About The Third World War - Alternative View

About The Third World War - Alternative View
About The Third World War - Alternative View

Video: About The Third World War - Alternative View

Video: About The Third World War - Alternative View
Video: Will We See A Third World War? | What If 2024, September

I. N. Now in society there is an expectation of the Third World War. How are things really going in the world?

MM The Third World War is an invention of demonic forces that intend to bring into the minds of people an understanding of their perspective only in the mainstream of destruction and chaos.

In fact, the circumstances are developing quite well for the intelligent and bright part of society. You just need to learn not to succumb to provocations and steadily pass all kinds of traps that lead to the development of processes of chaos and disorganization in society.

I. N. Are local military centers in the World not part of the military situation?

MM Many political scientists believe that these are all signs of the growing manifestations of the Third World War ?! Local military centers are attempts to kindle "fires", which, as a rule, end in decay and extinction. Usually, in such circumstances, it is useful for the participation of many People of the Light Mind, who successfully EXTINGUISH such foci by bringing negative Psychic energies into Zero - Space. If the participation of the People of the Light Mind becomes conscious and not isolated, then the centers of fire of all local fires of hostilities can be shone to a minimum.

I. N. But in order for a military confrontation to flare up in Ukraine, it was not the Ukrainians themselves who tried to do it, but the special services of other countries interested in the conflict flaring up. What is the point of extinguishing a local fire if fuel is added to it from the outside?

MM "Fuel" is a game on greed, on ambition, on fear, on anger, envy … In a word, on the SIN of a person or a group of people who choose the dark path for their soul. The path to destruction always seems to be simpler and full of all sorts of privileges, amenities and income … One part of Ukraine - people of Western orientation, like the countries of the West, have taken a direction into outer Darkness - into destruction. And the behavior of such people is appropriate.

The countries of the East of Ukraine took the direction towards Russia, where, in their opinion, there is LIGHT at the end of the tunnel, and the behavior of these people corresponds to their choice. They are fighting heroically for their choice, for their right to choose a different way of life than the one imposed by the West.

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It is quite useful to extinguish a fire that occurs within one state, even with the participation of external forces. After all, the negative Psychic energy, which the army of demonic forces achieves, usually surrounding any war and chaos, does not, in this case, receive the coveted prey. This means that he loses interest in the conflict, which is immediately reflected in the behavior of the people themselves involved in the conflict.

They suddenly begin to feel apathy, boredom, the complete meaninglessness of what they are doing, and in the end, they simply refuse to fight. These are the signs that are now being observed in the Ukrainian army. And the militia also has apathy, which is expressed in the internal relations of the leadership, which is only partially manifested in external messages about the reshuffle of the leadership of the militia.

All together - this is the result of the withdrawal of the Psychic energy of aggression, fear, rage, … to the Zero-Space of the Earth!

Outside arsonists, under such circumstances, become bored, and it is also very costly to add a "combustible mixture" - lies, rage, deception, bribery (all this is also ENERGY only in other forms and forms). Then the instigators from the outside lose interest in this hotbed of conflict and move on to other "projects" and territories.

I. N. Does this mean that the United States and England will soon lose interest in Ukraine and a truce will finally reign there?

MM The hearth in Ukraine will smolder for a very long time. One should not hope that it will fade away completely in the near future, but it will not be able to splash out of the banks either.

I. N. What is the alignment of infernal forces on the planet now?

MM The main danger comes from the United States, which is in the stage of complete collapse and destabilization of its territories. Economic problems combined with political problems, plus internal conflicts that have been tearing the country apart for a long time, create a situation that is ready to get out of the control of the US Government. The state apparatus is filled with people who are unable to make the right decisions, or to respond correctly to incoming challenges. There is only a very strong dependence on teams that come from an unspoken government, and is not within the visibility of society, but correlates with the infernal sphere of the United States itself. This is an underground civilization of the grays, serving the interests of the reptilians, who are very alarmed by the evolutionary processes of the planet itself and intend to perform actions that could, in their opinion,to restrain the planet in its evolutionary processes - the ascent inside the solar system into the higher vibrational spheres of being.

The dark rulers of the Earth have a different form of life support, radically different from the one that people need. The opposition in the intentions of the reptilians and earthly humanity is that hidden reason that keeps the whole world in a contradictory reticence. One part of earthly mankind, willingly or not, serves the dark reptilians by means of the Biblical concept of economics, religious rituals and the quality of "gods" that people worship, unknowingly, organized on earth. And the second part of earthlings, who chose the LIGHT Path of their development, not only saw the deception and depravity of the existing system, but also intends to deliberately leave this system and establish a different concept - the Ideology of Light, in which the Higher Laws of Existence play the main role.

The division into TWO camps - this is the very important aspect for taking the next step, which will help the planet get out of the power of the dark infernal forces of the reptilians of the power of the system of Darkness. Without being divided in their powerful GRAY mass, people are unable to comply with the Law of Freedom of Choice, which provides for a conscious choice between Light and Dark.

The United States is a country that, having selfish goals in the person of its government, entered into an agreement with the low infernal spheres inhabited by reptilians through the grays, whom they unknowingly mistook for aliens. And now the country suffers all the consequences of its choice, including in the form of serious problems in the economy, finance, politics, in the morale of society, in a catastrophic decline in the forces of the entire natural complex. Droughts, floods, land dying due to the predatory extraction of shale gas, all this is just the beginning of the disaster that awaits this continent in the near future.

I. N. But the US has a debt in monetary terms not to underground reptilians or grays ?! Who Borrowed So Much Money to the USA?

MM At the present time the whole World on Earth has two addresses of infernal dependence. One - underground - reptilians and their biorobots are gray. And the second is Great Britain, which has created a giant web of its economic, military and espionage connections. All this web has spread to ALL countries in the Western world. It has its manifestations in all countries of the free or involuntary colonies of Great Britain. The network of magical infernal slime of this country literally entangled the whole World and all countries, including Russia, are inside this network.

I. N. Is it possible that such a small country, which fits on a small island, and all of its overseas territories are basically also island states, can influence the world political climate with such force?

MM We are talking about the INFERNAL alignment of forces, so I name those countries that truly have the strongest influence on the global political climate. You need to know that the system of darkness has developed excellent and well-tested methods of taking ENERGY from donors. And Great Britain is one of the most successful countries in terms of colonial activity, which helps this small country to receive huge resources of ENERGY, enclosed in all types of goods and raw materials that it exports from these countries in the form of taxes, taxes in the form of goods, services, money savings. Few people know that all offshore companies are islands owned by the UK! And all offshore companies are banks that accept all types of funds circulating in the global shadow business, obtained from the sale of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and living people. Piracy, banditry, drug trafficking,prostitution, trafficking in human organs … all these types of illegal businesses have their offices in offshore banks on the islands belonging to the UK.

I. N. Such an important and prim English aristocracy is essentially the head of a gangster group ?! And contains the world's gangster "hostel" ?!

MM System of Darkness is Predation, elevated to the rank of legality. This is the reality. There is simply no other way of existence for prosperity in the system of Darkness. In this system, whoever is stronger is right! Man to man, in the system of Darkness, is really a wolf! The countries of the West, being colonial, and in essence - predatory countries, can not afford to be friends with someone of their own kind, nor, let alone, invite a potential victim into their circle.

Russia is a victim country for the predatory world of the West, where you can profit from all its resources: land, people, natural resources …. Therefore, Russia will NEVER be able to be friends with Western countries, no matter how much some citizens would like it.

I. N. This means that all those who are now advocating Western "values" in Russia are, in their essence, the same predators who in Russia only need its resources. And as soon as they leave them, do they immediately flee, along with their money stolen in Russia, to the west?

MM The fifth column is the "predators" in sheep's clothing. They will never become real Russians, because their nature is different. Therefore, they are all agents of the Western predatory infernal network and receive for their "labors" from the English crown a reward for their subversive deeds inside Russia.

I. N. Is it possible to overcome the power of the infernal bonds from the US and Great Britain?

MM The strength of infernal bonds depends not only on what people do or do not do. It depends on the degree of immersion of the planet in the lower spheres of the Cosmic floor of the solar system. Now, when the planet began to gradually rise, freeing the lower spheres of the planet - the possession of the underground abductors of the psychic forces of earthlings from the once stable egregors, a real opportunity has appeared to change the system of darkness to the System of Light. The change of the system is the EXIT from the field of darkness, which makes people no longer attainable for the influence of the forces of the infernal seamy side of the planet. They are strong only on their own field, and on the field of Light they have no opportunity to do their own indecent deeds.

I. N. Does this mean that if at least one of the countries of the World, Russia, changes the system of darkness to the System of Light, it will defeat the infernal mafia in one step?

MM Change of the system creates a completely different way of production and redistribution of the Psychic energy of life. If the Energy of Life begins to be distributed in favor of the majority of the citizens of the country that has chosen the direction to the Light, the forces of darkness will no longer be able to receive their portion of negative energy, which means that their anti-civilization on Earth will gradually fade away. In addition, the system of darkness will not be able to oppose anything against the iron logic of the True Laws of Being, which will require everyone to fully comply with their physical manifestation in all aspects of life. The world will gradually begin to harmonize, and those who consciously choose the direction of darkness will simply no longer be able to live on the surface of the earth and will leave for underground cities, and from where they will bother earthlings for some time with their claims to the right to feed at someone else's expense. The System of Light will be so abundant in terms of energy opportunities expressed in all types of goods and services that the inhabitants of the surface will willingly share with demonically organized entities, but also respond to their aggression and crimes, without which they cannot live, will also become resolutely and without procrastination.

I. N. We are talking about the change in the system as a fact that has happened, but in fact, this change in the system has not yet been fully understood by society. What exactly needs to be done to change the system? Is it possible to change the system while the Earth is still dragged into a cocoon of the infernal power of Great Britain and … Israel. We have not yet talked about his power in this conversation.

MM The lower spheres of the Earth have almost cleared of the constructions of the system of darkness. Egregors let out marginal masses of people. And this is noticeable all over the world. Now the period has come when the superficial part of the infernal political, criminal and military ties organized by Great Britain will begin to crumble. Israel in these events plays the role of an ideological center, which planted the Biblical concept in the World, which underlies the entire ideology of the system of darkness on the planet. Not a single country in the world has been able to do without the participation of the Biblical concept, which has grown into all aspects of people's daily life, politics, education, enlightenment, media, culture, science, history, economics, finance … The system of darkness has a biblical basis, which means, the change from the system of darkness to the System of Light consists into abandon the Biblical concept and switch to the concept of the Higher Laws of Existence, which are the basic laws of the universe, built on the Absolute Light.

I. N. But the Christian Church is built on the Teachings of Christ, and the biblical foundation is the Torah! How can people pour out the dirty water of the Torah and not throw out the child - the Teachings of Christ?

MM “God is Light, and there is no Darkness in Him” - this is the most important Teaching of Christ. If people stop answering their paid prayers with their hearts, and begin to turn their hearts to the Light, they will throw out the dirty water of centuries-old lies and warm the “child” in the hearts of the true Teaching of Christ.

I. N. Every time we are convinced that everything is bad in today's World, we talk about changing the system, but we still do not go to the very topic of TRANSITION. Is it possible to start a conversation about the practical side of this matter?

MM Yes, but not in this conversation.

I. N. Thank you!

Nilova Irina