The Hypnotist Underwent The Extraction Of A Wisdom Tooth Without Anesthesia - Alternative View

The Hypnotist Underwent The Extraction Of A Wisdom Tooth Without Anesthesia - Alternative View
The Hypnotist Underwent The Extraction Of A Wisdom Tooth Without Anesthesia - Alternative View

Video: The Hypnotist Underwent The Extraction Of A Wisdom Tooth Without Anesthesia - Alternative View

Video: The Hypnotist Underwent The Extraction Of A Wisdom Tooth Without Anesthesia - Alternative View

A woman hypnotist, who decided to undergo the procedure for removing a wisdom tooth without using anesthesia, assures that this method not only relieved her of pain, but also helped to avoid complications.

According to hypnotist Sharon Vacskrish, who works in north London, she did not feel pain either during or after the tooth extraction procedure. With the help of a scalpel, the dentist made two incisions to the patient, and then put one suture. The woman claims that she did not feel anything after plunging herself into a trance, sitting in the dentist's chair. Vakskrish also says she was able to stop the bleeding using the power of her mind and that she had no swelling at the end of the procedure.

“I hypnotized myself very effectively. I didn't feel any pain at all. I didn't have any blood loss at all,”she said in an interview with Mail Online.


The hypnotist notes that her technique allows you to gain complete control over your body, which people are deprived of by agreeing to anesthesia. According to her, everyone can learn to hypnotize themselves, and this skill can also be useful in many other situations, including during childbirth.

Sharon added that there are many benefits to using hypnosis instead of anesthetics for dental treatment. Hypnotherapy, in her opinion, can also be a great alternative for people who are afraid of needles. The woman is convinced that self-hypnosis contributes to less blood loss and, as a result, a lower probability of contracting an infection. Another benefit of hypnotherapy, Sharon said, was the ability to eat immediately after treatment.

The Englishwoman believes that all hospitals should have a hypnotherapy specialist. She herself more than once accompanied her clients to the dentist, who removed or filled their teeth without anesthesia. However, Sharon admits that if people want to try this, they must get serious about choosing a good dentist.

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