Dolmens Of The Kuban - Alternative View

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Dolmens Of The Kuban - Alternative View
Dolmens Of The Kuban - Alternative View

Video: Dolmens Of The Kuban - Alternative View

Video: Dolmens Of The Kuban - Alternative View
Video: Unique Megalithic Dolmen with traces of ancient drilling 2024, September

What are mysterious places on our planet and do they really exist or only in the imagination of people who believe in them? There are enough such "anomalous zones" on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory - and today we are talking about them

What are mysterious places on our planet and do they really exist or only in the imagination of people who believe in them? There is no definite answer to this question. Those who believe in "anomalous zones" or the miraculous powers of natural objects will never find a common language with skeptics. So it is people who give a touch of mystery to certain places on Earth. By the way, there are enough such "anomalous zones" on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory - and today we are talking about them.

People who are inclined to believe in rams, poltergeists, aliens and dead ancient civilizations easily find confirmation of their beliefs in the world around them. And as soon as one such "stalker" publishes information about the next mysterious zone, a real pilgrimage begins to this place. Over time, the information wave becomes more and more and penetrates the world of ordinary people through the media. People tend to believe in all sorts of incomprehensible things and for every scientific explanation they will find ten more eyewitness accounts of the "obvious-incredible". This is how legends about mysterious places are born, and Kuban is no exception in this respect.

Although scientists have long proven that both the Egyptian pyramids and the famous Stonehenge were built by people using modern technology: wheels, levers, lovers of secrets prefer to believe that the stone blocks were dragged not by slaves and civilian workers, but by giants, Atlanteans or aliens. And if all these creatures were engaged in pyramids, then who else could build dolmens, which are a dime a dozen on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory, Adygea and neighboring regions. The very word "dolmen" in translation from Breton means "stone table". Dolmens are ancient megalithic structures built four to five thousand years ago.

Dolmens of the Kuban

Archaeologists are considering several versions of the purpose of the dolmens. According to some assumptions, these are just man-made mass graves (in some, the remains of hundreds of people are found), but radiocarbon analysis of bones most often shows that people were buried in dolmens hundreds of years after their construction.

- The orientation of dolmens on the terrain is different, but, as a rule, it fits into the arc of sunrise-sunset and the culmination of celestial bodies northeast - south - northwest, - said the researcher of megaliths Mikhail Kudin.

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- Only single monuments are directed to the north … Observations on individual monuments (complex Psynako-1, dolmen with a cromlech of the "Wolf's Gate" group, dolmen with a sight "Mamedova Slit") showed that they mark the points of sunrise and sunset on the days of solstices and equinoxes …

This observation, on the one hand, indirectly confirms that the builders of dolmens were either sun worshipers or used megaliths for astronomical observations. But the famous scientist, doctor of historical sciences, senior researcher at the Institute of Archeology of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Vladimir Markovin, doubted the direction of the dolmens to the sun. According to the author of the book "Ispun - houses of dwarfs: notes on dolmens of the Krasnodar Territory (Western Caucasus)". in the spatial orientation of dolmens, there is no connection with the movement of the sun, and the portal can be oriented to any part of the world. Now about three thousand North Caucasian megaliths are known, including partially destroyed ones, and most of them are located in the Kuban and Adygea. Many dolmens are rectangular structures of stone slabs,or carved into the rocks, with holes in the facade. Inside it was a camera, a room about one and a half by two meters in size and about two meters high, sometimes more, sometimes less. The slabs were placed at a slight angle inward. Sometimes such chambers were carved out of monolithic stone, sometimes they were hidden underground, filling mounds. In one of the walls of the chamber, in a slab, a cone-shaped hole was made, about thirty centimeters in diameter, which was closed with a stone plug.about thirty centimeters in diameter, which was closed with a stone plug.about thirty centimeters in diameter, which was closed with a stone plug.

These dolmens are considered by modern lovers of esotericism to be "places of power" where one can recharge with cosmic energy or fill with the mysterious knowledge of ancestors. The most famous dolmens of the Krasnodar Territory are located on the Black Sea coast. So, over the river Zhane, not far from Gelendzhik, there is a group of three dolmens, lined up in a row on a hill. On both sides of them are two stone mounds. Again, not far from Gelendzhik, near the village of Pshada and the river of the same name, there is a whole sculptural group of seven dozen dolmens of varying degrees of preservation. And there are many such megaliths on the entire Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory from Anapa to Adler. True, with the flourishing of tourism, many dolmens have turned from objects of worship of esoteric lovers into ordinary tourist attractions. Some dolmens have cafes, others are taken by whole excursion groups in jeeps. It is clear that in such conditions it is practically impossible for a real connoisseur to feel cosmic energy. Connoisseurs of the mysterious are looking for dolmens in much more inaccessible places than the Black Sea coast, and in them you will often find broken bottles and cans, rather than the secret heritage of ancestors.

Former paradise near Anapa

In general, esoteric lovers love the Black Sea coast. If you listen to them, then there are not so few “places of power”. And one of the most famous of them is Cape Bolshoi Utrish. In the summer, lovers of natural childbirth set up camps here, meditate, do yoga and qigong. There are advertisements on the Internet stating that for a certain amount and a couple of weeks on Utrish they will help you connect with space, recharge with energy or, even more wonderful, "change the structure of DNA", claiming that Utrish is in the zone of action of a powerful tectonic fault, being an energy anomaly, the so-called "place of power".

There is a relict juniper grove here, which, according to legends, can heal many ailments. Why not - the needles and fresh sea air work wonders without any esotericism.

- The place where this truly wonderful plant grows has the most unique energy. There is literally an extraordinary atmosphere of happiness in the air. - the reviews of those who first got to Utrish are not diverse. - People who practice esotericism say that this is a place of power.

Gradually, civilization captured this piece of paradise. At first, boats began to ply from the village to the remote lagoons, taking lazy travelers to the most remote lagoons for several hundred. And together with the "sloths" mud, broken glass, beer cans, drunken squabbles came to the Utrish lagoons. Now this place differs little from the usual resort corners of the Black Sea coast, although the last connoisseurs of esoteric teachings still live here all year round, despite the cold and piercing sea wind. And they call the permanent residents of Utrish (not the villages - Big and Small Utrish, but the lagoons between them) Indians. Civilization reached Utrish not only in the form of excursion ships and mountains of garbage - here, despite the centuries-old juniper listed in the Red Book,they are building a road and preparing to erect a mythical "children's sports and recreation center."

Our triangle

By analogy with the Bermuda Triangle, the Kuban also has its own mysterious geometric figure - the Shapsug Triangle in the Abinsky district not far from the village of the same name. The corners of the triangle are the Bolshoi Shapsugsky dolmen, an unfinished monolithic dolmen, nicknamed the "Workshop of dolmen builders", and the Devil's finger rock together with a mud volcano. According to legend, a spirit sleeps under the Devil's finger, which at one time protected earthlings, so the place does not allow people with heavy thoughts. Here, according to lovers of esotericism, two streams appear from the Silver Source, which originates deep underground. One - with living water, the other - with dead. Some people claim that dead water even heals cancer, and living water - from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

According to the assurances of esotericists, living and dead water differ in chemical composition and even in temperature, although thermometers lowered into jets show the same numbers. There is also a "Tree of Love" - an oak entwined with aspen. Connoisseurs of secrets find something unusual in this fact, easily explained by biologists. In the very center of the Shapsug Triangle, one of the local residents recently built a structure out of stones with the romantic name "Mandala" Eternity ". And if you believe the guides, then, standing in the center of "Eternity", you can feel yourself literally in the center of the Universe, but not everyone succeeds. Probably, in order to feel, it is necessary to believe in something immaterial and scientifically unprovable.

In addition to those listed, there are many places in our region that esotericists consider as energy portals and "places of power." At the same time, lovers of the mysterious are not stupid - the list of territories charged with energy includes really the most beautiful places of the Kuban: Bolshaya Azishskaya Cave, Lagonaki, Khadzhokh, the vicinity of Guzeripl and Mezmay. And on Utrish, and at the source of the Belaya River in Guzeripla, and in the Shapsug Triangle, you feel differently - thoughts about the eternal come to mind, and the vain remains somewhere in the distance. But maybe the reason for this is not some mysterious forces and energies, but nature: powerful, real, beautiful, in all its primeval splendor?

Vasily Baranov