UFOs And Paranormal Phenomena In Georgia - Eyewitnesses And Researchers Have Teamed Up - Alternative View

UFOs And Paranormal Phenomena In Georgia - Eyewitnesses And Researchers Have Teamed Up - Alternative View
UFOs And Paranormal Phenomena In Georgia - Eyewitnesses And Researchers Have Teamed Up - Alternative View

Video: UFOs And Paranormal Phenomena In Georgia - Eyewitnesses And Researchers Have Teamed Up - Alternative View

Video: UFOs And Paranormal Phenomena In Georgia - Eyewitnesses And Researchers Have Teamed Up - Alternative View
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The Scientific Research Association of Ufologists "Man and Environment" was opened in Tbilisi, which, in addition to researching paranormal phenomena, is engaged in the study of the human aura and energy

The Association was opened by the Georgian ufologist Irakli Shonia, who continues the work of his father, the famous scientist Thales Shonia.

In an exclusive interview with Sputnik Georgia, Shonia spoke about the opening of the center and plans for the future, as well as why it is important for a person to know about the state of his aura and energy.

- Irakli, the name of the center sounds rather intriguing. Tell us what is your goal?

- In fact, the association was founded in 1990, since then research has been going on in this area. For many years, we have not shared with the public the results of our research. There were cases when, at certain doses, they provided this or that information to society, materials about what was happening around us, but this is a drop in the ocean.

The goal of the association is to actively continue the research process. 30 years ago there was a real boom in paranormal activity in Georgia, since then, research and observations have shown us that the activation of paranormal activity occurs before some major events or incidents in the country.

Why did it become necessary to open this center exactly in 2018 and actively engage in the research process? Our answer is that about a year and a half ago, in Georgia, on the territory of the Caucasus, the activation of paranormal phenomena began again. There were cases when unearthly creatures actively moved to different regions of Georgia, entered families, and disturbed 15-20 families per night. We got into contact with people - it was both visual contact and verbal, telepathic.

People describe about seven to eight types of unearthly creatures. They say that some looked like people, some did not, they were distinguished by great physical strength, could overcome unrealistic obstacles, for example, jump over three-meter fences, jump to the second floor, and so on.

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We went to the places where all this happened, started to study everything. At first, they were rather skeptical, because in the history of the study of anomalous phenomena, there were very few such massive cases of direct contact of unearthly beings with people. The history of ufology knows little of such cases, and we have several hundred such cases in one month. And when we began to study, we came to the conclusion that we are dealing with creatures of several types that move on a ship, choose places according to certain data, places where there is water, high voltage power lines, choose people with the help of whom they come into contact with us.

We tried our best to calm people down, because there was panic among the population of the places where they appeared.

Scientific Research Association of Ufologists & quot; Man and Environment & quot; / SPUTNIK / DENIS ASLANOV
Scientific Research Association of Ufologists & quot; Man and Environment & quot; / SPUTNIK / DENIS ASLANOV

Scientific Research Association of Ufologists & quot; Man and Environment & quot; / SPUTNIK / DENIS ASLANOV.

- What regions were these?

- Kvemo-Kartli region, Tbilisi and the surrounding area, Samegrelo, Kakheti, Guria, practically all of Georgia. It is a fact that they have their own specific function, research something. People told us that they saw these creatures, mainly studying something in the ground, they illuminated the ground with something. When people approached close, these creatures directed this lamp in their direction, as if warning not to approach them, and ran away.

There were cases when people, out of fear, began to throw stones at them, shot from a gun, and then they also responded. Interestingly, these are not isolated cases.

- Did it happen that residents of different regions described the same creatures, the same situation?

- Yes! In different regions, completely different people described the same creatures, similar actions.

- Can anyone who wants to check their aura and energy in your center?

- We have been using this technique for 30 years. My father Thales Shonia improved it, we got very good results. We intend to use the method concerning dowsing research of a person to the maximum so that it is accessible to every person.

We think that some part of this research will be commercial so that we can fund our further research. We will have a different tariff depending on the complexity of the work, the duration of the research, and so on. There will be both a cheaper and more expensive tariff. Once a month we will admit people from needy families practically free of charge so that no one is left without this research.

We explore the aura and energy of a person. Over the years, we have accumulated connections with people who have supernatural abilities or phenomenal abilities after contact with unearthly beings. We want to include these people in the diagnostic process as much as possible. There are people who can read information from the Universe about what is happening around a person. There are those who can draw such a picture, which will contain energy that has a positive effect on a person.

We use the talent of people who see an aura in flowers or an aura at the molecular level.

Painting in the Research Association of Ufologists & quot; Man and Environment & quot; / SPUTNIK / DENIS ASLANOV
Painting in the Research Association of Ufologists & quot; Man and Environment & quot; / SPUTNIK / DENIS ASLANOV

Painting in the Research Association of Ufologists & quot; Man and Environment & quot; / SPUTNIK / DENIS ASLANOV.

- Why is it important to know in what state a person's aura and energy are?

- Suppose a person has some kind of problem, there is a total weakness, he cannot recognize himself in the sense that such a low energy activity is not characteristic of him, incomprehensible dreams have begun, he often sees the dead. Around him, the visible and invisible worlds are suddenly activated, warning of something.

It often happens that a person's aura is disturbed from improper treatment, from improper meditation or enthusiasm for oriental arts, from improper breathing or fighting exercises, improper lifestyle, suffered stress or the same "spoilage". As a result of all this, a person begins to get sick. Both psychologists and physicians cannot establish what is happening to him. He seems to be healthy, but he begins to lose weight, his face becomes expressionless, the energy leaves him, there is no strength to live on. It is in such situations that we can diagnose and provide assistance.

Scientific Research Association of Ufologists & quot; Man and Environment & quot; / SPUTNIK / DENIS ASLANOV
Scientific Research Association of Ufologists & quot; Man and Environment & quot; / SPUTNIK / DENIS ASLANOV

Scientific Research Association of Ufologists & quot; Man and Environment & quot; / SPUTNIK / DENIS ASLANOV.

- They made a diagnosis, determined the state of the aura or energy. What is the next step?

- All cases are individual. We will give certain recommendations to the person, say what needs to be done to correct the situation. If this is beyond our competence, we will give a direction where he should go and how to proceed.

When something happens on an energetic level, after a certain time, in addition to pain in the body, many other problems surface to the surface. If the psyche is weak, mental disorders may occur. That is why it is so important to establish a person's energy position. A person is a part of the environment, and the way he thinks, what impulses his brain emits - these vibrations are quite active and can affect the environment and people.

Let's take Tbilisi. Around the mountain, the city is built on a difficult geological site, underground waters, sulfuric waters, everything creates geological stress - the inhabitants of the city are stressed. To all this, the accumulated negative thoughts of people are added, this energy affects the environment, and as a result we get what the environment begins to punish us - floods, earthquakes, natural or man-made disasters occur. Therefore, if we want to live in a relatively calm and healthy environment, first of all, we must begin to control our own thoughts. Emit less negativity and spread more positive emotions.

Scientific Research Association of Ufologists & quot; Man and Environment & quot; / SPUTNIK / DENIS ASLANOV
Scientific Research Association of Ufologists & quot; Man and Environment & quot; / SPUTNIK / DENIS ASLANOV

Scientific Research Association of Ufologists & quot; Man and Environment & quot; / SPUTNIK / DENIS ASLANOV.

Social networks are a clear example of how people massively devour each other, release bile and anger. Each nation has its own mechanism of self-preservation and salvation. In our case, it is an attitude, closeness. There was a period when we did not know what depression is, because people closely communicated with nature, with each other. Today, information is exchanged electronically, but people no longer exchange their aura and energy, which helps to calm down and defuse the situation. Therefore, the tension increases.

We want to convey more information to the public. Our thoughts are a force that can either support and preserve life on Earth, or destroy it.

- What is your answer to skeptics who do not believe in such things?

- Aliens in our organization are just one of the directions. The rest is biolocation, aura, energy, and so on. As for the skeptics, I have this approach. It is not necessary that people believe in all this - in the existence of aliens, energy, aura, or the same soul. The main thing for me is that these people are informed.

From 2016 to this day, we have had cases when completely incompetent people who do not know this topic began to encounter some kind of anomalies. The police were made statements in which people wrote that they had met with unearthly beings and asked for help. It is not necessary to believe, but if tomorrow or the day after tomorrow you still encounter anomalies, you must know how to act, where to go, whom to turn to. You should know that in no case should you be aggressive. Believe it or not, if you see something, try to remember as many details as possible. They are very important.

Scientific Research Association of Ufologists & quot; Man and Environment & quot; / SPUTNIK / DENIS ASLANOV
Scientific Research Association of Ufologists & quot; Man and Environment & quot; / SPUTNIK / DENIS ASLANOV

Scientific Research Association of Ufologists & quot; Man and Environment & quot; / SPUTNIK / DENIS ASLANOV.

In our center there are archival materials, photographs reflecting those people who came into contact with unearthly beings, material related to the inscriptions of creatures, objects that appeared in families that came into contact with them. There are many interesting things here.

- There are very interesting and bright pictures in your center, tell us about them?

- Yes, here are pictures of contactors, that is, people who were able to come into contact with unearthly beings. People say that these are not their drawings, that they are drawn under the dictation of unearthly creatures. In these pictures there is information about how they look, where they are from, what letters they have, that is, there is also textual material here. These are informational pictures.

Often, people who come into contact with some creatures open up different possibilities - some can receive information from the universe, some begin to sing, draw, write. For example, a woman who had nothing to do with literature published two books. These are collections of poems, they contain a deep philosophical meaning about universal processes.

Scientific Research Association of Ufologists & quot; Man and Environment & quot; / SPUTNIK / DENIS ASLANOV
Scientific Research Association of Ufologists & quot; Man and Environment & quot; / SPUTNIK / DENIS ASLANOV

Scientific Research Association of Ufologists & quot; Man and Environment & quot; / SPUTNIK / DENIS ASLANOV.

We want to find new phenomena, talk to them and explore new facts. I believe that there are other worlds, that the soul is immortal. If religion and science go hand in hand, then we can achieve much greater results.

Liza Shelia
