The Philadelphia Experiment: The Paranormal Secrets Of The American Army - Alternative View

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The Philadelphia Experiment: The Paranormal Secrets Of The American Army - Alternative View
The Philadelphia Experiment: The Paranormal Secrets Of The American Army - Alternative View

Video: The Philadelphia Experiment: The Paranormal Secrets Of The American Army - Alternative View

Video: The Philadelphia Experiment: The Paranormal Secrets Of The American Army - Alternative View
Video: The truth behind the creepy Philadelphia Experiment conspiracy theory 2024, July

The history of the so-called Philadelphia Experiment began in 1943. At the height of the war, USS Eldridge was recalled to the Newark docks, ostensibly for modification. On October 28, 1943, the US Navy conducted a secret experiment, during which the Eldridge with her entire crew literally disappeared into thin air, and then appeared three hundred kilometers from the dock. Where did he disappear, why did the sailors go crazy and what does Albert Einstein have to do with it? Let's try to figure it out.

What people think

According to the version most widespread among fans of conspiracy theories, the experimenters assumed to generate powerful electromagnetic fields, which, if properly configured, should have caused the destroyer to bend around by light and radio waves. When the destroyer disappeared, a greenish fog was observed. Of the total crew of 181, only 21 returned unharmed. Of the rest, 27 people literally became part of the ship's structure, 13 died from radiation, electric shock and fear - but there is no confirmation of all this, since the crew lists are still classified.


Sailor Allende

The famous American ufologist Morris Jesup published a book in 1955 called The Case for UFOs. The publication quickly became a bestseller: Jesup was a physicist and gave the impression of a reasonable-minded person. A month after the book was published, Morris entered into correspondence with a certain Carlos Miguel Allende, who claimed that he served as a sailor on the Eldridge and personally saw how the ship teleported.

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Team List

The easiest way would be to refute all rumors about a mysterious experiment by publishing the ship's crew lists. However, the US Navy for half a century after the experiment did not give any researcher, even from afar, to look at these very lists from the Eldridge.


Hello descendants

In 1984, the Hollywood blockbuster "The Philadelphia Experiment" was released, which launched another round of public interest in the mysterious case of the ship "Eldridge". According to the film, the ship did not disappear anywhere - it traveled in time. Is this really so only the Pentagon can say - but still try to get him to talk.


Psychopaths written off ashore

According to the independent research group Sector10, at least thirteen sailors from the Eldridge ended their days in a closed military hospital for the mentally ill. Again, it is possible to confirm or deny this information only if you have in your hands an authentic list of the ship's crew members.


Einstein is to blame for everything

In part, the theory of the disappearance and even teleportation of an entire ship is somewhat supported by the fact that it was not just anyone who worked on the project, but Albert Einstein himself. True, at the moment the conspiracy theorists have only managed to find confirmation of the participation of the great scientist in a certain project "Rainbow", where camouflage devices were created against enemy radars.