Flying Submarines - Alternative View

Flying Submarines - Alternative View
Flying Submarines - Alternative View

Video: Flying Submarines - Alternative View

Video: Flying Submarines - Alternative View
Video: This Plane Could Fly Underwater... 2024, July

The fact that inexplicable phenomena are observed in the waters of the world's oceans has long been known. Documented messages date back to the times of Pushkin and Byron. Either luminous red balls will fly out from under the water and soar high into the sky (August 12, 1825), then three dazzlingly bright discs will appear, connected by thin luminous rays (June 18, 1845). Either a powerful beam of light breaks through from the depths (May 15, 1879, the Persian Gulf, the ship "Vultura"), then a flying object dives into the depths (1887, the Dutch ship "Ginny Er") or a huge, 180-meter dark "cigar" with a "scaly surface" and red lights at the ends (1902 … Gulf of Guinea, British ship "Fort Salisbury").

With the development of anti-submarine technologies, reports of underwater rotating "glowing wheels" were supplemented by instrumental observations: under water, the movements of some unknown objects are periodically recorded.

After the war, some believed that these were unfinished submarines of the Third Reich. They objected: the submarines need diesel fuel, provisions for the crew, repairs and so on, which means permanent bases within range. And the characteristics of the underwater "phantoms" - speed, maneuverability and diving depth were unattainable even for the best German submarines.

Years passed, but the number of unidentified underwater objects (NGOs) did not decrease. In the mid-fifties, they were repeatedly pursued by US warships on both sides of the American continent. In July 1957, a squadron of American strategic bombers at sea in the Arctic Circle discovered a mysterious steel dome, which soon disappeared under water. It was especially noted that during the flight over the "dome" on the aircraft, many onboard instruments failed. In 58 - in the International Geophysical Year - unidentified underwater objects were repeatedly spotted by oceanographic vessels from different countries.

It was more or less possible to consider the "troublemakers" only in January 1960. Then, two patrol ships of the Argentine fleet in their territorial waters with the help of sonars discovered two huge and unusual in shape submarines. One was lying on the ground, the other constantly circled around her. An urgently arrived group of anti-submarine ships dropped a huge number of depth charges on the "violators" of the sea border. However, they achieved only one thing - both submarines surfaced and began to leave with incredible speed. (Polish professor, well-known UFO researcher Andrzej Mostovich in his book "We are from osmosis" wrote that the hulls of these submarines were "unprecedentedly shaped" with huge spherical cabinets.) Unable to catch up with the submarines, the ships opened artillery fire. The submarines immediately plunged under the water and almost instantly sank to the depths. What the sailors saw on the sonar screens defied explanation: the number of submarines first doubled, and then there were six!

NATO experts categorically rejected Argentina's accusations against them: not at that time, not today, no country in the world is able to build submarines with similar technical characteristics. Soon, in February and May, similar (or the same) submarines were observed first in the Atlantic, then in the Mediterranean Sea. And in 1963, one of the mysterious objects even "participated" in the exercises of the search and strike group of the 9th aircraft carrier formation of the US Navy, held in the southern corner of the infamous "Bermuda Triangle", near the island of Puerto Rico. He was accidentally discovered at a depth of more than one and a half kilometers by anti-submarine ships led by the aircraft carrier Wasp, when they were working out a program to pursue underwater targets. The operators were amazed: the mysterious object was moving at an unimaginable speed for submarines. They did not dare to bomb the "stranger":it was clearly superior in performance to all known underwater vehicles. As if demonstrating his technical superiority, he developed a speed of more than 150 knots (280 km / h) under water, in a matter of minutes he rose in vertical zigzags from a depth of six kilometers almost to the surface and again went to a depth. The object did not even try to hide and accompanied the warships for four days.

This incident is well documented: reports and dispatches to the Commander of the Antlantic Fleet of the US Navy in Norfolk, dozens of entries in the logbooks of ships, submarines and aircraft logbooks. They talk about "an ultra-fast submarine with a single propeller or similar device." The Navy leadership refused to comment on this mysterious story …

The Cold War was in full swing, at first the Western press tried hard to play the "Soviet card". But although our submarines are considered the best in the world, even they are not able to come close to the characteristics that were demonstrated by unidentified objects. For comparison: the maximum underwater speed of military submarines reaches only 45 knots (83 km / h), while the "outsiders" showed a much higher speed. So, in 1964, during naval maneuvers south of Florida, the instruments of several American destroyers recorded a mysterious underwater object moving at a depth of 90 meters at a speed of 200 knots (370 km / h). The most modern Russian strategic submarine, Project 941 (Typhoon - NATO classification) has a maximum diving depth of 400 meters. Underwater strangers easily and quickly go to a depth of 6000 meters or more.

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Of course, some bathyscaphes (but not submarines) can reach such depths. But, firstly, they do not have any noticeable horizontal velocity. And secondly, even the most perfect deep-sea apparatus of that time - the Trieste bathyscaphe, on which the famous oceanographer Jacques Picard set every conceivable record - took hours, but not minutes, to dive to such depths. Otherwise, the apparatus would simply be ruptured by a huge pressure drop.

It is extremely rare for people to dive to such depths, and the more significant is what they encounter with such point "injections". This is what Jacques Picard wrote in his diary on November 15, 1959 during a dive in the deepest part of the world ocean (Mariana Trench, Guam, Pacific Ocean): “10.57. The depth is 700 fathoms (about one and a half kilometers). We do not turn on the outside light, save it for great depths … A rather large disk-shaped object with numerous luminous points was noticed …”According to the researchers, most likely, these were windows located along the perimeter of the disk. And it was hardly a chance meeting. Most likely, the "owners of the ocean" came to the bathyscaphe on purpose. Why did they need to demonstrate their presence at such great depths? One can only speculate …

Since the mid-60s, the world has literally swept the "epidemic" of mysterious underwater objects. They were especially often seen then off the coast of Australia and in the Atlantic. Here are some typical messages.

January 12, 1965. New Zealand. North of Helensville, pilot Bruce Katie from a DC-3 plane observed a strange metal structure about 30 meters long and 15 meters wide under water at a depth of 10 meters. The New Zealand Navy said that no submarine could get there due to the shallow water and inaccessibility.

April 11, 1965. Australia. 80 miles from Melbourne from the coast of Wontagti, fishermen observed two strange submarines that surfaced a hundred meters from each other. Over the next five days, the Australian Navigation Agency received three more reports of strange submarines observed north of Brisbane in shallow water among the underwater rocks, where no captain would dare to enter.

July 20, 1967. Atlantic. 120 miles off the Brazilian coast, officers and crew of the Argentine ship "Naviero", together with their captain Julian Lucas Ardanza, discovered a mysterious "shining" object 15 meters from the starboard side. From a padded magazine: “It was cigar-shaped and was about 105-110 feet (35 meters) long. A powerful bluish-white radiance emanated from him, and he did not make any sounds and did not leave a trace on the water. There was no periscope, no handrails, no tower, no superstructures - no protruding parts at all. The mysterious object moved parallel to the Naviero for a quarter of an hour … at a speed of about 25 knots (46 km / h), completely unexpectedly dived, passed directly under the Naviero, and then quickly disappeared in the depths, emitting a bright glow under the water."

1973 year. Western Atlantic. Delmonico, the captain of the ship between Miami and Bimini, observed a cigar-shaped object about 50 meters long "without any protrusions, fins and hatches." At first, at a depth of about four meters, he went straight to the ship, but then turned sharply to the left and disappeared. The seasoned captain was struck by the fact that neither a whirlpool nor a foamy jet arose during movement.

Starting from the 70s, unknown underwater objects began to "bother" the Scandinavians. Helicopters and planes, patrol and anti-submarine ships of neutral Sweden track down "enemy submarines" near Stockholm. Norwegians comb skerries and fjords. In the fall of 1972, they bombed the Sognefjord with depth charges, trying to squeeze the underwater intruder to the surface. But all of a sudden, black, unmarked "helicopters" appear in the sky, electronic equipment on anti-submarine ships fails, and the NGO slips out of the fjord unnoticed.

In 1976, the Swedes and Norwegians set up an ode at "strategic points" where underwater "phantoms" and minefields appear, but the mines soon disappear. When attempts are made to fire at NGOs with the most modern torpedoes, the latter disappear without a trace …

In the 1980s, almost monthly newspaper reports were reminiscent of war reports. September 1982: submarines off the Swedish skerries … October 1, 1982: The Swedes blocked the "outsider" with a thick steel chain and threw depth charges. To no avail … May 1983: the Swedish Navy is hunting for submarines day and night. Missiles have been used … Mines are being blown up by someone from a great distance … From July to August 1986, foreign submarines invaded Swedish territorial waters 15 times.

In February 1984, a state of siege was declared by the Swedish Navy in Karlskrona Bay. There, in the area of the military base, not only NGOs, but also unknown scuba divers were noticed. Russians are suspected.

It is difficult to say what nationality they were, but the USSR had its own sad experience associated with mysterious swimmers. In 1982, an order was issued by the commander-in-chief of the ground forces listing the deep-water lakes in the USSR, where the descents and ascent of "disks" and "balls", underwater glow and other anomalous phenomena were observed. The order criticized the "initiative" of submariners of the Siberian and Trans-Baikal military districts, which resulted in human casualties.

One of the reasons for the appearance of the order was an incident that occurred in the summer of 1982. During combat training dives off the western coast of Lake Baikal, military scout divers met several times at great depths (about 50 meters) unknown underwater swimmers of a huge, almost three-meter height. Dressed in tight-fitting silvery overalls, they had no underwater equipment - only ball-shaped helmets on their heads - and moved at great speed. The impression was that the swimmers were watching the area of the slopes. Alarmed by such messages, the command gave instructions to seven divers, led by an officer, to detain the strangers. However, as soon as they tried to throw a net on one of the mysterious swimmers, some powerful impulse threw the divers to the surface. Due to the sharp drop in pressure, three died,four became disabled. The head of the diving service of the USSR Ministry of Defense, Major General V. Demyanenko, told about this case at the district training camp in the same year …

It is unlikely that our submarines are angelically sinless and never look into someone else's garden. But to blame them for all extraordinary cases is to erect vain. And give too much scientific and technical compliment. The Americans are well aware of this and once officially declared that the USSR had nothing to do with the underwater "extra-objects". Norwegians and Swedes resisted longer and stubbornly talked about "Moscow's underwater hand".

It got to the point that due to the deterioration of relations between Sweden and the USSR, the Russians, as reported on June 7, 1988, the newspaper "Di Velt", proposed to create a joint flotilla, "to find and sink the damned boats." In 1992, the Scandinavians had a hope that if the Russians were involved in underwater intrigues, then due to the collapse of the USSR "they will not have time" and the violations will stop. On February 19, 1992, the commander-in-chief of the Swedish armed forces, Bentg Gustafson, even expressed the hope that the new Russian leaders would remove the secrecy label from the relevant dossiers. However, the Russian authorities did not find any information about the Scandinavian operations of Soviet submarines in these files and once again stated that Russia had no interests in the territorial waters of the Scandinavian countries. At the same time, Boris Yeltsin hinted that “someone else is to blame” …

In the meantime, despite political forecasts, undersea invasions continued, and in the summer of 1992 there were more than ever before. And then, it seems, the Scandinavians began to change their position. Indeed, it is difficult to insist on the Russian version, when NGOs now and then demonstrate fantastic abilities. For example, they fly out from under the water and soar behind the clouds. Or vice versa: they dive from heaven into the water.

September 1965. Atlantic. South of the Azores, the American aircraft carrier Bunker Hill, which operated as part of a search and strike group, discovered an unknown object moving under water at a speed of over 300 km / h. With the order to destroy (!) The "alien" from the aircraft carrier, the deck attack aircraft "Tracker" were raised. However, as they approached, the underwater object flew out of the ocean and escaped pursuit at high speed.

October 4, 1967. Atlantic. Shag Harbor Bay, Nova Scotia Peninsula (Canada). During the night, the sailors of the seiner "Nickerson" twice observed the passage of several brightly luminous objects, not recorded by radar. In the morning there was another one. From the entry in the logbook: “9.35: we heard a lot of noise. The low, uneven flight of a brightly glowing plane was observed. They predicted an emergency situation and informed the coast guard. " And at about eleven o'clock in the morning, in front of local residents, a disc-shaped object collapsed into the bay with a deafening explosion, in the "bottom" of which four lights blinked. The military and police found an 18-meter disc about 3.5 meters thick floating on the surface 400 meters from the shore. A quiet, even hum came from the apparatus. A strange yellow foam floated around, smelling of gray and springy under his fingers.

While the boats of the Coast Guard arrived, the object went under water. Diving work in the bay (the depth of which in this place was 90 meters) yielded no results. The search was terminated. And two days later, two Canadian anti-submarine ships entered the bay with the task of expelling the "Soviet submarine" beyond the 12-mile coastal zone. No sooner had the ships begun to carry out the order, than two blindingly shining discs flew out from under the water and disappeared into the clouds. During further searches, no submarine or other objects were found in the bay …

1972 year. North Atlantic. The "Deep Freeze" naval maneuvers took place among the park ice and were supported by icebreakers. The famous polar explorer Dr. Rubens J. Villela was on one of them. Suddenly not far away, easily breaking a three-meter thickness of ice, a silvery spherical body flew out from under the water and disappeared in the sky at great speed. “The object had a diameter of at least 12 yards (II meters), but the hole it punched was much larger. He carried huge blocks of ice with him to a height of 20-30 yards, and the chilly water in the ice hole was covered with clouds of steam, apparently from the hot casing of this ball …"

November 15, 1975. Mediterranean Sea. At about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, near Marseille, 17 people witnessed a 10-meter silver disc flying out of the water. First, it rose to a height of about 120 meters, hovered for a minute and a half, and then flew away at great speed in a southerly direction. July 1978. South America. Gulf of Guayaquil. Not far from the coast of Ecuador, the crew of the Soviet motor ship Novokuznetsk witnessed an unusual spectacle. First, four 20 meters long glowing stripes appeared in the water near the bow of the vessel, then two more stripes 10 meters long approached the starboard side. Following this, 100 meters in front of the ship, a flattened white ball the size of a soccer ball flew out from under the water, quickly circled the ship, hovered for a few seconds at a height of 20 meters, climbed up, described a zigzag and dived into the water again.

Especially often in the 80s, NGOs were observed in the northern seas of the USSR. Soviet ufologists, analyzing the scattered information, came to the conclusion that in 1980-1981 alone, the inhabitants of the Kola Peninsula at least 36 times saw the departure of NGOs from the sea.

End of 1982. THE USSR. Crimea. During the naval exercises over Balaklava, an unknown air target was discovered that did not respond to the request of "friend or foe". Eyewitnesses said that the object that flew over the "Ostryaki" area at the height of the helicopter had a very sharp nose ("like the Tu-144"), and sparks flew out of its tail. Interceptor fighters were raised into the air, but as they approached, the object went under water. Warships were involved in the search, but nothing was found.

1990 year. THE USSR. Bering Strait. Members of the Soviet scientific expedition witnessed how from under the water in the area of Cape St. Lawrence, three NGOs took off. Among the eyewitnesses was an academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Avramenko …

The mysterious glow in the ocean is even more common. However, it can hardly be said that they are of particular concern to scientists. But you still have to fight off the annoying questions of journalists, and since “mystical-fantastic” theories such as UFOs look undignified, “sci-fi” theories appear.

One of the most convincing is the hypothesis of the German oceanologist K. Kalle. He believes that the "fiure" glow is caused by the interference of seismic waves coming from the depths of the ocean and causing the smallest microorganisms in the surface layer of water to glow. It is possible that such a phenomenon takes place, but this theory does not answer the most elementary questions related to the observations of NGOs. For example, with the rotation of "light mills", the symmetry of the glow or "spotlights" beating from the depths of the ocean. Especially when the luminous microorganisms in the water are completely absent. And there are many such cases.

And even more so, hypotheses about luminous microorganisms do not explain the cases when it is possible to discern the source of the light extravaganza. For example, an incident that occurred in 1967 in the Gulf of Thailand. Then the sailors of the Dutch ships "Weberbank" and others several times observed the rotation of "huge glowing wheels" under water. The rotation speed reached 100 rpm. From the ship "Glenfalloch" we managed to see the source of the rays: it was a luminous convex object 20-30 meters in diameter, protruding above the water surface.

Even more interesting is the case that occurred in early July 1975 in the USSR, in Uzbekistan. Having a rest on the shore of the Charvak reservoir, not far from the village of Yusufkhona, four young people (all names are known) woke up from unaccountable fear at about three o'clock in the morning. The reason was found out right away: at 700-800 meters from the shore, a luminous ball rose smoothly from under the water. “The light was cold and dead, like a fluorescent lamp, only hundreds of times brighter,” recalls one of the eyewitnesses, Alexander Shapovalov. As the ball rose, concentric circles of varying thickness and brightness appeared around it. The luminous sphere slowly emerged from the water and also slowly rose above the lake. “We watched such an incredible sight in absolute silence for 6-7 minutes and all the time experienced a feeling of animal fear, which constrained movement. This terrible state can be compared to that which a person experiences during earthquakes …"

The underwater aspect of the NO problem "in the 70s worried" not only foreign, but Soviet specialists. On November 17, 1976, with such an agenda, a meeting of the Oceanographic Commission of the USSR Academy of Sciences was held, at which the underwater research section was entrusted with the collection and analysis of "information on the manifestation of UFOs. over sea areas and at depths in the Earth's hydrosphere. "And soon the deputy chairman of the section, a former military submariner, scientific leader of expeditions on the research submarine" Severyanka "(1958-1960), and at that time an employee of the Central Research Institute" Agat ", candidate of technical sciences VG Azhazha developed the “Draft instructions for observing UFOs”.

The navy was also worried about UFO problems. The fact is that by the end of the 70s a serious collection of reports from our fleets and flotillas about UFO sightings had accumulated in the intelligence directorate of the USSR Navy. What are, for example, only reports from the Far East. The head of reconnaissance of the Pacific Fleet, Rear Admiral V. A. Domyslovsky has repeatedly reported observations of a "giant cylinder" periodically hovering over the ocean surface. Small UFOs flew out of the object every now and then, dived into the water, and after a while returned to the “mother ship”. After doing several such cycles, the UFOs were loaded into the "cylinder", and he flew over the horizon. There was why to worry …

At the request of the chief of intelligence of the Navy, Vice Admiral K). V. Ivanov V. G. Azhazha developed the "Instructions for the observation of UFOs" and for the Navy. For a while, as it should be, she "lay down". And its introduction was spurred on by an event that occurred on October 7, 1977. That morning, the Northern Fleet's floating base Volga (commander third-rank captain Tarankin), located in the Barents Sea, for 18 minutes was "attacked" from the air by nine phosphorescent disks the size of a helicopter. They rushed alongside the ship at a height of several tens of meters. All this time, the radio communication did not work.

Naturally, the incident was immediately reported "up", and in the evening of the same day, signed by the Deputy Chief of the Main Staff of the Navy P. N. Navoitsev, the directive on the implementation of the instruction left the fleets. They did not dare to talk about UFOs in it, and it went under the laconic title "Methodological instructions for organizing observations of anomalous physical phenomena and their impact on the environment, living organisms and technical means in the navy."

In these "Guidelines …" were summarized a lot of information about UFO sightings. In particular, the characteristic forms of "anomalous phenomena" were indicated ("a sphere, a cylinder, a rectangle, discs with one or two convex sides, discs with a dome, the presence of external parts, windows, hatches, separation, but parts followed by the flight of each part separately and other features ") and characteristics of their movement (" very high speeds and unusual flight paths, hovering, descent, sharp maneuvers, oscillations, rotation, transition from air to water and vice versa "). It was also noted that" available information about anomalous phenomena in general allows us to believe that this problem deserves serious research …”.

Today V. G. Azhazha is the President of the Academy of Informationological and Applied Ufology (AIPUFO), Academician of the International Academy of Informatization (MAI), Doctor of Philosophy and Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor.

Here is his take on the problem of government cover-ups about UFO truths. “Does the state hide any information about UFOs from the public? We must assume that yes. And on what basis? It must be assumed that on the basis of the list of information constituting state and military secrets. Anyone understands that having mastered UFO technology can become the ruler of the world today. Therefore, some information about UFOs may well be classified as secrets … If today the state has UFO secrets, then it can introduce them only in the “established order,” that is, people who have access to secrets and necessarily with the permission of the competent authorities, and necessarily for some specific reason. And in other cases, no …

In 1993, the State Security Committee of the Russian Federation handed over to the UFO center I headed about 1300 documents related to UFOs. These were reports from official bodies, commanders of military units, messages from private individuals. Lubyanka got rid of unnecessary headache. We have replenished our data bank …"

Over the years, there are more and more questions. Reports of "underwater" UFOs and mysterious objects in the depths of the sea continue to come from all over the world. For example, the famous oceanograf Dr. Verlag Meyer in the summer of 1991 at a press conference in Freeport (Bahamas) said that during a survey of the bottom of the "Bermuda Triangle" in its very center with the help of special equipment at a depth of 600 meters, his expedition found two giant pyramids, in size exceeding the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops. According to the scientist, they were built relatively recently - about half a century ago - and made according to an unknown technology from a material similar to very thick glass. D-reyer handed over to his fellow scientists a report on the results of research with drawings of the pyramids and their exact coordinates. He also reportedthat at the end of the summer he intends to undertake an underwater expedition to the pyramids. The results of these studies are still unknown …

So what is there, in the depths of the ocean? There are not so many versions. Hypotheses about luminous microorganisms or foreign submarines do not stand up to even the slightest criticism.

What then?

Secret Alien Bases? But what are they doing on our planet? Are they monitoring humanity? Unauthorized mining of minerals? Use Earth as a stopover on their interstellar travels?

Or maybe, parallel to the "land" civilization on our planet, there is no less (or even more) ancient underwater civilization? It is not excluded. Indeed, in all centuries and almost everywhere, people have observed under water and near it not only mysterious flying and diving objects, but also strange humanoid creatures.

Myths and legends, legends and true stories tell about this …