Nostradamus And The Chinese Book Of Prophecies Have Similar Predictions - Alternative View

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Nostradamus And The Chinese Book Of Prophecies Have Similar Predictions - Alternative View
Nostradamus And The Chinese Book Of Prophecies Have Similar Predictions - Alternative View

Video: Nostradamus And The Chinese Book Of Prophecies Have Similar Predictions - Alternative View

Video: Nostradamus And The Chinese Book Of Prophecies Have Similar Predictions - Alternative View
Video: FACT CHECK: Did Nostradamus Predict Coronavirus Outbreak in 1551? || Factly 2024, September

The prophecies of Nostradamus, made in the 16th century, are very popular in the Western world. The Chinese book of prophecies "Tui Bei Tu" (推背图) is less well known. However, some of the predictions in these two books are very similar, especially those related to 1999.

Tui Bei Tu: poems with illustrations

The authors of Tui Bei Tu were Li Chunfeng (李淳风) and Yuan Tiangang (袁天罡). The book gained popularity in Chinese society during the Tang Dynasty.

The atheistic materialistic communist regime in China banned Tui Bei Tu, labeling it as a "superstition." But it is widely known in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

The book consists of 60 surreal drawings, each of which holds a key to the history and future of China and the world. Each drawing is accompanied by an equally mysterious poem. The drawings are in chronological order.

The first 40 drawings describe historical changes in the era of different dynasties. Figures 2-9 are dedicated to the events of the Tang Dynasty. Illustration 10-14 depicts the predictions of the Five Dynasties, the 50-year period between the Tang and Song dynasties. Figures 15-20 are associated with the Northern Song dynasty, and 21-24 with the Southern Song dynasty. Only two drawings are dedicated to the Yuan Dynasty (No. 25 and 26). The Ming Dynasty refers to Figures 27-32, and the Qing Dynasty numbers 33-37.

In the last 20 poems, the intervals between events are getting shorter. This is similar to the situation with a marathon runner who accelerates as he approaches the finish line. Some of them reflect the same event from different angles.

Promotional video:

Some people say that 55 of the 60 prophecies have already come true. As in the case of Nostradamus, the interpretation of Tui Bei Tu depends on personal perception. Individual scholars analyzed different versions of Tui Bei Tu and found that the book was rewritten several times with minor changes.

Prophecies of Nostradamus: from the death of the king to the atomic bomb

Michel de Nostradamus, or Nostradamus, was a French apothecary who lived between 1503 and 1566. In southern France, he gained popularity by coping with the outbreak of the plague, but in history he remained as an astrologer and fortuneteller. Between 1555 and 1558, he published 1,000 prediction quatrains.

He divided the quatrains into groups of 100, with each group representing a chapter called the Century. Century VII is an exception; there are 42 quatrains instead of 100. The quatrains are written in a veiled language in Old French, Latin and Greek.

Quatrain 35 of Century I came true on June 28, 1559 Nostradamus wrote: “A young lion will defeat the old one on the battlefield. He will pierce his eyes through the golden cage, two wounds will become one, then he will die a cruel death. It is believed that we are talking about the death of the French king Henry II during a knightly tournament.

A knight 6 years younger than the king wounded him with a spear, which split in two. One part pierced through the visor into the king's eye, and the other into the temple. Henry the King suffered for a week and then died. Some claim that both the knight and the king had images of lions on their shields, but this is not known for certain.

The rest of the predictions of Nostradamus talked about the coming to power of Adolf Hitler, the founding of the United States and its symbol in the form of an eagle, Napoleon's influence on history, revolutions in France and Russia, world wars and the creation of the atomic bomb.

What Nostradamus and Tui Bei Tu have in common

Nostradamus and the authors of "Tui Bei Tu" were separated by 1000 years, vast geographical distances and different cultures, but some of their predictions have common points.

Emperor of Terror in 1999

1999 separately mentioned in quatrain 72. He is also mentioned in Tui Bei Tu under figure 41.

Tui Bei Tu consists of two parts. The first part ends under Figure 40. Figure 41 The beginning of a new era, which begins in 1999. The rest of the book describes events from 1999 to the present and possibly some future events.

No. 41


Image # 41 from Tui Bei Tu

Translation No. 41:

Earth and Heaven entered darkness, the grass and branches are evil

Yin and Yang have switched places; Sun and Earth turned over

The hat is always on, but there is no head.

When will the game of manipulating the universe stop?

In 1999, a big mistake was made.

Qin County is the only place suitable for claiming the throne.

Nostradamus mentions 1999 in the quatrain of the 72nd Century X. This quatrain stands out from the others for its directness. One of the characteristics of his prophecies is a blurred time frame. However, this quatrain indicates a specific month of a specific year.

L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois, Du ciel viendra un grand Roy d'effrayeur, Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois, Avant après Mars regner par bon-heur.


In the year 1999, the seventh month, From heaven with the aim of reviving the great emperor Angrui

The great Emperor of Terror will descend

At this time, Mars will rule the world to bring people happiness.

If the seer deliberately violated the rule of non-specific time frames and gave an exact date to give a warning, then he succeeded. Over the centuries, this quatrain has attracted great interest. Nostradamus himself claimed that people will be able to fully understand his quatrains only 500 years after they were written.

Some believe that this prophecy refers to the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001. This interpretation is based on the use of the Julian calendar instead of the Gregorian one, so September appears instead of July. The numbers 1999 is the date of the 9-11-1 terrorist attack (2001-09-11). Others say Angolmois is a place in France.

By comparing Tui Bei Tu and the predictions of Nostradamus and analyzing the important events that took place in July 1999, one can try to understand the prediction by assuming that July really means July.

Two tragic events have occurred this month.

On July 16, 1999, John F. Kennedy Jr., his wife Caroline Besset Kennedy, and sister-in-law Lauren Besset were killed in a plane crash off the Massachusetts coast. However, in this event it is difficult to at least something similar to "The King of Terror" or the grandiose changes described in "Tui Bei Tu".

On July 20, 1999, the persecution of Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, began in China. It was launched by key leaders of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) after polls showed that over 100 million people in China practice Falun Dafa. This practice includes meditation exercises and soul cultivation according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

The persecution campaign, which began in July 1999 and continues to this day, has been accompanied by media propaganda of lies to portray Falun Dafa in a negative light, and the arrest, torture and murder of thousands of Falun Dafa practitioners in prisons. Amnesty International, human rights groups and officials around the world have confirmed the violence against Falun Dafa practitioners in China.

If the prophecy deals specifically with these events, then the last line of the quatrain ("At this time, Mars will rule the world to bring people happiness") may refer to the primacy of communist ideas in China, created by Karl Marx.
