that the conclusions of scientists are already beginning to come true.

For a whole month, the south and east of South America was flooded with massive downpours. Paraguay suffered the most. The level of the river of the same name is seven meters higher than the permissible norm. Streams of water flooded cities and towns. The number of victims of the tragedy was in the tens. Large water left over 100 thousand people homeless. The amount of damage caused, according to the most conservative estimates, amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars.


And in Ethiopia, due to El Niño, there has been an abnormal drought for several months, which ruined several crops in a row and led to a massive death of livestock. As a result, whole areas of this African country suffer from hunger. The death toll is already in the thousands, over 10 million people are on the brink of starvation - they simply have nothing to eat. And this, according to climatologists, is far from the limit. Due to the fault of El Niño, the climate will change in the most dramatic way, bringing more and more destruction, sowing devastation and mass panic among people.

“If we take scientific articles, if we take scientific reviews, we will see that if such and such a phenomenon usually happened once, say, in ten years, now it happens once a month, Kokorin emphasizes.

The Gulf Stream has a significant impact on the Earth's climate. It is the warmest and largest current in the world, originating in the Gulf of Mexico and flowing towards Europe. But today experts are sounding the alarm: the Gulf Stream has deviated more than 800 kilometers towards Canada. If the deviation continues, the planet will face a global catastrophe. Glaciers of Greenland will melt, a huge mass of cold water will overwhelm the continents. Canada and Britain will be wiped off the face of the earth. In North America, the safest and driest place is only the Cordillera mountain range.

Ice scientists cite disappointing statistics on glaciers. The volume of ice in the Arctic has decreased threefold over 35 years and is just over 5.5 million square kilometers. In neighboring Greenland, more than 80 glaciers are melting at a rapid pace. And Antarctica has lost over one hundred billion tons of ice in 10 years. If nothing changes, the ice cap will completely melt in the near future.


The melting of glaciers will inevitably lead to a rise in sea levels. If it rises by only a few centimeters, our planet will be plagued by hurricanes and destructive tropical storms. And if the water level rises by several tens of centimeters, then Marseille, Barcelona, New York, Los Angeles and many other coastal cities will be flooded. Water will swallow up the continents, reducing the amount of fertile land. People will migrate en masse to safe areas. This will especially affect the inhabitants of Africa, who will flee en masse to Europe. And then the current crisis of migrants will seem like a mere trifle to the Old World.

"Climate migration, of course, will occur - we are unlikely to be able to distinguish it from economic" - warns Kokorin.

Scientists recently discovered that the moon is one of the causes of climate change. American astronomers tried to prove this hypothesis. John Wallace and Tsubasa Kihoyama, planetary scientists at the University of Washington in Seattle, found that Earth's satellite actually increases the temperature of our planet's atmosphere. In addition, the amount of precipitation is also affected by the night star. In certain phases, the Moon raises atmospheric pressure, literally pulling the Earth's atmosphere to the side. As a result, the air begins to warm, rain clouds appear, and then precipitation falls.

However, there are also those who argue that global warming is just fiction, and all natural disasters are the work of ourselves. More precisely, those people who created the so-called climate weapon. For the first time, this military innovation was applied in the middle of the last century by the American military. The operation deployed in Vietnam was called Popeye. For five years during the rainy season, Americans sprayed reagents in the clouds, causing showers. Heavy rainfall has led to crop failure. There was famine in the country. Today, the use of climate weapons is prohibited under the 1978 UN convention. However, no specialist will be able to recognize the use of these weapons. And if anomalous showers fall on any region or, conversely, a drought occurs,no one can attribute these cataclysms to weapons of mass destruction.