Ghosts Of Hospitals - Alternative View

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Ghosts Of Hospitals - Alternative View
Ghosts Of Hospitals - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts Of Hospitals - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts Of Hospitals - Alternative View
Video: Hauntings, Histories, & Campfire Tales: What Ghost Stories Tell Us | Coya Paz | TEDxDePaulUniversity 2024, September

Do ghosts like living in old castles? Whatever it is! Parapsychologists say that all sorts of medical institutions are much more popular with the picturesque ruins of a ghost. This is understandable: hospitals - repositories of human suffering - like batteries, accumulate tears, despair and pain. Almost every city has its own hospital legends about the ghosts of nurses and deceased patients, terrifying staff and other residents of hospitals.

Get used to it

Perhaps it is better to start with a story that can hardly be called fiction, since quite real and famous people appear in it. It happened with the football goalkeeper of London Arsenal Manuel Almunia. He bought a house in the county in the south-east of England - Hertfordshire. And at first everything went well, but then a ghost began to appear in the house - a transparent figure that wandered around the house, clattering with chains. Almunia himself and his family were so scared by the visit of an unexpected neighbor that the coach allowed his goalkeeper to skip training so that he would not leave the household without support. As it turned out later, there was a psychiatric hospital on the site of the goalkeeper's house, which held soldiers who were mentally damaged after World War II. We can only guess how many negative emotions of distraught people these places have absorbed. By the way,Manuel Almunia's neighbors were not at all surprised to learn about the ghostly visitor, they only tried to “support” the goalkeeper: “Get used to it. This has been happening here for a long time."


The medical staff tries not to share ghost stories. First, so as not to be branded as crazy, and secondly, so as not to sow panic among patients and other hospital workers. But some information is not always possible to hide.

A new nurse has been hired at the Yakutsk tuberculosis hospital. Of course, she did not know about the ghosts living here. Therefore, when she saw the transparent figure of a man in a hat and cloak during the night shift, the woman was horrified. And in the morning, after asking colleagues, I learned that this ghost always appears before the death of one of the patients. And so it happened.

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In the same Yakut hospital, another ghost of a fine-looking old woman warns the staff that one of the patients is about to have an attack. They believe the old woman and are no longer afraid of her, since she never deceives. One night, the new nurse fell asleep at the post. I woke up from the fact that someone called her. Opening her eyes, she saw an old woman in a headscarf, she said: “The patient in the 5th ward is very bad, I need help,” and disappeared. Asleep, the nurse ignored the strange disappearance. And when it turned out that in the 5th ward, the patient really became ill, she thought that she had not seen the elderly woman who had warned her before. I had to ask my colleagues for clarification. They told her about the ghost.

Of course, all these stories could be mistaken for fiction, if not for the material confirmation of the existence of hospital ghosts. In Germany, a woman died during an operation. The whole process of the operation was filmed by hospital photographer Valery P. He managed to take a picture at the moment when the patient's heart stopped. Having developed the film, the photographer noticed in this frame something resembling a transparent figure flying off from a lifeless body. The photo was sent for examination and made sure that it was not a fake. The photographer was lucky to capture the moment when the soul leaves the body. After this incident, Valery became seriously interested in photographing ghosts. And, if a hopeless patient is operated on, he is always present in the operating room. Patients already know: if the photographer is on duty, then the chances of the operated patient are minimal.


For a month, the staff and patients of St. Barnabas Hospital in the South African city of Liboda trembled with fear. The reason for this is the ghost of a nurse who undertook to inspect the medical facility at night. The strange ghost looked quite corporeal and even talked. People were so scared that some refused to work the night shift, and patients were in a hurry to go home before completing their treatment. Inhabitants of the hospital have learned to recognize when a ghost appears. Medical equipment began to live its own life, turned on and off by itself, then the sound of footsteps and a knock on the door was heard. And this was witnessed by many nurses.

One of the employees of the department of health in an interview with the African independent news agency Sapa said that a patient who had a caesarean section the day before told confused doctors that a nurse came to her ward at night and changed her bandage. At the same time, the woman in labor did not manage to make out her face - as if he had not been! Another patient, who suffered from burns, also became the object of the ghost's care. The ghost nurse removed the bandages from his face at night so that he could see himself in the mirror.

It all began with the fact that the interns on duty at night heard a knock on the door, but no one was found behind it. Then everyone decided that it was a joke. The hospital administration became seriously concerned when other testimonies of people who met the ghost began to appear. One night, a security guard stopped an unfamiliar woman dressed in a nurse's uniform with a medical case in hand. When asked what she was doing here at an inopportune hour, she replied: “I work,” and disappeared into thin air.

The ghost actively intervened in hospital affairs, but at the same time did more harm than good. Only one untimely switching on and off of resuscitation equipment could cost the lives of patients. And the forced night dressings caused physical and psychological damage to patients.

What did the administration of the medical institution not undertake! A prayer service was ordered, which was served by ten priests. A thorough investigation of what is happening has been carried out. But all is in vain. The health department only shrugged and offered psychological assistance to the victims of the meeting with the ghost. And meanwhile he disappeared as suddenly as he appeared …


It would seem that a maternity hospital is a place where there are much more positive emotions than negative ones. But the ghosts and this hospital are not bypassed. The first reports of such visits appeared in the 1990s.

A frightened nanny, who was on duty in the children's department of one of the capital's maternity hospitals, told about the encounter with a ghost. In the middle of the night, a vigilant nanny saw a woman dressed in a robe and slippers, which are usually given to women in labor, in one of the boxes where babies lie. And this is a flagrant violation of hospital procedures! Then, in a stern tone, she ordered the woman to leave the department. And she obeyed: in front of the frightened nanny, she backed away into the corner and disappeared into thin air. Other employees of the department got into similar situations. For the time being, everyone was silent, but when cases began to become more frequent, they could not stand it. The whole world decided to invite a psychic - fortunately, in the 1990s, this was already possible. The specialist did his job: the ghost disappeared.

But, as it turned out a little later, he simply moved from the children's department to the operating room located on the same floor. Somehow after a night operation, when the operating room was already sterilized, the doctors left it and locked the door with a key. Then they remembered that they had not turned on the ultraviolet lamps, and returned. Through a glass partition separating the operating room from the vestibule, they saw a woman dressed in a white nightgown. But, entering directly into the operating room itself, they did not find anyone there. Decided - it seemed that after a sleepless night and not such a dream!

But after a few days it became clear that dreams had nothing to do with it. The surgeon was forced to leave the operated patient in the operating room overnight. When the nurse came to check on the condition of the woman in labor, still under anesthesia, an eerie howl was heard behind her. Frightened, she jumped out of the operating room with a bullet and bumped into the doctor on duty in the corridor. He, having learned about the cause of the panic, decided to check everything personally. As other doctors later said, when he ran out of the operating room, his hair stood on end on his head. And yet the doctor found the courage to return for the patient and took her out on a gurney.

I had to call the psychic again. This time he managed to finally get rid of the ghost.

And the next story is from the present century. In one of the Moscow maternity hospitals, a young single mother died during childbirth. The child was left an orphan. He had to be taken care of. But when any of the staff approached the baby, he felt a fit of lightheadedness. The person began to feel dizzy, he was thrown into the heat, then into the cold. Finally, one of the nurses figured out what was going on. The mother's spirit did not want to come to terms with the fact that someone else would take care of her baby. Neither church candles nor prayers could pacify the ghost. Then a psychic was invited, who for a long time and patiently negotiated with the spirit of the deceased, explained that the child would not be abandoned, he would be fed, swaddled and taken care of. It took the psychic three days for the ghost to be persuaded and no longer interfere with the work of the medical staff.


Swiss scientists have tried to explain the phenomenon of ghosts from a scientific point of view. For this purpose, a group of 12 patients with epilepsy was created: they all claimed that they had met with ghosts. And all - according to the results of MRI - had disturbances in the work of the parts of the brain responsible for the sensation of oneself in space. Blindfolded patients had to wave their hands in front of them. Each of them had a robot behind them, repeating their movements and slightly touching them. After stopping the robot, the subjects continued to feel touches, not only of the machine, but also of some other creature standing nearby. One of the researchers commented on the situation: “Our brain has several sources of information about the location of the body in space. Under normal conditions, a person collects an integral image of himself from them. But when the system fails due to illness or, in this case, due to the actions of a robot, a person develops a second image of his body, which is no longer perceived as “I”, but as the presence of “another”. From this neurophysiologists concluded that ghosts exist only in the human mind.

Psychologists share this point of view. In their opinion, a person who is especially impressionable, having heard a story about ghosts, may dive too deeply into the topic. And then he will begin to "see" anything that is in fact a play of the imagination.


However, not all so simple. How do you explain the fact that ghostly figures appear in photographs and videos? Sick imagination or disruption of the brain is clearly not to do with it. A similar picture was recently taken in a London hospital. The elderly man was gradually fading away there from bladder cancer. Doctors told his family that he had several days to live. The whole family gathered to say goodbye. And the grandson took a picture as a keepsake - right in the hospital ward. After printing the photograph, he saw a ghostly woman in a veil bending over his grandfather. But who is she?

Parapsychologists found out that at the beginning of the 19th century, on the site of the hospital, there was a count's estate, which was converted into a medical facility. Moreover, in the wing where our patient usually received treatment, there was a psychiatric building. The mentally ill were treated very cruelly here. Many of them have died. So the veiled woman is a former tortured patient? Or did she just live in the estate once? The cancer patient himself gave an interesting answer to these questions: all of a sudden he began to recover and even went home! His story made it to the front pages of local newspapers, where in an interview with reporters the man confessed: “I do not know the reasons for my miraculous recovery. When I get to the hospital, I feel bad until I begin to feel the presence of this woman. And I feel better. I think this is my guardian angel."