Scientists Have Described The Orbit Of A Hypothetical "Planet X" In The Solar System - Alternative View

Scientists Have Described The Orbit Of A Hypothetical "Planet X" In The Solar System - Alternative View
Scientists Have Described The Orbit Of A Hypothetical "Planet X" In The Solar System - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Described The Orbit Of A Hypothetical "Planet X" In The Solar System - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Described The Orbit Of A Hypothetical
Video: Planet X: The new planet in our solar system? 2024, September

Astronomers have identified the alleged orbit of the following possibly existing "Planet X". For this, they used the analysis of the motion of other cosmic bodies.

Space scientists at the University of Arizona's Planet and Satellite Laboratory in the United States have theoretically identified new restrictions on the trajectory of the alleged existing "Planet X" in the solar system. The scientific publication is publicly displayed at

The orbit is located outside the Kuiper belt, and therefore, for the calculation, scientists used celestial bodies located within it. In their works, scientists used the fact of the correct ratio of the period of the orbits of four massive trans-Neptunian bodies (Sedna (90377), 2010 GB174, 2004 VN112, 2012 VP113). Scientists suggested that the ratio in the form of whole numbers means the presence of another object that is not immediately visible in the current period of time. In theory, "Planet X" revolves around the Sun with a period of 17,117 years.

Scientists believe that their study is possible to be considered as an apt argument for the existence of a new planet in our solar system, but they do not have solid evidence.

Ana McKenzie
