Pumped Storage Power Plant - Alternative View

Pumped Storage Power Plant - Alternative View
Pumped Storage Power Plant - Alternative View

Video: Pumped Storage Power Plant - Alternative View

Video: Pumped Storage Power Plant - Alternative View
Video: The Truth About Pumped Hydro 2024, July

I have already told you in detail on the example of the "heart" what a pumped storage power plant is. Let's continue this topic.

You already know that such a pumped storage power plant consists of two parts spaced apart from each other and operates only at peak moments of loads in the power grid. The water reservoir opens and the water flows down to the turbines. As soon as the load in the network drops, the water, with the help of residual electricity, returns back to the reservoir. Thus, it turns out that a hydroelectric power station can be considered a self-sufficient accumulator (PSPP).

Look at the Swiss Hornbergbecken PSP …


The construction of a pumped storage power plant is associated with the need to solve energy. system tasks: covering daily peaks of the load schedule; creation of a reserve of instantaneous power supply and reactive power (when the hydro-storage power plant operates in the synchronous compensator mode); regulation, frequency and mode of operation of thermal power plants.

Pumped storage power plants operate in two modes - pumping and turbine. In the first case, a pumped storage power plant, consuming excess energy from thermal power plants during the lowest load hours in the system (usually 7-12 hours a day), pumps water from the lower supply reservoir to the upper storage pool (charging the station). In the second case, the pumped storage power plant operates during the hours of maximum energy consumption in the system (2-6 hours per day). Consuming water from the upper pool, it generates electricity into the system (station discharge).


The pumped storage power plant includes: lower. feeding reservoir (natural lake, waterworks reservoir, existing or specially created); upper storage basin (natural alpine inflow or non-inflow lakes located near the lower reservoir, or an artificially created reservoir); station building; pressure water conduit, usually metallic. or reinforced concrete; a water intake designed to receive water into the upper pool when the station is in pumping mode and to take water from the pool when the station is in turbine mode.

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Hydromechanical and electrical engineering. equipment in the building of a pumped storage power plant is usually located according to a three-machine layout, with a cut a pump, a generator-electric motor and a turbine are included in the unit. The most modern and perfect two-machine configuration consists of a reversible turbine (turbine-pump) and a generator-electric motor.

If the upper basin does not have a natural inflow, G. e. works only on accumulated water ("clean" pumped storage power plant). In contrast to it, the "mixed" pumped storage power plant has additional natural resources. inflow and, thus, works on the inflow and accumulated volume or in a cascade of hydroelectric power plants. In the latter case. in the building of the station, in addition to the main turbine units, reversible turbines or pumps are installed to pump water into the upper pool of the reservoir from the lower one.


Pumped storage power plants are usually located near large energy consumers and in the area of powerful power plants with favorable topography., Geological. and hydrological conditions allowing the construction of the upper basin and the lower reservoir in close proximity to each other. Efficiency from 0.6 to 0.7. The most favorable hydrological conditions for the construction of a hydroelectric power plant are the presence of an upper basin with a natural inflow or the use of existing reservoirs and lakes.