America Paranormal - Alternative View

America Paranormal - Alternative View
America Paranormal - Alternative View

Video: America Paranormal - Alternative View

Video: America Paranormal - Alternative View
Video: Disturbing Discovery in Abandoned Hospital (Very Scary) Paranormal Investigation Goes Wrong 2024, September

Survey results show that more than two-thirds of Americans believe in astrology, ghosts, aliens from outer space and other paranormal phenomena. Why is this happening?

Many people think these people are crazy, but sociologists have a different opinion.

As the sun sets, a horse-drawn carriage takes travelers through the streets of Jefferson, Texas. Most tourists come here for excursions in which they are told stories of haunted houses. Jamie, who comes from nearby Shreveport, Louisiana, says the presence of ghosts confirms the existence of an afterlife. She says that she has always believed that there is something after life.


Psychologist Brian Kronk at Western Missouri University (St. Joseph) doesn't think ghost belief is insane. In his opinion, there is nothing contrary to the norm in this. Brian Kronk's students study people who believe in the paranormal. And their scientific advisor is sure that such people are simply trying to find answers to fundamental questions, because man differs from animals in that his brain tries to predict the future and is constantly looking for the causes of events of the past and present.

Carson Mencken, a sociology professor at Baylor University, Texas, also studies human belief in the supernatural. He and his colleagues also came to the conclusion that people who believe in the supernatural are more completely normal and sane. They do regular work, they have families and they pay bills regularly,”the professor explains. "In all respects, these are perfectly normal people who have an unusual hobby."

Mencken and two colleagues from the University last year published the book Paranormal America, which is dedicated to people who believe in various paranormal phenomena. The authors found that men are more likely to believe in aliens than women. But women trust fortune tellers more and believe in the existence of spirits. Uneducated people believe more in ghosts, although people with higher education are not at all alien to the search for the supernatural.

According to Mencken, people who are attracted by all the supernatural sometimes seek discoveries, for example, evidence of the reality of UFOs or ghosts, and many just hope to get inspiration. They need some revelation or a deeper understanding of what happens to a person after death. Many of them find answers to their questions in religion. The scientist says that most religions are tolerant of those who believe in the paranormal, which cannot be said about the Protestant and some other churches that adhere to a rather strict interpretation of the Bible.

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Numerous films and TV shows about ghosts, spirits, UFOs, etc. reinforces people's belief in the supernatural. Quite a lot of programs are devoted to this topic. There are even paranormal reality shows. Some TV companies only work in this niche. The supernatural and belief in it have already become part of the general culture.

Professor Mencken believes that paranormal beliefs have entered the United States primarily from other cultures. Immigrants from Asia and Latin America, as well as other countries, always bring with them legends about "their" ghosts and spirits.