"I Had An Inexplicable Glitch On The Road While Driving A Car" - Alternative View

"I Had An Inexplicable Glitch On The Road While Driving A Car" - Alternative View
"I Had An Inexplicable Glitch On The Road While Driving A Car" - Alternative View

Video: "I Had An Inexplicable Glitch On The Road While Driving A Car" - Alternative View

Video: GHOST CRASH - Animation short film by Donato Sansone - Italy - Autour de Minuit 2024, September

This story was told by a woman named Sandra Paus. City and country not specified, year also. But most likely this happened when mobile phones were not yet so widespread or when they were not yet available and people had only landline phones.

“My husband was in rehab for physical therapy after triple heart surgery. There were two towns on the way between the center and my house, and a lot of time was spent on trips to my husband.

Once, when I was returning home from my husband, it was already late and dark, so I chose a slightly longer path, but well-lit by lanterns instead of the usual and shorter one, but with many poorly lit areas. This road is difficult to drive in the dark.

So, I was driving on a well-lit highway and another car was driving ahead of me. Suddenly he drove aside to the side of the road, letting me through, and I took advantage of it. But the strange thing is, as soon as I did that, that car began to chase me and drove extremely close to my car, illuminating it with its very bright headlights.

In this form, we drove into one of the towns located on my way. There were many shops, restaurants and hotels, all very well lit by city lights and illumination. Against their background, the headlights of the car chasing me were completely lost.

And suddenly everything around went dark, as if the lights were turned off everywhere, and then there was a very loud sound, similar to the sound from the closed garage door "BANG!"

The next thing I remember after that is that I am driving in my car and driving along a narrow dark road. Not at all along the road on which I decided to go today and drove earlier. There was no car that followed me.

I was in such a state that I started talking to myself out loud: “What the hell? Where I am? What the hell happened? Then I saw that the headlights of my car lit up a road sign with the road name “Gale Rd”. It was the same shorter route that I chose not to take today, returning from the rehabilitation center, and I remember it quite clearly.

Promotional video:

I gathered my strength and decided to go back to the rehabilitation center. I was afraid to continue on my way home. I came back and chose another road that could be taken at night. Usually, when I come home after visiting my husband, my husband calls me and asks how I got there. He knows that it takes me 40 minutes to get home from the center, but this time I realized that I was delayed for much longer than 40 minutes and my husband was probably very worried about me. At the same time, I did not know what time it was, all this time I did not even look at the clock.

When I arrived home safely this time, the phone rang. It was my husband, but before starting a conversation with him, I apologized for the delay and said that he was probably worried and called me several times. There was an awkward silence on the other end of the phone, and then my husband said that he was calling for the first time and that only half an hour had passed since my departure from the center.

I began to explain to him what happened to me, but in fact, I myself did not understand what it was and what happened there on the road. Am I caught in a tornado? Or did those who were driving in the car that followed me did something to me? I don’t know now if this has happened to anyone else.”
