What Is There In The Astral World? - Alternative View

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What Is There In The Astral World? - Alternative View
What Is There In The Astral World? - Alternative View

Video: What Is There In The Astral World? - Alternative View

Video: What Is There In The Astral World? - Alternative View
Video: Can You Travel Without The Body? – Sadhguru Explains 2024, September

Our soul is a particle of another world, where other, incomprehensible to us, physical laws operate. A person especially clearly feels this during clinical death, when he completely merges with his spiritual essence.

It is believed that every person has the ability to predict the future. But for the vast majority of people, it is in a latent, or dormant, state and "awakens" only during extreme situations.

One of these extreme situations is clinical death. In January 1970, 68-year-old American writer Sandra Carrie was admitted to the hospital with an acute heart attack. Soon her heart stopped. For four minutes the woman was in a state of clinical death. When she regained consciousness, she told the attending physician that she was very upset about him, because he had just had a quarrel with his wife and she left him.

The doctor was surprised a lot. Indeed, two days ago, he quarreled with his wife, because of which she left home. But he, counting on reconciliation, took all measures so that no one knew about it. Even his family was not informed of the breakup.

When asked where she got this information from, Mrs. Carrie said that the information came to her at the time of her clinical death. When she woke up, they were already running in her head, as happens after a vivid, memorable dream.

According to her, when she was taken to the hospital in a serious condition, she saw the doctor bending over her and thought: “This is the person on whom my life depends. How I want to know something about him …”With this thought, she fainted. And, strange to say, during oblivion, as if someone fulfilled her wish!

Mrs. Carrie added that the worst awaits him ahead, as his wife will not agree to reconciliation and next Monday he will receive an official notice that she filed for divorce.

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And so it happened

An even more striking case occurred at a Colorado clinic in 1997. After coming out of a deep coma, 78-year-old Mary Standward began to predict the future for everyone who appeared in her room. To the nurse, she predicted the birth of a child at the end of the next year and the death of her brother in a car accident. Another nurse - the bankruptcy of her father's company, which should come in a year and a half. The intern said that she would break her leg and stay in the hospital all winter and spring, but eventually everything would heal. Her prophecies were not taken too seriously, attributing them to a painful condition. Mary Standward lived for a few more days and died of another heart attack. Over time, when her predictions began to come true exactly, experts were forced to reconsider their attitude to her phenomenon,but they could not offer him a clear explanation.

Since before her admission to the hospital, Mary Standward did not make any predictions, it should obviously be recognized that the appearance of her clairvoyant abilities caused her to be in a state of clinical death. These abilities remained with her for all the short days, released to her until her death.

Curiously, after her clinical death, Sandra Carrie also made predictions from time to time. She received prophetic information, according to her, in a dream.

The ability to clairvoyance appears not in all people who have experienced clinical death. Unfortunately, today there are still no works that would investigate the connection between clinical death and clairvoyance. Even the number of people returned to life after clinical death and subsequently experienced paranormal perception has not been determined. Meanwhile, such works could shed light on many aspects related to the functioning of the spiritual, or astral, human body, which is mainly and "responsible" for clairvoyance.

Astral travel

Nearly everyone who has had an out-of-body experience speaks of the feeling of liberation from their physical body. Being outside of it, they could instantly move to any places where they would like to be, just by thinking about them.

Here's a typical example. 22-year-old American Jeremy Lytton, having got into a serious car accident, was taken to hospital unconscious. Soon his heart stopped. Subsequently, he said that at these moments he felt himself fully conscious. He saw how everything around seemed to be clouded with white smoke. Then he got the feeling of flying. When the smoke cleared, he found himself hovering under the ceiling of the operating room. For some reason, he immediately realized that the body that was lying below on the table, around which the doctors had gathered, belonged to him and that it had died. In dismay, he remembered his mother, who was hundreds of miles away in Los Angeles, and knew nothing of what had happened.

Before he had time to think about it, he found himself on the veranda of his parents' house in the suburbs of Los Angeles. Mother sat on the sofa dozing. The book she had just read fell out of her hands. Jeremy sat down on the sofa next to her and tried to wake her up. He called her and said: “Mom, when they tell you about my death, do not be sad. I'm alright. I am not dead. I survived, only I have a different body …”Mother woke up. He continued to speak to her, but she clearly did not see or hear him. However, her face showed concern. She got up, walked into the next room and began to call their common acquaintance with Jeremy in Chicago. He heard her asking this acquaintance about him.

What happened next, how he found himself in the operating room again, Jeremy could not explain, only he again felt himself in a strange white cloud. Then oblivion came.

After coming out of the coma, he retained rather distinct memories of what happened to him during his clinical death. His mother later confirmed that in those minutes when her son fell into a coma, she woke up from the thought of him, which for some reason caused her anxiety, and really began to call her friend in Chicago. A friend confirmed the call.

In the described episode, there is instantaneous movement, or, as it is more often called, astral travel. The sensation of astral travel is completely real to those who have experienced it. These people are convinced that their out-of-body essence did indeed move from the place where their physical body was located to another, often quite distant one.

The experience of astral travel is achieved not only with clinical death, but also with the use of certain techniques of relaxation and meditation. These techniques are used, in particular, by Tibetan lamas. When meditating, they fall into a state similar to clinical death, during which they leave their physical body and in an incorporeal form travel to the peaks of the Himalayas and even to the Moon.

In the same way, some mediums can move in an incorporeal form. The famous American medium Eileen Garrett, in one of her famous experiments, fell into a trance and was mentally transported from the USA to Iceland. This happened at a previously agreed time with another participant in the experiment, Dr. D. Svenson, who was in Iceland. Eileen Garrett told what Svenson was doing at that moment, what he was wearing. If, for example, he read a book, then she named the page that was opened and quoted the text on it. When describing the doctor's clothes, she reported all of its details, including the color of the bandage on his head.

Soul after the death of the physical body

Based on reports from mediums and people who have had out-of-body experiences, some researchers conclude that astral travel and clairvoyance are phenomena of the same order and, in essence, are the same phenomenon.

Most scientists, however, see a significant difference between these phenomena.

Astral travel - at least what we mean by it - always takes place in real time and does not provide prophetic information.

With clairvoyance, there are practically no "travels". Clairvoyance is always a connection, a connection of human consciousness with some other, otherworldly, consciousness or with some intelligent otherworldly entity, which gives out the necessary information. This entity can be presented by anyone: an alien, an angel, the soul of a deceased, an astral double, a noosphere. Magicians and psychics often do not even hide that they communicate with them. For example, Vanga demanded that visitors bring her a piece of sugar or a plant with roots - through these items, she contacted the deceased relatives of visitors, receiving prophetic information from those.

It seems that astral travel and clairvoyance are inherent only in the "earthly" person, that is, a person who has both physical and spiritual bodies. Astral travels are made by the spiritual body only in our earthly world. It's the same with clairvoyance. A person needs it only here, in a world where cause-and-effect relationships exist and where it is sometimes vitally important for a person to know the future.

After the death of the physical body, knowledge about the future soul will not be required, since this future simply will not exist.

The soul will enter dimensions (or parallel worlds), where there are no clear boundaries between the present, past and future and where space-time itself is arranged differently. Perhaps there will be no travel (displacement) in our, earthly sense. Being in any point of this dimension, the subject is simultaneously in all its other points. That is, being “here”, the subject is at the same time “everywhere”.

In these worlds, unthinkable for us, the soul will not need practically any of the properties that it possessed on Earth, including those that we call paranormal. "There" they simply lose their meaning.

Freed from the physical body, the soul will move to a level of existence where it will need completely different abilities. We cannot even remotely imagine them. Perhaps, these fantastic abilities are already in a latent state in our spiritual body, but they will fully manifest themselves only in other worlds.