Legacy Of The Snake - Alternative View

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Legacy Of The Snake - Alternative View
Legacy Of The Snake - Alternative View

Video: Legacy Of The Snake - Alternative View

Video: Legacy Of The Snake - Alternative View
Video: Alien Reptilian Legacy | Reptilians Living On Earth Documentary 2024, October

The biblical formula says, "In the beginning was the Word." However, it can be continued: the first words were the names, and among them was Cain. The name Cain was given by his parents, and maybe someone else. It is only clear that Cain's mother was Eve - the first earthly woman, our ancestor.

Have you ever wondered why the tempting serpent suggested it to Eve, and not Adam, to taste the forbidden fruit of knowledge? Strange as it may seem, modern science has answered this question. Research on human cells has led biologists to analyze the DNA mitochondria on which human abilities depend.

It turned out that the first woman (or the first women) had one in the sex chromosomes that binds to the genes responsible … for speech. Only over time, when there were significantly more speaking women, speaking men began to appear as a result of mutations in male chromosomes. So it was the possession of speech that put women at the head of the process of learning and providing information to the entire family. It is no coincidence that in ancient Egypt and Babylon, the mastery of wisdom and knowledge was equated with the sexual mastery of the goddess of wisdom Isis.

There, in Eden, Eve persuades Adam to follow the path of knowing the unknown. This is significant in the sense that the first Christians recognized the main human defect not carnal sin, but ignorance. However, today it contradicts the tenets of the official Roman Christian church.


The texts from Nag Hammadi, which became known in 1947, were called heretical apocrypha, otherwise they interpret the famous scene of the Fall in the Garden of Eden: “What did God tell you? the serpent asked Eve. - He told you: do not eat from the tree of knowledge? “He said: not only don’t eat from him, but don’t touch him, otherwise you will die,” she replied. “Do not be afraid,” said the serpent, “with death you will not die, for He told you this out of jealousy. Your eyes will open, and you will become like the gods, distinguishing between good and evil”(otherwise -“recognizing good and evil”).

To understand the role of Eve in the processes of cognition and dissemination of information, or knowledge, one should return to the scene of her communication with the serpent, which, I must say, had a completely material essence. The ancient Sumerian text "The Myth of Atrahasis", which became the basis of the biblical story of the Flood, tells in detail about the Anunnaki - gods who descended to Earth and engaged in the development of fossils in various places in Central Asia and Africa.

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Their leaders (supreme gods) were two brothers - Enki and Enlil, of whom the first possessed a wide range of knowledge, including medical. When it became clear that it was difficult for the few Anunnaki to carry out rough underground work, Enki proposed to create a labor force - Adam, or Adam. The process is described in the ancient text as follows. In the genetics laboratory of Bit Shimti ("the house where life is breathed") Enki crossed a hominid with the "essence" of the Anunnaki youth. Today it is quite obvious that these were real genetic experiments, to which modern mankind has grown: scientists have been trying to clone living beings for several years.

However, the first creatures possessed many deformities, the main of which was the inability to reproduce, which required new genetic experiments. Enki's knowledge and capabilities were so great that one of his Sumerian names was Buzur - "he who reveals secrets." In the original Aramaic Bible, this concept is translated as Nahash, which is the designation for a serpent. And finally, the serpent in the Sumerian culture was a symbol of Enki, on the ancient seals of Sumer it was even depicted as a serpent with a human head.

Knowing from the ancient texts about the rivalry between the brothers Enki and Enlil - the supreme gods of the Ancient world - we can attribute the genetic experience of Eve's "fall" to the actions of Enki. After all, it was he who was engaged in cloning to facilitate the activities of the Anunnaki. Records on clay tablets, and biblical texts, indicate that the Anunnaki were far from indifferent to earthly women, and Enki was generally considered very loving.


The children of Adam and Eve - brothers Cain and Abel - were very different people. According to the Book of Genesis, Cain was the first murderer in history, and Abel was the first victim of murder. The brothers' names became the deepest secret. The name Abel (Hevel in Hebrew) may be traced back to the Hebrew word hevel (breath, spirit). The Hebrew name Cain bears a resemblance to the words kana (jealous) and cain (blacksmith).


Since ancient times, the blacksmith has been recognized as the owner of magical powers. So, the ancient Greek Hephaestus is a blacksmith, the lord of fire. People considered him a sorcerer, master of secret forces, black magic and the owner of secret knowledge. And the main spirits-assistants of the blacksmiths were the ancestors, from whom they inherited the magical profession and experience. This suggests that blood acted as a biological matrix with an imprint not only of the sum of human qualities, but also of external and internal information of the genus, memory and intelligence of ancestors. And from whom did the qualities of the magic blacksmith-shaman get into the blood of Cain along with the name?

In the apocryphal texts, the serpent in paradise appeared in the guise of a handsome youth. Bearing in mind the allegorical nature of the biblical texts, we can assume that this unusual serpent-man taught Eve the science of intercourse. And as a result, Cain was born with his gene pool, so different from the gene pool of his brother Abel.

Thus, the serpent transmitted its knowledge and information to humanity along with its genes. It was thanks to him that blacksmiths, shamans, priests, magicians, sorcerers and witches appeared among people. And the story with myths allows us to trace this on the descendants of Cain - the Cainites.


His great-great-grandson Jabal was "the father of all those who play the harp and the flute." And it should be remembered that music at all times has been used for religious ceremonies, for rituals of worshiping gods, and finally, to control the minds of believers.

Tuvalkain became the world's first blacksmith of all tools made of copper and iron, essentially marking the beginning of the Iron Age.

One of the two biblical Enoch ("initiates") was the son of Cain. It was this Enoch who was close to the Elohim gods and recorded the history of the "fallen angels". He had a strong connection with the gods, was famous among his people and resolved disputes between people. By the way, in the forbidden apocrypha of Enoch the seraphim described by him - "Radiating Light" - are compared with "fiery snakes" who were able to fly, predict the future and change their appearance, which is very close to the qualities of a tempting serpent.

It can be assumed that the mystical experience, the extraordinary skills that Cain inherited from his father the serpent, could require a bloody sacrifice - either in redemption, or in payment for the acquired genius. Cain's brother Abel became her.

It is curious that another of the Cainites, Daedalus the blacksmith, inventor and sculptor who created the saw, the compass, the gates of the Hephaestus temple in Memphis and the famous Cretan Labyrinth, also committed murder. His victim was his nephew, whose talent, according to legend, Daedalus envied. Or maybe, like Cain, he sacrificed the young man to the Higher powers, who rewarded him with knowledge.

Yuri Gogolitsyn